passing semen through urine
  passing semen through urine

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passing semen through urine

PAST HISTORY : passing semen through urine

1 Answers


If you are passing semen in urine,was it the first time or have you been passing this or having this problem since a long time.
If you are having this problem since very long time then we might need a lot of tests,otherwise if it happened once or twice only then it can be termed normally also or may be due to some infection also for which you might be given an antibiotic.
You may get your urine test for semen count and urine routine microscopy and urine culture also.
The common causes are over masturbation,excessive sexual desires,anxiety issues,erectile dysfunction and obesity are the common factors.
Do you have any burning micturition ?
You will have to update me with your history if any out of the above factors and also tests if you have else you may get them done.

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My 3 month old son is passing urine only thrice daily. He is my first child . I breastfeed him five times a day but I feel my milk is not adequate for him . He is also not growing well and has gained only 1 Kg since his birth. Please help.

  Doctor's Answer

Hello , Thanks for your request. First of all let me tell you that your milk is always adequate for your baby if you feed him regularly. Feed your baby on demand whenever he is hungry and sucks vigorously. Let him suckle for around 15-20 min. so that both his hunger and thirst are taken care of.Also breastfeed him at night, as baby needs milk every 2-3 hrs even while sleeping. It gives him energy to grow and it produces milk for the coming day. So feed him 2-3 times at night and 6-8 times during ...
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My father had black stools (upon test it had occult blood), they did endoscopy and found an ulcer in lesser curvature. they did sclerotherapy. after couple of days the stools were normal in color. he got discharged. biopsy showed H.pylori and he was given h.pylori kit, orafer xt and cobadex since he had become anemic. after 2 days he fell unconscious, pissed in pants and later passed stools brown again. hospitalized him again. occult blood was present in stools from tests. they did endoscopy and found no bleeding from ulcer where sclerotherpy was done. everything normal in the stomoch and in both duodenum. he is still passing brown stools. donot know why ? please give your opinion.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Brown coloured usually may be even normal because of a little high billirubin content in stools. But there is also occult blood in stools so the blood must be coming from some place(intestines,stomach,duodenum) and it has been seen by a endoscopy that your oesophagus and stomach and duodenum are normal,now there can be blood from other sites, from lower gastro intestinal tract (colon,rectum). However if the occult blood is less or if it does not come again then you might not worry about it ...
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I am having a lump of width 1.5-2 cm attached to my left testicle at the upper part of the testicle since 10//11 years. (I have mentioned the width only because the shape of lump is just like a small testicle and I am unable to hold it from its length because it slips from my hand and some cord(perhaps epididymis) is obstructing me to hold it from it's length. most likely It's length is about 2.5 cm and I mentioned the width only). It is not causing any pain or problem with me. I put a torch light behind it and saw that it is allowing light to pass through . I masturbate much. Can this be cancer or is there any chance that I will have cancer in future ? I am scared of cancer Please help me. Can cancer be there with me for such a long period ? Is the light passing test is reliable or it is very very necessary to do ultrasound ?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, See if diagnosis could be made on a single parameter then medical would have been to simple,but that is not the case so sorry.That one line is true in some senses but that is not just a one liner on which a diagnosis can be made and at times can be serious than they may feel,at least get the basic investigation like ultrasound done. ...
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in jan end there was unprotected sex on 03 april i felt burning sensation on my penis ,on 04 april i was diagnosed for uti by surgeon as there was 1-2 pus cell in my urine and prescribed with antibiotic for a week. it did not give me relief i refered to a urologist and told him everything, he has diagnosed me for prostattitus after physical examination and my semen culture showed no growth,but pus cells 4-6hpf the urologist said there is no STI . he has prescribed me the foll doxy 100mg twice daily for 15 days lenoflox 500 once daily for 4 weeks t.alfoo 10mg one daily for 3 months it has been 15 days since i am having the med but the burning sensation comes often on the right bottom of the head of my penis with no other symptom .what can be the possible reason there is no discharge/rashes on my genitals only this burning sensation pl tell me if i need to show to some other urologist or is it that i have an std which the urologist could not diagnose if so then whom should i consult and what all test of std should i conduct .the urologist has said that i do not require any STD test as i have simple prostatits but the fear of std is troubling me or do i need to consult a pshycatrist pl help

