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Hi, I am 55 years old and have lost a couple of teeth because of cavities. Although, I do not have much problem in eating my meals but since I googled and did some research, I want to know if it is possible to get permanent fixed teeth back in the empty spaces. Also what would be the options & cost factors for them.

Hi , As per your query, it is very much possible to replace missing teeth permanently in any age these days. All that you need to have is the awareness for that and the require resources as well. To replace any missing tooth, the best option these days is a dental “Implant”. Implants have been into the existence for the last couple of decades but with the latest researches & developments specifically for them, their success rates have increased tremendously. You need to have a coupl ...

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Dear doctors, I am a research scholar and working on signal transduction studies and regularly use several irritants and ion channel blockers. I am suffering from excess keratosis on palms and soles and some times deep painful fissures from almost two years. It was started as a small thickening patch an left arm and recovered after treatment with moisturizing creams. After that I went to Japan as part of my research programme and one nurse given me creams with anti-fungal compounds and urea but the problem was enhanced and started the deep fisures on my soles. I came back to India and used homeopathy medicine for one weak and after that i visited a doctor. He suggested me to apply lemon juice trice daily and use vitamin C along with high doses of antifungal tablets and creams. I used this medicine for 6 months which further worsen my situation and my skin became very thick and appeared like toe nails and spread-ed to all areas of palms and soles. I changed the doctor and he given me the isotretinol for 2 months and given vitamin A and D combination for 4 months which improved my condition alot. Now I am taking a dosage of 6000 IU Vit A and 1000 IU Vit D once for every 3days. Whether I will completely relieve from my problem with these medicines or is there any permanent recovery in ayurvedic?

U had allergic dermatitis problem this might be psychosomatic disease. . Cause are both external allergies chemicals etc internal weakened immunity changed blood composition nutritional deficiency etc. U Need proper ayurvedic treatment diet suppliment and even counselling. We have very good medicines and suppliments for ur problem. For more information call or what's app me on this site : nine five three five four two zero seven seven zero. thank u ...

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Hi . I have hypothyroidism amd taking thyronorm 25mcg. I also was diagnosed with pcod last year but the gynaec adviced no treatment saying it sometimes happen temporarily. My periodsare currently normal n regural. but i am still suffering from hair loss..throigh internet research i have concluded that i have female.pattern hairloss.currently I am taking follihair and felol z tablets along with mintop lotion. at night. I am also using renocia . i am taking this since 2 weeks but hair are still falling. also the diameter of my hair have reduced.

Hi, Intially when you start taking treatment for hair loss it can result in incresed hair loss for a intial few days,this is not the point for worry but since you have started using minoxidil for hair growth it will have to be used till the time you need hair. People start using these drugs under anxiety, but should not have been used by you without consultation. I agree with your gynec for not giving you any treatment ...

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I've had a hole beginning to pierce through my septum now for over a year now and no one can explain the cause only answer I get is sometimes this happens.That's B/S, something is causing this and I would like some feed back or a way to cure the on going issue please reply back with anything I'm up for a chance at solving the problem.I have doing my own research on line everything goes back in the same direction with no real cause except nasal sprays and illegal drugs.I'm 45 years old and a truck driver have not done drugs in years and have bad allergies can someone help?

Dear Frank, a hole in the septum of your nose, if i m not mistaken, is what you said. Could be a non healing ulcer.I cannot be sure of it. Please give me more details for me to help you, Fill out the adult questionnaire form on my website (http://www.**url**/home/) and send me copy of whatever blood work up or radiology that you might have done up till now and i may be able to help. As for your allergies homoeopathy is best at curing them. ...

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It is my contention that rheumatoid arthritis is either caused by a potassium deficiency or is greatly enabled by one (Potassium in the etiology of rheumatoid arthritis and heart infarction. 1974 Journal of Applied Nutrition. 26; p40. ) (Potassium deficiency as a cause of rheumatoid arthritis. 2000 Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. 208; 74-76. ) ( ). Dr. Reza Rastmanesh has performed a clinical trial that establishes this (Rastmanesh R. 2008 A pilot study of potassium supplementation in treatment of hypokalemic patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A randomized, double-blinded placebo controlled trial. The Journal of Pain. 9, issue 8; 722-731. ). Potassium should be automatically prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis because getting potassium up to normal from the low values in all RA patients (LaCelle PL et al 1964 An investigation of total body potassium in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Proceedings Ann. Meeting of the Rheumatism Association, Arthritis & Rheumatism 7; 321 ) (Sambrook PN, Ansell BM, Foster S, Gumpel JM, Hesp R, Reeve J, Zanelli JM 1985 Bone turnover in early rheumatoid arthritis. 1. Biochemical and kinetic indexes. Ann Rheum Dis. Sep;44(9):575-9. ) is slow, even with a high unprocessed vegetable diet. There are tasty foods that are especially rich in potassium ( ). However it is important that thiamin (vitamin B-1) be adequate when supplementing with potassium because heart disease can not materialize when both are deficient, but will show up if only one of those is deficient ( ). This is probably the primary reason why heart disease is a main cause of death in rheumatoid arthritis patients. In view of the fact that this is not considered by current rheumatologists, it would be very valuable for you to bring it into your future research. It is not only that potassium is not considered by physicians in regard to RA, most of them do not even believe that a potassium deficiency is likely. This even though many of them prescribe what are actually supplements, but prescribed under euphemistic terms such as salt substitutes, sodium free baking powder, ORT salts (oral rehydration therapy for diarrhea), polarizing solutions, GIK (glucose, insulin, potassium) salts, vegetables, or glucosamine. A deficiency is further defined out of existence by defining the blood serum content normal as 4.2 when the actual figure is 4.8. Sincerely, Charles Weber 828 692 5816 PS You may find interesting an article that presents the history of arthritis research in

hi there is no RCT that food can affect Rheumatoid arthritis. ...

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Hi, I am 27 years old. I have been suffering from Knee pain in right leg since 2 months. When I bend me knee for 5-10 mins then it pains while straighten it. Specially it hurts when i go to toilet (indian style). After doing research on google I am thinking it is becoz of high uric acid, some one told me you have arthritis, some one told me it is due to low calcium. So please suggest me what is this. I am totally confused. What should I do now

Dear, I have gone through your problem. I think, unfortunately, you are being taken for a ride. Though high uric acid and low calcium can contribute to knee pain, they don't appear to be the cause for your problem. Your problem appears to be due to something called 'chondromalacia patella'. This is a condition where the cartilage of your knee cap becomes soft and weak. Happens with excessive climbing stairs and squatting in the Indian toilet. Try avoiding stairs and using the western commode. Al ...

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Dr. Opinder Singh Thind

  • Dentist
  •  Noida, India
  •  1025 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Parth Mankad

  • Homeopathist
  •  Ahmedabad, India
  •  437 Doc Points

Dr. Alok Kalyani

  • Rheumatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  455 Doc Points

Dr. Jowin J William

  • Homeopathist
  •  Navi Mumbai, India
  •  122 Doc Points

Dr. G Rao

  • Pediatrician
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  109 Doc Points

Dr. Isha Deshmukh

  • Pediatrician
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  351 Doc Points

Dr. Maryam Borumand

  • Accupuncturist
  •  London, United Kingdom
  •  106 Doc Points

Dr. Saseendar S

  • Orthopedist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  112 Doc Points

Dr. Arun Desai

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Belgaum, India
  •  654 Doc Points