is pneumonia decrease hemoglob
  is pneumonia decrease hemoglob

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is pneumonia decrease hemoglobin

PAST HISTORY : feeling tired, nausea, dry cough temperature, feeling chill and sweating

2 Answers


Yes pneumonia can decrease haemoglobin by affecting your bone marrow but that happens only in a situation when disease is to spread in your body(very wide spread disease).
Secoundly there are types of infective pneumonia which cause haemolysis of red blood cells to cause decreased haemoglobin.
But symptoms you described to me don't necessarily give a diagnosis of pneumonia,there might be some infection in respiratory tract along with some infection but that does not mean that you have pneumonia.There are many more points that we have to see before making diagnosis of pneumonia.
You will have to get blood tests(complete blood count+esr) and x-ray chest for diagnosis except for examination by the doctor.

Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago

x-ray report is normal CBC: Except RBC, WBC and PLT (marginally higher than the normal range) most of the components has been found below than the normal range , however, RDW is 52.4fL and HGB is 7.6 g/dL. Dr. has prescribed XUV 500 - 1 tab daily for three days Laveta Cold - 3 tab daily for three days Entiquity - 1 tab daily for 10 days CORBE XT - 1tab daily for 10 days Your opinion on CBC and medicine and the type of problem I am suffering from please


Your report is suggestive that you have severe anemia,due to which you will again and again fall ill(till the time you improve haemoglobin your immunity will also be low).your high tlc is suggestive that you have some kind of infection in your raised rbc is highly variable causes and can't be commented without seeing other blood parametre.
The drugs you told me are brand names and i could only understand tab laveta cold which probably is given for allergy and is probably is an antihistamine to control sneezing or some allergy.
Rest i am not sure of the other drugs,please let me know about the content of the drugs in those medicines only then i will be able to comment.

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