The tissue tag should resolve in 7-14 days max. rinse with warm water (mix in salt) 3-5 times a day to help keep the wound clean. smoking is a personal choice. IF you truly have NOT smoked post extraction you may start now. ...
you might be having a decayed tooth which has got infected which is the reason you are having a swelling. Go to a dentist get a x-ray done. Email the x-ray for further advice ...
Thank you for your question. I'm sorry to hear about your son's problem. Unfortunately it is not possible to give on opinion on management without seeing the rash and the extent of the problem. For that I would need photographs and this would require asking a premium question on the site. I'll do my best if you choose to do so. Regards. ...
Due to low grade infection the water in the balloon like feeling has transformed into hard node. In my opinion it is better to remove the tooth and replace it ...
Radiology - Diagnostic Ultrasound
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