As per your description and keeping in account the age of your dear son, it looks mostly a primary herpetic gingivostomatitis to me.
Give more of supportive treatment like ice chips and some coating agent for ulcers like kaolin pectin.
Take care and visit any Oral Physician
Regards... ...
Mouth ulcers can occur due to multiple causes, can be due to multivitamin deficiency. Add a multivitamin and consult. Respiratory problem is probably unrelated to it. Quit smoking if taking. ...
Very good to know ur health conscious. For maintaining health u need proper diet excercise yoga nutritional suppliment and medicines. I have very good ayurvedic medicines and suppliments to maintain health. No side effects. for more information call or what's app me on this number : nine five three five four two zero seven seven zero. thank u. ...
No the milk in the breast is produced due to hormones,which are naturally produced during child birth and it can't be induced artificially at least not in my knoweledge. ...