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Dr. Basant Singh answered : 11 years ago
Whitening=Bleaching this procedure has variants ..depending on why the discoloration has occurred.....generally if at 42 it seems more age related.......also due to habits lite smoking pan chewing and/or consumption of various items
Straightening = Orthodontic treatment can be done at any age provided the periodontal (Gums and Supporting structures) are in good condition ...the decision is determined by an Orthodontist....yes there are various new appliances which impart light forces on teeth and hence the procedure can be done at any age even at 42
Dr. Surendra Keswani answered : 11 years ago
Teeth whitening can be achieved in office in a few hours or night guard bleaching in about 10/15 days. It is important to remember that it is purely a cosmetic procedure and is temporary...Your original colour will return in about 8/12 months depending on your coloured food intake.
Orthodontics can be done at any age provided the bone condition is good. A full fledged case takes about 12/18 months with a retention phase of additional 6/12 months.
Hope I was of some help..
Dr. SOURAV BANERJEE answered : 11 years ago
sure it is possible, you may need about 2years to get the teeth alinged.
Dr. Savita Gupta answered : 11 years ago
teeth whitening is of two type-office bleaching (2-3 hour procedure) and home bleach(8-10 days).Bleaching is temporary your original colour will come back after 10 to 12 months depeding upon your eating habit
age is not a issue for orthodontic treatment if you have good bone condition.It will take 12 to24 months for complete treatment