I hv pain in my legs on heels.
  I hv pain in my legs on heels.

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I hv pain in my legs on heels...its a random dis continous pain..i am leavin delhi day aftr...a physio in ASI treatd me by massagin my back n pullin pushin my legs..n i ws perfect i no pain for a week...whil comin to del, i suffered those jerks in train n my condition hs deterioratd..cn someone giv my relief in a singl seatin..

PAST HISTORY : Disc herniation L5-S1

1 Answers

yes, u will get relief in single session, nerve impingment, from mannual therapy, call dr utkarsh goel **********

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Sir i am suffering from knee sweeling in my rt knee for 6 month,two times i hv removed water(aspiration) from it bt never found relief.some time it decrease and some time increase.all tests x rays,crp,esr are normal not yet i found any relief.4 years ago same problem were in my lft knee and dr. Removed 2 pieces(tissue) from lft knee which were found normal(non specific),till one month after surgery i couldn't bent knee even a little bit,i took physiotherapy by wax and till 9 months i could bent it onle 80% after 1.5 or 2 year i could bent it properly 100 bt with pain,still there is pain when i bent it proper,and also swelling in rt knee.Dr.'s Of hospital in which i get surgery 4 yrs ago said that same surgery will pass in rt knee,bt i am afraid because still there is pain in my lft knee,if i pass again surgery in rt knee i will face same problem of pain in my rt knee,please advice me sir if there another way to get treated without surgery like med. Or i should get treated by surgery,i am just 23 yr old boy,still there is whole life for me to live please help me.

  Doctor's Answer

Try with some good physio therapist ,with CPM and manual therapy skills. ...
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I am currently being treated for a infected tooth with Penicillin VK 7 day treatment. Before I found out I had a infected tooth I was treated with 2 different antibiotics for what was thought to be a sinus infection. This has all been within the last 3 months. My right side primarily I have pretty much constant nasal blockage. I also have mucus between my chest and my nose....lots of dripping down the back of throat, coughing it up and constant nose blowing. However I believe that there is just some stubborn mucus that doesnt smell good that I am having a hard time getting out. What can I do about this, the only relief I get is if I use nose spray, but I dont want to use that all the time. I need nasal relief.

  Doctor's Answer

The Best option for you is to consult ENT specialist and resolve the problem. You must carry the list of Antibiotics taken by you in past to the ENT specialist for his/her reference so as to get a better knowledge of your drug history.. ...
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I am currently being treated for a infected tooth with Penicillin VK 7 day treatment. Before I found out I had a infected tooth I was treated with 2 different antibiotics for what was thought to be a sinus infection. This has all been within the last 3 months. My right side primarily I have pretty much constant nasal blockage. I also have mucus between my chest and my nose....lots of dripping down the back of throat, coughing it up and constant nose blowing. However I believe that there is just some stubborn mucus that doesnt smell good that I am having a hard time getting out. What can I do about this, the only relief I get is if I use nose spray, but I dont want to use that all the time. I need nasal relief.

  Doctor's Answer

I think you have more of sinus related problem, you need to do steam inhalation and consult your ENT specialist for mucolytic agent. ...
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good afternoon, i have a stinky saliva which makes me wonder what is the root of this symptomps, my dentist said my oral condition is perfect, i did endoskopy and my interntist as well as gastro doctor didnt find anything that could possibly related with stinky saliva problem. what else should i find out to determine the cause of it? i think this stinky saliva started 2 or 3 years ago. i didnt worry too much at first, but lately ive been very concern.

  Doctor's Answer

You have to do the test properly. You have to wait a good 2-3 hours after you put anything (including water) into your mouth. Also, alkaline is Blue almost turning purple. Just a good dark blue. If it is green, you are much more acidic than neutral (7.0 pH), but where you want to be is a bit higher than neutral at 7.4 which is dark blue. And right before you take the test swallow the saliva in your mouth a few times and then draw up fresh saliva from underneath your tongue. And THEN take the tes ...
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I am 29 Years old man who had a ligament tear in my right knee 14 months back. Though i can walk properly and can run slowly but cannot run hard because if i do so my right knee buckle and i fall down. I have not had a surgery till now though i had some physio therapist treatment but it dint heal well enough.Can i go for the surgery now? How long should i be in rest,i mean after the surgery as i am working?What would be the total cost of the treatment and surgery?

