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Counselling patients

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Need to shift to oral appliances as facing side effects of cpap. Please let me know about doctors who practice in providing oral care appliances to sleep appnea patients in delhi.

Hi, Were you recomended by some one to use an oral appliance,because they will help you only if your tongue falls back. There are special sleep clinics in aiims in delhi for sleep apnea pateints and they would do all your tests and would also recomend you to a dentist,if they think you need an oral peice.(because this is for people who have mild sleep apnea) To make an oral peice for sleep apnea pateints is a job of a prosthodontist and you can visit a super speciality dental clinic for a consu ...

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can cataract surgery be carried out in ITP patients with 60, 000 platelet count

Yes, it can be done, after taking necessary precautions. Inform your eye surgeon about your ITP well in advance of the surgery. ...

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It is my contention that rheumatoid arthritis is either caused by a potassium deficiency or is greatly enabled by one (Potassium in the etiology of rheumatoid arthritis and heart infarction. 1974 Journal of Applied Nutrition. 26; p40. ) (Potassium deficiency as a cause of rheumatoid arthritis. 2000 Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. 208; 74-76. ) ( ). Dr. Reza Rastmanesh has performed a clinical trial that establishes this (Rastmanesh R. 2008 A pilot study of potassium supplementation in treatment of hypokalemic patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A randomized, double-blinded placebo controlled trial. The Journal of Pain. 9, issue 8; 722-731. ). Potassium should be automatically prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis because getting potassium up to normal from the low values in all RA patients (LaCelle PL et al 1964 An investigation of total body potassium in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Proceedings Ann. Meeting of the Rheumatism Association, Arthritis & Rheumatism 7; 321 ) (Sambrook PN, Ansell BM, Foster S, Gumpel JM, Hesp R, Reeve J, Zanelli JM 1985 Bone turnover in early rheumatoid arthritis. 1. Biochemical and kinetic indexes. Ann Rheum Dis. Sep;44(9):575-9. ) is slow, even with a high unprocessed vegetable diet. There are tasty foods that are especially rich in potassium ( ). However it is important that thiamin (vitamin B-1) be adequate when supplementing with potassium because heart disease can not materialize when both are deficient, but will show up if only one of those is deficient ( ). This is probably the primary reason why heart disease is a main cause of death in rheumatoid arthritis patients. In view of the fact that this is not considered by current rheumatologists, it would be very valuable for you to bring it into your future research. It is not only that potassium is not considered by physicians in regard to RA, most of them do not even believe that a potassium deficiency is likely. This even though many of them prescribe what are actually supplements, but prescribed under euphemistic terms such as salt substitutes, sodium free baking powder, ORT salts (oral rehydration therapy for diarrhea), polarizing solutions, GIK (glucose, insulin, potassium) salts, vegetables, or glucosamine. A deficiency is further defined out of existence by defining the blood serum content normal as 4.2 when the actual figure is 4.8. Sincerely, Charles Weber 828 692 5816 PS You may find interesting an article that presents the history of arthritis research in

hi there is no RCT that food can affect Rheumatoid arthritis. ...

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Dear Doctor, Kindly go through this lengthy letter to you with patience and kindly advise me proper advise to clear my mind . I am 72 year old male from India and strictly Vegetarian.I am not sedentary type and walks 4 ½ km every day in the morning and always active. IHD and BP and TYPE II DIABETES I have had IHD (T wave inversion) in the year 1977 and mild hypertension in 1981. DIABETES IN 2010. The doctor who has attended then on me prescribed Aten 50 in 1977. Since then I have been using Aten 50 in one form or other like Aten 50/Atenlol/Stamlobeta. 37 long years have passed with out any problem with either of these two conditions . My BP is quite normal 120/80 and some times 110/70 and some times on very few occassions 140/80 or 90 and my pulse rate will be around 58 to 65 most of the time . My BP on the day of the visting my physician is 140/80 as on 12th dec 2014. My diabetes is under control and am taking glycomet 250 mg twice a day. The attending physician who is an MD has prescribed Cresar 40 mg (Telmisartan) and asked me to stop taking Stamlobeta 50 mg which i am taking from 2006 and further said since i am using this Amlodipine combined Atenlol ,its time to change the medicine and Cresar will also take care of the diabetes and kidneys and heart (IHD) besides BP. As on 12th july 2014 my Lipid profile is very normal. Cholestrol 123 , Tryglycerides 141 ,HDL 53 and VLDL 23. Kindly advise on the following. 1. Since I am taking Stamlobeta since 2006 and prior to that Aten 50 from 1977 to 2006., do I have to taper stamlobeta dosage besides taking Cresar 40 mg? 2. Do i have to continue taking Stamlobeta in small dosage along with Cresar 40 mg?.If so in which dosage do I have to take? 3.Is cresar 40 mg safe for IHD patients also? Please do not form the impression that i have no confidence in my Physician. But i have a tendency to go for second opinion on new drugs before starting a new one. I do not blindly or in hasty manner take any new medicine .Hence I require an expert advise in the matter on the following. If you require any further info, kindly advise me. sincerely somayajulu

Hi, Cresar medication is not only safe for IHD patients but also is beneficial, and it really takes care of kidney, protects kidney from diabetic damage. if your blood pressure allows you can take both Cresar 40 and Atenolol 25 mg once daily ...

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What is estimated cost of a lower incisor tooth implant for CGHS and non CGHS patients. Is extracting the loose tooth required in advance. How many weeks treatment is suggested for this.

Treatment plan varies according to cases; generally after implant placement we have to wait for 2-3 months for osteo integration; and implant costing starting around 15000 each and vary according to product quality. ...

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Dr velox d cap taking before meal or after meal for diabetic patients plz reply fast

you should take cap. veloz D before meal. ideally 20-30 minutes before breakfast and dinner ...

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Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Alok Kalyani

  • Rheumatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  455 Doc Points

Dr. Sanjay Pandey

  • Homeopathist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  250 Doc Points

Dr. Ritu Khare

  • Surgeon
  •  , United Arab Emirates
  •  101 Doc Points

Dr. Siva Kumar Yanamadala

  • Opthalmologist
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  216 Doc Points

Dr. Yasmin Asma Zohara

  • Dentist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  246 Doc Points

Dr. Pratik Gupta

  • Dentist
  •  Ahmedabad, India
  •  202 Doc Points

Dr. Prabhat Panda

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Bhawanipatna, India
  •  114 Doc Points

Dr. Lianush Mkrtchyan

  • Cardiologist
  •  , Armenia
  •  159 Doc Points

Dr. Nimmi Mulwani

  • Diabetologist
  •  Ahmedabad, India
  •  102 Doc Points