high polymorphs and my erythr
  high polymorphs and my erythr

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high polymorphs and my erythrocyte sedimentation rate is after one hour 15 mm. two hours 32mm . my wbc count is 13400 my HDL cholesterol is 36.6 method use is immunoinhibition . Male 38 years old obese


2 Answers


High polymorphs, high ESR and high TLC suggest infection in your body and polymorphs indicate that infections is bacterial so you should be prescribed an antibiotic for that.

Your HDL levels are low with obesity puts you in a high risk category for heart disease so you should -
- Avoid smoking
- Have limited alcohol
- Change your cooking oil may be to olive oil
- Have limited saturated fatty acids or deep fry stuff
- Have plenty of vegetable
- Have plenty of water
- Do regular phsyical exercise

All these steps should help your gain you HDL levels.

Feel free to ask further questions.

Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago

Thanks for prompt reply to my earlier question I will like to share My sleep pattern is irregular unable to sleep well .sometime sleep only for 3 to 4 hours a day Feel lightness in head. Sometime miss a breath to? But I don’t feel any heaviness in chest neither any breathlessness while walking. Have persistent body pain especially in my lower legs and upper back. Lack of concentration unable to read more than 20 minutes if continue to do so I usually get irritated by doing so . I am pursuing PhD unable to study. Prefer solitude now days One peculiar thing sometime there is tingling sensation on right tip of my tongue and some time feel twitchiness’ on left side of my neck which leads to breathlessness. Can you suggest me what may be the reason? Should I consult a specialist if so who?


The signs you described me could be signs of obesity as I feel right now without seeing you,and you should try and reduce your weight. However there are signs of anxiety or stress also.

You can show to an internal medicine specialist may be for obesity,cholesterol related problems,which would also help you solve problems like body aches,missing your breath.

However problems like twitching,problem in your neck will be solved by you yourself mainly will have a less role to be played by drugs.

You can use the following instructions
1) Reduce your cholesterol intake butter,ghee,oil
2) Do regular physical exercise
3) Try yoga
4) Proper sleep cycle
5) Try reducing your stress in every field

Feel free to ask further question

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high polymorphs and my erythrocyte sedimentation rate is after one hour 15 mm. two hours 32mm . my wbc count is 13400 my HDL cholesterol is 36.6 method use is immunoinhibition . Male 38 years old obese

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, The signs you described me could be signs of obesity as I feel right now without seeing you,and you should try and reduce your weight. However there are signs of anxiety or stress also. You can show to an internal medicine specialist may be for obesity,cholesterol related problems,which would also help you solve problems like body aches,missing your breath. However problems like twitching,problem in your neck will be solved by you yourself mainly will have a less role to be played by dru ...
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