I am getting small pimples so
  I am getting small pimples so

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I am getting small pimples so I am using cinthol soap is it best or not or i should use seem and dew

1 Answers

Doctor answered : 8 years ago

Use acne clear,Berber is aquifolium

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I want you to please guide me that which suppliment I should take. Actually I want myself to look healthy bcz I have a slim look. I want that type of suppliment that really gives me the best output. Don't care about the price of the suppliment, just suggest me that suppliment which would give me the best output and the effect of that suppliment should not fall down after 1 or 2 years. I want that suppliment whose effect lasts for a long time and once again I remind u that please don't care about the price. The suppliment should not have any side effect. And what should I do with this suplliment that I have bought today only this new one, should I take this or not??? And please suggest me the diet chart as well, what should be my diet in daily routine.

  Doctor's Answer

you should take your supplements post workout. start with a mass gainer (other than endura, you can take any eg: by muscletech, QNT, ultimate nutrition are the better ones). if you can not able to take the entire quantity of scoop size mention at one time, you can take half ofthe quantity mentioned twice. Sice you have recently started working out, do not take any creatine supplements or NO boosters. All of the mass gainers contain small amount of creatine though. Also ensure that the exercises ...
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I am 27 years old unmarried. Three years ago I was diagnosed with cysts in my ovaries and surgery (Laporatomy) was done. I have lost my right ovary with it (oopherectomy) and cyst was removed from left ovary (cystectomy). But again cyst in left ovary is seen in Ultrasound, it say " LEFT ADENEXA SHOWS A WELL CIRCUMSCRIBED IRREGULARLY MARGINATED THICK WALLED MULTI SEPTED CYSTIC LESION [MEASURES 88 X 61 X 58 mm, VOL=160CC], SHOWING DISTAL ACOUSTIC ENHANCEMENT CONTAINING LOW LEVEL ECHOGENIC INTERNAL ECHOES WITH ECHOGENIC SOLID PAPPILLARY PROJECTIONS [MEASURES APPROX : 20X 17MM, 17X13MM]. IT IS SHOWING INCREASED VASCULARITY ALONG THE PERIPHERY AND WITHIN THE PAPILLARY PROJECTIONS ON COLOUR DOPPLER ANALYSIS. LEFT OVARY IS NOT VISUALIZED SEPARATELY." Is it suggestive of Ovarian cancer or just an ovarian cyst? Rightnow I am taking homeopathy, and it seem to be working as earlier my cysts size was 210cc and now it is 160cc. Please help me out should i continue with homeopathy or once again should go for surgery immediately, I want to keep my remaining ovary as I am still unmarried.

  Doctor's Answer

You must do Ovarian tumour marker blood report and expert USG with color Doppler study to rule out ovarian malignancy ...
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Actually I started treatment on 16.1.2012.Its completed. But nw i m facing the small pimples its nt pimples its like when summer season many people face tat time they use powder.Doctor last time said to use Supratec n Papulex Face wash but i m facing same problem .So wat should I use

  Doctor's Answer

Diet - Diet high in dairy products and high glycemic index foods increases the risk of developing pimples. Washing your face about twice each day - not more often. Make sure you have a mild soap. Use warm water. Wash gently; do not scrub the skin. Use an OTC lotion which contains benzoyl peroxide. Do not pop (burst) the pimple - there is a risk you may push the infection further down, causing more serious blockage and worse swelling and redness. Popping pimples also increases the risk of scar ...
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Sir, I am 23 yrs aged man. From my childhood onward i have a doubt that is there is any psychiatric problems for me. And now i don't have that thinking. But in sometimes i am getting angry for small matters. It comes suddenly and also down suddenly. At the time my hands are shivering. Also i cannot concentrate on a specific thing or work. It effect my job. I am a chain smoker before 1 year. But now I controlled it . Now I am using 2 cigarettes in a day. Also up to 1 year before i am addicted to panmasala. and I suddenly stop it. sir, I want to why I am getting tensed suddenly for some times. Also is there is any treatment to control it. Is this is a mental disorder? Can you help me doctor.? ( I am not much fluent in English. So pleased me if there is any mistake.)

  Doctor's Answer

Thank you for your question. From the history that you have provided I can safely assume that you might have a type of Anxiety Disorder. There is definitely treatment for such disorders. If you can provide me with more information like the nature of your symptoms (like heart beating fast, excessive sweating, hands trembling ), the duration of your symptoms, factors increasing your symptoms I will be able to formulate a better diagnosis and subsequent course of action. ...
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Hi my baby is 3 years 4 months old she has been vomiting 6 times tonight she had been okay through out the day. I dropped her off at the sitter and she must've eaten something that did not go well. I got home from work and she started throwing up. I gave her Mountain Dew couldn't get her to drink anything apart from Mountain Dew and I couldn't get to the store to buy lemon lime because it was past midnight when this started. She's now asleep and I'm hoping she won't wake up to throw up again coz she's exhausted. What should I do if she throws up again and is Mountain Dew okay for her

  Doctor's Answer

I dont think Mountain Dew is a choice of fluid for her, as it is carbonated and will make the childs condition even worse. also the carbonated drinks have all kinds of preservatives which can upset her stomach even more. Stick to Oral rehydration Solutions that contain glucose , sodium etc., If shes still throwing up after waking up, you need to take her to a doctor and consider admissions with Intravenous fluids ( as her oral tolerance is poor ), medications for Vomiting, abdominal pain / gastr ...
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I want you to please guide me that which suppliment I should take. Actually I want myself to look healthy bcz I have a slim look. I want that type of suppliment that really gives me the best output. Don't care about the price of the suppliment, just suggest me that suppliment which would give me the best output and the effect of that suppliment should not fall down after 1 or 2 years. I want that suppliment whose effect lasts for a long time and once again I remind u that please don't care about the price. The suppliment should not have any side effect. And what should I do with this suplliment that I have bought today only this new one, should I take this or not??? And please suggest me the diet chart as well, what should be my diet in daily routine.
2 Answers
Actually I started treatment on 16.1.2012.Its completed. But nw i m facing the small pimples its nt pimples its like when summer season many people face tat time they use powder.Doctor last time said to use Supratec n Papulex Face wash but i m facing same problem .So wat should I use
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Hi my baby is 3 years 4 months old she has been vomiting 6 times tonight she had been okay through out the day. I dropped her off at the sitter and she must've eaten something that did not go well. I got home from work and she started throwing up. I gave her Mountain Dew couldn't get her to drink anything apart from Mountain Dew and I couldn't get to the store to buy lemon lime because it was past midnight when this started. She's now asleep and I'm hoping she won't wake up to throw up again coz she's exhausted. What should I do if she throws up again and is Mountain Dew okay for her
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I have a sever acne pimples on my upper arms and back, so to treat it i was prescribed to use persol forte cream.I am using it since 1 month and have caused skin darkning in this areas,can u suggest me wether i should continue using it or stop its use.And i wanted to know that would this dark skin get peeled off after i stop using it and in how much time!!
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