My 5 month old daughter has se
  My 5 month old daughter has se

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My 5 month old daughter has severe cold cough after diwali. Doc gave her amoxilin and kufril d for cough. What else can I do as her breathing heavy after 3 days of medication ? (She threw up once after the medicine was given so i gave half a dose again.)

1 Answers

Dear SV, What needs to be considered is if your daughter has had any allergies or asthma in the past. We refer to them as hyper-responsive or atopic, wherein, these children are prone to develop an allergic reaction especially to pollution or smoke. Diwali is a season of high pollution and I would recommend using an antihistamine like cetirizine (appropriate dose for age), along with a a teasppon of honey (honey is a known and scientifically proven remedy for irritative cough). If it does not come down with this, she may need to examined and if associated with a wheeze, require a dose of nebulisation with salbutamol.

An antibiotic would be required if she had an associated fever (this signifies an infection and hence an antibiotic)

Dr.Bharath Reddy

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my daughter has been prescribed Serta 25 for a panic attack she had recently while in a boarding school. She is in the final year for IB boards and maybe undergoing stress in preparation for the forthcoming exams. she is a little highly-strung and sensitive girl. With reference to the black-out she had she said that there was no external stimuli ie. pressure of the exams to have caused this attack. I as a mother am not not very sure. Her doctor prescribed Serta 25 one a day in the morning and Sibelium 5 one a day at night for 30 days. I am concerned about the side effects of these medicines. Are they safe to take under the given circumstances.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, As you told that your daughter had a panic attack,she had to be prescribed with drugs to calm her(at least for the acute phase and might be removed after one month and she might not even have an attack later in her life if she can stops taking stress,but this is to be seen later), dose will be decided only on the basis of her examination. Rest other symptoms also indicate that she had nervousness and was a anxid child and may be due to stress she might have had a panic attack. Now for the a ...
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1. My grand daughter 2 yrs of age having severe lose motion or diarrhea for the last 4 days and passing watery yellowish stool every 5 to 10 minutes. Had slight temperature max 101.5 Deg F, for the first two days. Now there is no temperature. 2. She is being hydrated and has been passing urine occasionally. She is 11kg by weight. 3. Urine and stool tests have been carried out. There is no infection. 4. Urine : Albumin- Trace, Ketone Bodies-Present +, Red Bllod Cells-Absent, Puss Cell-4-5/HPF, Epithelial Cells-2-3/HPF 5. Stool: reducing substances- Present +, Puss cells – 2-3/HPF, Epithelial cells-Occasional. (Oval Cysts not seen) 6. Local doctor says she will be all right but her watery stool continues unabated and we are extremely worried. She is losing her body weight and becoming cranky. Her skin around anus has become swollen & reddish. 7. She has been put on liquid O2 Suspension from today (Ofloxacin and Orindazole) 8. Please let us know: a. How can we stop the lose motion of such high frequency. b. Is O2 has some side effect? Do you suggest any other medicine c. Is it normal that such watery stool can continue for such log time? d. Please advice what should be done now.

  Doctor's Answer

Thanks for your query Since your granddaughter is having such high frequency of loose motions,she may become dehydrated anytime,so please take her to a health facility and get her examined.She might need admission and fluid drip.Till the time being please give her ORS solutions to drink 100 ml after each loose stool.She is having reducing substances in her stools which suggest she is having osmotic diarrhoea most likely due to lactose intolerance so avoid milk in her diet till she recovers.Stoo ...
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Dear doctors, I am a research scholar and working on signal transduction studies and regularly use several irritants and ion channel blockers. I am suffering from excess keratosis on palms and soles and some times deep painful fissures from almost two years. It was started as a small thickening patch an left arm and recovered after treatment with moisturizing creams. After that I went to Japan as part of my research programme and one nurse given me creams with anti-fungal compounds and urea but the problem was enhanced and started the deep fisures on my soles. I came back to India and used homeopathy medicine for one weak and after that i visited a doctor. He suggested me to apply lemon juice trice daily and use vitamin C along with high doses of antifungal tablets and creams. I used this medicine for 6 months which further worsen my situation and my skin became very thick and appeared like toe nails and spread-ed to all areas of palms and soles. I changed the doctor and he given me the isotretinol for 2 months and given vitamin A and D combination for 4 months which improved my condition alot. Now I am taking a dosage of 6000 IU Vit A and 1000 IU Vit D once for every 3days. Whether I will completely relieve from my problem with these medicines or is there any permanent recovery in ayurvedic?

