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PAST HISTORY : Toothache hole is paining me seriously
Dr. Ravi Varsada answered : 11 years ago
your tooth is infected and needs treatment as soon as possible. visit the dentist and he will probably take a radiograph and suggest u a root canal treatment followed by crown .
Dr. Niti Parmar answered : 11 years ago
Painful hole is because of decay. You need not remove the tooth. your teeth can be saved by root canal treatment and if the hole is not too deep, only restoration is enough. Visit a near by dentist soon.
Dr. VENKATESAN NARAYANAN answered : 11 years ago
Dear patient....First of all dont worry. The painful hole in ur left molar teeth can be due to deep cavity involving the dental pulp which needs to be confirmed with an x-ray and if so then u have to undergo root canal treatment followed by a metal ceramic crown usually.
The small pain hole on ur right side can also be due to cavity without involving the pulp and can be due to food accumulation. You have to immediately visit a dentist and undergo a permanent or temporary filling as it can save ur right tooth from a tidious root canal treatment.
Both ur complaints can be treated without removing ur tooth. Hope i answer to all ur doubts. TC
Dr. MAJ. DEV KUMAR answered : 11 years ago
dear ekene, u might be having carious teeth reaching pulp. u must visit ur dentist for x-rays of ur teeth and get them treated.
Dr. VASU NATRAJAN answered : 11 years ago