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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
You can take a diclofenac sodium tablet for your headache if it is not going by that that to then you can visit a doctor to injectables to help you get relived for now and get your self investigated why are you having headache might be cause of b.p.
Are you having any fever or might be having any dizziness vomiting or eye pain or any paticular part of head the headache might be more or any other problem might be there kindly give a little more details.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Thanks! I do not have any history of blood pressure but my family has. Feeling slight dizziness but now I am recovering . Any precautions that I need to take ? Any Food I need to avoid
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
If you have a family history of hypertension,you should avoid excessive salt intake and a high cholesterol diet which includes fatty foods like butter or any other cold drinks.
Avoid smokoing and excessive alcohol intake.
You should do regular excercise.
If you have dizziness then take plenty of water and try to get your b.p and eye sight and sugar checked if everything seems to be alright and still you have symptoms the we will get you further investigated for the cause of the disease.