Madam, My ped Dr sir has sugge
  Madam, My ped Dr sir has sugge

Total Views: 1693

Madam, My ped Dr sir has suggested the atogla cream for some rashes on body for my child 2M old. Also he suggested to apply on head to removal type of dandruff patches, which is more causing on lost of hair daily. On applying child got some redish rashes. Please suggest us weather it is correct to apply for total body along with head. Thankful on your reply.

PAST HISTORY : Its about my child 2M old

1 Answers

please consult a dermatologist (Skin Doctor) for exact diagnosis of skin rash or lesions. skin rash can be due to multiple causes hence online consultation and treatment would not be useful. Kindly visit dermatologist and follow the advice. till then please discontinue the atogla cream application. hope this is helpful.

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i am a 30 year old male before 01 month my skin was spotless, glowing and acne free but now there are pimples on my forehead, and pigmentation my deramtologist has suggested me to be on Isotroin-10 mg daily one tablet, nilac A GEL for pimples,Brevoxyly creamy face wash and Melacare HC during night time, Kojimed cream during day time & Shadowz 50 sunscreen will it help me and one i have a doubt whther Melacare HC can be used with Brevoxyl creamy wash as it contains Benzoyl peroxide, will be highly obliged if you reply as it has lost my confidence

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, As far as I know the two can be used together (melacare hc and brevoxyly cream face wash). It is just that you should not have any kind of allergy to brevoxyly cream face wash. First use only brevoxyly cream and if you have breathing difficulty,swelling of lips,face and throat,skin redness,burning,or dryness,then don't use it further but otherwise there should not be any worry. However it depends from person to person so it cannot be confirmed. Melacare cream should not be used for too lon ...
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Dear Sir, Madam, I am Gurumurthy  working in a private organisation, I am put up at Chikkabanavara, Heasraghatta road, Bangalore 90 I have 2 son's elder son is studding in 10th standard & the younger son is complected his 6 th standard. My younger son  is having some Hyperactivity's &  learning disabilities & also a slow learner. Through some references i come to know in your school your providing a special education to these king of children's I have enclosed the Doctor report as well as the Psychologist report for your verification. Requesting you to Please provide education to my son.

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where do you resides ...
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Hi.. Im 24 yr old male. i have an habit of masturbation. i think in my school 8th class i did masturbation first time. After a year it became a habit for me. i’m very much ashamed of having this habit. After doing masturbation, I hate myself that I cant control it. I think to control doing next time, but finally again I do it. From that time to till now I cant stop this habit. So more or less I masturbate twice a week anyway and in rare cases thrice a week. Accidentally during my college time I watched some programs in tv saying that masturbation causes not able to do sexual intercourse with partner. It causes not able to give a baby after marriage. After seeing that type of programs I got very much afraid of my life. Before two years I did laser eye surgery. Before surgery they did all pre-test for me. Then they said that your nerves are weak so we need to do two more extra test. After that extra test doctor said that we can do the surgery there’s nothing problem regarding the nerve weakness. I Think may be its family gene problem having nerve weakness. Maybe your grandfather too could had nerve weakness in his life. And now after two years of eye surgery I didn’t face any problems. As doctor said my nerves are weak in my body from my small age.After masturbating all these days I feel my nerves got more weak than before. I don’t know whether it is due to masturbation.But nowadays after masturbation I get head pain back side sometimes and not everytime. Anyway I feel nerves are weak in my body.I’m afraid very much that I cant do sexual intercourse with my partner if I get married. I’m afraid that I cant make my wife pregnant after my marriage. Please help me can I make a baby with sexual intercourse after my marriage? Do I’ve to get any treatment regarding sexual or regarding my nerve weakness or do I’ve to check whether can I make a baby with good sexual intercourse??

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Fatigue means thakaan or to get tired easily,the symptoms you described are not of nerve weakness.Rest other symptoms are very normal things which many people might face and it is difficult to comment may be there is some thing locally on your back which might be irritating you or may be some kind of allergy. If you really feel that way when you masturbate then get your self checked up to a nearest doctor and he might have to do investigation and various tests to confirm if everything is fi ...
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in jan end there was unprotected sex on 03 april i felt burning sensation on my penis ,on 04 april i was diagnosed for uti by surgeon as there was 1-2 pus cell in my urine and prescribed with antibiotic for a week. it did not give me relief i refered to a urologist and told him everything, he has diagnosed me for prostattitus after physical examination and my semen culture showed no growth,but pus cells 4-6hpf the urologist said there is no STI . he has prescribed me the foll doxy 100mg twice daily for 15 days lenoflox 500 once daily for 4 weeks t.alfoo 10mg one daily for 3 months it has been 15 days since i am having the med but the burning sensation comes often on the right bottom of the head of my penis with no other symptom .what can be the possible reason there is no discharge/rashes on my genitals only this burning sensation pl tell me if i need to show to some other urologist or is it that i have an std which the urologist could not diagnose if so then whom should i consult and what all test of std should i conduct .the urologist has said that i do not require any STD test as i have simple prostatits but the fear of std is troubling me or do i need to consult a pshycatrist pl help