  Doctor's Answer

As you can already walk there is no requirement of surgery, just continue physiotherapy to strengthen muscles around knee joint. ...
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I am currently being treated for a infected tooth with Penicillin VK 7 day treatment. Before I found out I had a infected tooth I was treated with 2 different antibiotics for what was thought to be a sinus infection. This has all been within the last 3 months. My right side primarily I have pretty much constant nasal blockage. I also have mucus between my chest and my nose....lots of dripping down the back of throat, coughing it up and constant nose blowing. However I believe that there is just some stubborn mucus that doesnt smell good that I am having a hard time getting out. What can I do about this, the only relief I get is if I use nose spray, but I dont want to use that all the time. I need nasal relief.
1 Answer
I am currently being treated for a infected tooth with Penicillin VK 7 day treatment. Before I found out I had a infected tooth I was treated with 2 different antibiotics for what was thought to be a sinus infection. This has all been within the last 3 months. My right side primarily I have pretty much constant nasal blockage. I also have mucus between my chest and my nose....lots of dripping down the back of throat, coughing it up and constant nose blowing. However I believe that there is just some stubborn mucus that doesnt smell good that I am having a hard time getting out. What can I do about this, the only relief I get is if I use nose spray, but I dont want to use that all the time. I need nasal relief.
1 Answer
I am 29 Years old man who had a ligament tear in my right knee 14 months back. Though i can walk properly and can run slowly but cannot run hard because if i do so my right knee buckle and i fall down. I have not had a surgery till now though i had some physio therapist treatment but it dint heal well enough.Can i go for the surgery now? How long should i be in rest,i mean after the surgery as i am working?What would be the total cost of the treatment and surgery?
2 Answers
Respected Dr. The following are the brief details of my case for your kind consideration:- 1. History of High Myopia since the age of 12 years. 2. Suffered Retina Detachment in the right eye at the age of 25 years and was operated upon at Shankar Netralaya, Chennai but with little gain of vision. 3. Continued with the help of contact lens in the left eye and almost stable number for the next 11 years. 4. Sudden appearance of rainbow like colours in the Left eye and the case was diagnosed as Advanced Optic Nerve Atrophy & Retinal Degeneration at PGI, Chandigarh & I was told that the condition is irreversible with no cure or medication. 5. I was put on eye drop medication with Dorzox, Combigan , Alphagen & am continuing with the same. 6. I was advised IOL transplant in the left eye and underwent surgery for the same at Grewal Eye Institute, Chandigarh. 7. During the last 4 ½ years i.e. since the problem was diagnosed, I have underwent regular treatment under Acupuncture, Acupressure, Ayurvedic & Homeopathy medicines but with no relief and the deterioration in the field of vision and also its aquity has continued. 8. The latest checkup has shown that even the remaining macular vision in the Left Eye also shows signs of further degeneration. Kindly suggest some remedy for my sister's ailment. Pravin Misra
1 Answer
hello sir/madam,....I had unprotected sex with my partner few days back...after 2-3 days of the act I started having red patch wid a small round white lesion(like ulcer) on my frenulum of penis and inner part of the prepuce....plus from the next day I started having pain in my floor of the mouth plus having bleeding while brushing my teeth(after brushing when I spit I see blood but cannot find the origin of the bleed...I have not got any blood test done...I am very worried whether its an STD or something more serious like cancer or HIV.....plus the female with whom I had sex also suffered from infection wid burning sensation and pain while urinating the next day and she took third generation cephalosporin tablet and placentrex gel for 3 days which relieved her symptoms....please suggest me what should I do....thanks in advance....
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