the back of my bottom tooth cr
  the back of my bottom tooth cr

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the back of my bottom tooth crumbled appart on one side , now in the space left theres a small black peice of something that i cant get out

1 Answers

hi there,kindly visit a dentist
your lower tooth must have been decayed for long,hence weak portion of tooth must have chipped off
please do not try removing any piece out on your own.

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I am a 32 years female with a severe tooth ache in my jaw which increases in the night. I know there seems to be a cavity in one of my tooth. What exactly needs to be done for me to get relief from my pain & what will the whole procedure be like ?? Thanks

  Doctor's Answer

Hello , The first and foremost thing that you need to do is to consult a good dentist, perhaps in the your near vicinity. You must have regular checkups every six months for prevention of such problems later on, this is an international protocol followed everywhere. Next, what I do get from your symptoms is that you have something’s known as a nerve exposure of a particular tooth (or sometimes set of teeth). The only treatment left to save teeth like these is Root Canal Treatment. Now i ...
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Hi, i had sex with my gf last night. but i cant remember if i ejac inside her. I mean, she ws a virgin and i did not try to penetrate. just foreplay. cant remember a damn thing. kinda blacked out. so we decided to take postpone 72 (only thing available in my area). i need ur suggestions.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, If you don't remember anything it was a safer option that you had postpone 72 . But remember that it is an emergency contraception and if taken on a regular basis will disturb period cycle of girls.It is fine with that you don't remember anything as it just reflects that you might be a little tensed , having stress and a little anxious because of such an incident. It is your inner feeling that it might be because you did not had any food. For now just wait for her periods. If she has nor ...
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i had a tooth pulled and it is a dry socket,after 11 days im still in very bad pain and cant sleep,i have been given ponstan forte 500mg will this help the pain as i cant stand it anymore

  Doctor's Answer

Dry socket usually forms when blood clot in the healing area is dislodged and infected with some debris... Your dentist or oral surgeon may flush the socket to remove any food particles or other debris that may contribute to pain or infection ...
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i got hit in the right side of my face now my left side hurts in my jaw and i can't open my mouth to even put a tooth brush in it and talking is painful. could it be broken or will it go away soon? it has been almost five days

  Doctor's Answer

You should visit your dentist as early as possible ...
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My left wisdom tooth has been growing in side ways, but has not been able to come in fully. It started hurting about two days ago. I did not think anything of it and thought it was just growing in more. There was a flap of skin/gum covering part of the tooth. When I went to brush my teeth this morning, I noticed that part of it (underneath where the skin covered before) was now a blackish color. I got a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes only on the left side of my throat around the same time my tooth started hurting. Are these related? I have a dentist appointment in a week. Is there anything I can do to help it to make it better or ease the pain? It hurts to chew on that side of my mouth and it hurts when I swallow. Will my tooth be okay until I get to the dentist and what will be done by the dentist? Do you think my tooth is infected? Will I have to take antibiotics?

  Doctor's Answer

Angular eruption of third molar needs extraction.It is of no use anyway,get it removed by a good oral surgeon,it does not require replacement ...
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i had a tooth pulled and it is a dry socket,after 11 days im still in very bad pain and cant sleep,i have been given ponstan forte 500mg will this help the pain as i cant stand it anymore
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My left wisdom tooth has been growing in side ways, but has not been able to come in fully. It started hurting about two days ago. I did not think anything of it and thought it was just growing in more. There was a flap of skin/gum covering part of the tooth. When I went to brush my teeth this morning, I noticed that part of it (underneath where the skin covered before) was now a blackish color. I got a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes only on the left side of my throat around the same time my tooth started hurting. Are these related? I have a dentist appointment in a week. Is there anything I can do to help it to make it better or ease the pain? It hurts to chew on that side of my mouth and it hurts when I swallow. Will my tooth be okay until I get to the dentist and what will be done by the dentist? Do you think my tooth is infected? Will I have to take antibiotics?
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1 Answer
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