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, The medicines you are having are fine and have to be taken for 15 more days and you may feel further better. I might have liked to give some other medicines,but then the doctor might have noticed something on your examination to give you this medicine. You can get tested for hiv for safety sake and your concern. Is there any smell in urine ? prostatitis is difficult to comment without examining you.But it may be possible that you are having acute bacterial prostatitis and treatment for acut ...
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No much symptoms of frequent urination or pain during passing Urine. On a routine check up, found prostate gland enlargement. On a scan found that prostate - 4.3 x 6 x 5.7 cm (63gms). PVR 48cc and Uroflowmetry (voided volume 0433ml). PCA test shown normal result (2.18 ng/mL). Doctor advised for Afdura 1 tab during night. Had it for one month and went for 2nd test and the result shown as Prostate 62gms (voided volume 0310 ml) and PVR 37 cc. Doctor advised to continue Afdura for another 2 months. Feeling normal except some trumbling feeling (mussle shrinking all over the Body - occassionally during sleep. ( No normal allergic sympts like drowziness of Afdura) Other wise comfortable with normal urination and no pain or any uneasiness during urination. I have to do Hernia surgery and waiting for this Afdura course of medicne to be over. Can I continue with Afdura... Can I go for Hernia Operation

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Although i don't think there should be some problem in carrying with afdura,or going ahead with surgery. The drug might be stopped just before surgery,rest it depends upon your examination. Your size of prostate is not to big and neither is it causing extreme obstruction so you can continue with medical management. Which place do you have a hernia. ...
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I am having a lump of width 1.5-2 cm attached to my left testicle at the upper part of the testicle since 10//11 years. (I have mentioned the width only because the shape of lump is just like a small testicle and I am unable to hold it from its length because it slips from my hand and some cord(perhaps epididymis) is obstructing me to hold it from it's length. most likely It's length is about 2.5 cm and I mentioned the width only). It is not causing any pain or problem with me. I put a torch light behind it and saw that it is allowing light to pass through . I masturbate much. Can this be cancer or is there any chance that I will have cancer in future ? I am scared of cancer Please help me. Can cancer be there with me for such a long period ? Is the light passing test is reliable or it is very very necessary to do ultrasound ?
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No much symptoms of frequent urination or pain during passing Urine. On a routine check up, found prostate gland enlargement. On a scan found that prostate - 4.3 x 6 x 5.7 cm (63gms). PVR 48cc and Uroflowmetry (voided volume 0433ml). PCA test shown normal result (2.18 ng/mL). Doctor advised for Afdura 1 tab during night. Had it for one month and went for 2nd test and the result shown as Prostate 62gms (voided volume 0310 ml) and PVR 37 cc. Doctor advised to continue Afdura for another 2 months. Feeling normal except some trumbling feeling (mussle shrinking all over the Body - occassionally during sleep. ( No normal allergic sympts like drowziness of Afdura) Other wise comfortable with normal urination and no pain or any uneasiness during urination. I have to do Hernia surgery and waiting for this Afdura course of medicne to be over. Can I continue with Afdura... Can I go for Hernia Operation
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1. My grand daughter 2 yrs of age having severe lose motion or diarrhea for the last 4 days and passing watery yellowish stool every 5 to 10 minutes. Had slight temperature max 101.5 Deg F, for the first two days. Now there is no temperature. 2. She is being hydrated and has been passing urine occasionally. She is 11kg by weight. 3. Urine and stool tests have been carried out. There is no infection. 4. Urine : Albumin- Trace, Ketone Bodies-Present +, Red Bllod Cells-Absent, Puss Cell-4-5/HPF, Epithelial Cells-2-3/HPF 5. Stool: reducing substances- Present +, Puss cells – 2-3/HPF, Epithelial cells-Occasional. (Oval Cysts not seen) 6. Local doctor says she will be all right but her watery stool continues unabated and we are extremely worried. She is losing her body weight and becoming cranky. Her skin around anus has become swollen & reddish. 7. She has been put on liquid O2 Suspension from today (Ofloxacin and Orindazole) 8. Please let us know: a. How can we stop the lose motion of such high frequency. b. Is O2 has some side effect? Do you suggest any other medicine c. Is it normal that such watery stool can continue for such log time? d. Please advice what should be done now.
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