  Doctor's Answer

U had allergic dermatitis problem this might be psychosomatic disease. . Cause are both external allergies chemicals etc internal weakened immunity changed blood composition nutritional deficiency etc. U Need proper ayurvedic treatment diet suppliment and even counselling. We have very good medicines and suppliments for ur problem. For more information call or what's app me on this site : nine five three five four two zero seven seven zero. thank u ...
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Baby is suffering from cold and more importantly cough since past 2 days. Doctor has prescribed T-minic drops 0.5 ml oral for 3 days and post to which cough didnot subside, then to use Kufril drops 0.5 ml thrice a day. However on using first instance of T-minic baby had pooped 4 times (Can be because he was on antibiotics just a week back for ear infection. His stools were more in number atleast twice after every feed. But once medicnes are stopped his stools were back to normal and he poops only once a day). and also his cough has increased very much. His feeding routine got slightly distrubed as he is not able to complete the bottle with ease. He leaves an ounce or so sometimes due to stuffy nose or congestion. Are these medications safe for a 5 month old baby? if not what precautions to be taken to soothe him from cough and cold?

  Doctor's Answer

Thanks for your query... First of all we need to exclude lower respiratory tract infection which may include pneumonia or bronchiolitis.Take your child to a paediatrician for clinical examination.U mentioned your child was on antibiotics 3 times in last 4 months.Was it due to lactose intolerance only leading to loose motions or for some other illness also ?? Has exclusive bottle feeding advised to you by a paediatrician after diagnosis of lactose intolerance or the child was bottle fed since bi ...
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again i am sharing the details for clearity,which i already mentioned in previous question. my gf has perioed on 5th July and ended on 9th july ,on 10th july i just touched her down and then my penis has touched her vagina only for 4-5 second,nothing else has beed done.since my precum has touched her vagina .for safety next day 11th july she has taken ipill, on 16th she got vaginal bleeding and it ended on 19th,it was darkish.on 22nd now she is feeling itching sensation on the outerpart of her vagina no pain,no discharge,no problem in urine ,nothing inside,on the outer part only it has and its still there.please tell me is it a effect of ipill and any cream or anything which she can use to stop it. she dsnt feel this itching inside atol it jus around the vagina and while urine passing also no problem.please suggest what can be done and is the chance of pregancy now.please suggest some ointment for this itching,if its normal how long it will be.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi!! I would like to clarify that itching has nothing to do with being pregnant or not.Also regarding pregnancy,chances of pregnancy are low as pt has already taken the ipill.BUT ,it can be confirmed with absolute certainity that there is no pregnancy,only if your patient misses her period. Also,your patient is having some vaginal infection due to which,the itching is happening.She can apply,local anti fungals ointment for the same,clotrimazole containing ointments are to be used.Local hygiene i ...
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1. My grand daughter 2 yrs of age having severe lose motion or diarrhea for the last 4 days and passing watery yellowish stool every 5 to 10 minutes. Had slight temperature max 101.5 Deg F, for the first two days. Now there is no temperature. 2. She is being hydrated and has been passing urine occasionally. She is 11kg by weight. 3. Urine and stool tests have been carried out. There is no infection. 4. Urine : Albumin- Trace, Ketone Bodies-Present +, Red Bllod Cells-Absent, Puss Cell-4-5/HPF, Epithelial Cells-2-3/HPF 5. Stool: reducing substances- Present +, Puss cells – 2-3/HPF, Epithelial cells-Occasional. (Oval Cysts not seen) 6. Local doctor says she will be all right but her watery stool continues unabated and we are extremely worried. She is losing her body weight and becoming cranky. Her skin around anus has become swollen & reddish. 7. She has been put on liquid O2 Suspension from today (Ofloxacin and Orindazole) 8. Please let us know: a. How can we stop the lose motion of such high frequency. b. Is O2 has some side effect? Do you suggest any other medicine c. Is it normal that such watery stool can continue for such log time? d. Please advice what should be done now.
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Baby is suffering from cold and more importantly cough since past 2 days. Doctor has prescribed T-minic drops 0.5 ml oral for 3 days and post to which cough didnot subside, then to use Kufril drops 0.5 ml thrice a day. However on using first instance of T-minic baby had pooped 4 times (Can be because he was on antibiotics just a week back for ear infection. His stools were more in number atleast twice after every feed. But once medicnes are stopped his stools were back to normal and he poops only once a day). and also his cough has increased very much. His feeding routine got slightly distrubed as he is not able to complete the bottle with ease. He leaves an ounce or so sometimes due to stuffy nose or congestion. Are these medications safe for a 5 month old baby? if not what precautions to be taken to soothe him from cough and cold?
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again i am sharing the details for clearity,which i already mentioned in previous question. my gf has perioed on 5th July and ended on 9th july ,on 10th july i just touched her down and then my penis has touched her vagina only for 4-5 second,nothing else has beed done.since my precum has touched her vagina .for safety next day 11th july she has taken ipill, on 16th she got vaginal bleeding and it ended on 19th,it was darkish.on 22nd now she is feeling itching sensation on the outerpart of her vagina no pain,no discharge,no problem in urine ,nothing inside,on the outer part only it has and its still there.please tell me is it a effect of ipill and any cream or anything which she can use to stop it. she dsnt feel this itching inside atol it jus around the vagina and while urine passing also no problem.please suggest what can be done and is the chance of pregancy now.please suggest some ointment for this itching,if its normal how long it will be.
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