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, The medicines you are having are fine and have to be taken for 15 more days and you may feel further better. I might have liked to give some other medicines,but then the doctor might have noticed something on your examination to give you this medicine. You can get tested for hiv for safety sake and your concern. Is there any smell in urine ? prostatitis is difficult to comment without examining you.But it may be possible that you are having acute bacterial prostatitis and treatment for acut ...
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Hi doctor i hope u will give me the correct opinion as it is my personal question my problem is ,i had lost 4 teeth . so i am going to consult doctor .if the dentist suggest me for dental it a right choice and if yes i would be getting married does this dental implant surgery effect my married sex reducing sperm count or not having child in future,as issue of having something foreign implanted in the body may get bacteria and viruses tend to target implants.setting up colonies around them, and that the immune system can’t fight as efficiently in that setting as it can elsewhere in the body. Or else you suggest me which is the best solution for my lost tooth replacement. Thanks

  Doctor's Answer

Implants are safe .Considering your age implants are a good choice for you ...
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Hi.. Im 24 yr old male. i have an habit of masturbation. i think in my school 8th class i did masturbation first time. After a year it became a habit for me. i’m very much ashamed of having this habit. After doing masturbation, I hate myself that I cant control it. I think to control doing next time, but finally again I do it. From that time to till now I cant stop this habit. So more or less I masturbate twice a week anyway and in rare cases thrice a week. Accidentally during my college time I watched some programs in tv saying that masturbation causes not able to do sexual intercourse with partner. It causes not able to give a baby after marriage. After seeing that type of programs I got very much afraid of my life. Before two years I did laser eye surgery. Before surgery they did all pre-test for me. Then they said that your nerves are weak so we need to do two more extra test. After that extra test doctor said that we can do the surgery there’s nothing problem regarding the nerve weakness. I Think may be its family gene problem having nerve weakness. Maybe your grandfather too could had nerve weakness in his life. And now after two years of eye surgery I didn’t face any problems. As doctor said my nerves are weak in my body from my small age.After masturbating all these days I feel my nerves got more weak than before. I don’t know whether it is due to masturbation.But nowadays after masturbation I get head pain back side sometimes and not everytime. Anyway I feel nerves are weak in my body.I’m afraid very much that I cant do sexual intercourse with my partner if I get married. I’m afraid that I cant make my wife pregnant after my marriage. Please help me can I make a baby with sexual intercourse after my marriage? Do I’ve to get any treatment regarding sexual or regarding my nerve weakness or do I’ve to check whether can I make a baby with good sexual intercourse??
2 Answers
in jan end there was unprotected sex on 03 april i felt burning sensation on my penis ,on 04 april i was diagnosed for uti by surgeon as there was 1-2 pus cell in my urine and prescribed with antibiotic for a week. it did not give me relief i refered to a urologist and told him everything, he has diagnosed me for prostattitus after physical examination and my semen culture showed no growth,but pus cells 4-6hpf the urologist said there is no STI . he has prescribed me the foll doxy 100mg twice daily for 15 days lenoflox 500 once daily for 4 weeks t.alfoo 10mg one daily for 3 months it has been 15 days since i am having the med but the burning sensation comes often on the right bottom of the head of my penis with no other symptom .what can be the possible reason there is no discharge/rashes on my genitals only this burning sensation pl tell me if i need to show to some other urologist or is it that i have an std which the urologist could not diagnose if so then whom should i consult and what all test of std should i conduct .the urologist has said that i do not require any STD test as i have simple prostatits but the fear of std is troubling me or do i need to consult a pshycatrist pl help
3 Answers
Hi doctor i hope u will give me the correct opinion as it is my personal question my problem is ,i had lost 4 teeth . so i am going to consult doctor .if the dentist suggest me for dental it a right choice and if yes i would be getting married does this dental implant surgery effect my married sex reducing sperm count or not having child in future,as issue of having something foreign implanted in the body may get bacteria and viruses tend to target implants.setting up colonies around them, and that the immune system can’t fight as efficiently in that setting as it can elsewhere in the body. Or else you suggest me which is the best solution for my lost tooth replacement. Thanks
1 Answer