Hey I have a random bruise on
  Hey I have a random bruise on

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Hey I have a random bruise on my stomach that appeared overnight, theres a hard lump under the "bruise". I was wondering if I ahould be concerned about this?

1 Answers

dear the bruise could be due to your scratching while sleeping the lump could be infected so it caused itching,if the lump is red or painful get it checked with your doctor take antibiotics and anti infammatory if lump is pointig apply antiseptic ointment give warm compress

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I was suffering from blood in my stool from long time until i consulted a doc and he said that i have fissure. I got it cured through ointments and having drinking fibre. However, from last few monts I have started suffering from incomplete evacuation. All the time my stomach is bloated up and I dont feel like eating anything. I have increased my water intake and also have started eating fibre fruits to a great extent but nothing is helping me. Howsoever hard I try, I am not able to evacuate completely. I go to washroom at least 5 times a day but still i feel full all the time. Sometimes I get black stool and sometimes its normal. My stool is not hard at all. I feel uneasy all the time. I stay in tension all the time due to this. Please suggest me a cure to this.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Since you have had a fissure, chances of recurrence are high. Constipation is just one of the causes of fissure. There can be other causes, for example, there can be a tear in anal canal, or there may be a foreign body present in body, or it can happen during normal labor. Usually the fissure has bright red blood and not dark coloured blood. Since you have dark, it indicates that blood is coming from above in alimentary tract, which might be due to inflammatory bowel disease, irritabl ...
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I have what I thought was a bruise falring up a bit on my right chin / jaw line. I could feel the bump but could not remember being hit to cause such a decent size lump. My children often kick and hit me in the face in play. But to get this size lump would have been memorable unless at 39 my body now can't handle even a gentle bump. But it seems to now be getting slightly worse and is begining to feel numb and slightly itchy. I have a very mild middle bottom tooth infection. I thought if my gland was up it would be a lower / under my chin swelling which it is not under the chin but on and if anything above. I am visably looking like fred flintstone actor's chin on one side / elephant man slightly.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, If your swelling is on the same side as the tooth ache, it could be because of the existing tooth infection. To determine if the cause is the tooth or not, you need to visit a dentist and get a complete oral examination done specifically focusing on that particular side of the jaw. Preferably, get an x ray to see the tooth also. It could be a tooth infection leading into a space infection. Other reasons could be - cysts, trauma, bacterial infection like actinomycosis, abscess etc. This ca ...
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I've been noticing a lump on my upper left thigh. It started out small and red but grew over time. The red part is about the size of a dime now. But if I feel around the lump is feels like it has expanded underneath the skin. It's very hard. I thought it was an ingrown hair, so today I squeezed it. And small amount of blood came out but no hair. Now it looks darker red/purple.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, There can be many causes for an underneath thigh swelling 1. It could be an abscess,cellulitis 2. it could be osteomyeletis 3. It can be haematoma Do you have any bleeding tendency ? Is the temperature raised,and do you have fever ? Did you have any injury or trauma ?(even if not then to go for an x-ray because in most cases the trauma is to trivial) Are you a diabetic ? Do you see any kind of veins all over your legs ? Have you noticed any kind of pus ?(because it could simply indicate ...
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hello, i have a polyp under my touge that gets stuck on my teeth when i eat and talk, it is very sore and i was told by my dentist that i would have to have it cut out, i have a phobia of needles so i am unable to have it removed. i was wondering if there is any other way to get rid of it. thank you.

  Doctor's Answer

Unfortunetly no! Unless the causative factor may be a broken or sharp edge of a tooth, dental prosthesis or habit, in which case removing the causative factor will cause the polyp to regress without any medicine, but in your case follow the dentist advise get rid of the same ...
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my niece had dental surgery today and her mother who is deaf just sent me pictures and her eyes look like she has 2 black or rather red eyes maybe hives around them or...im not sure what im just wondering if this is normal my sister is very concerned

  Doctor's Answer

Kindly give the details of surgery and upload photos. It would be very difficult to give an opinion without detailed information. ...
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I was suffering from blood in my stool from long time until i consulted a doc and he said that i have fissure. I got it cured through ointments and having drinking fibre. However, from last few monts I have started suffering from incomplete evacuation. All the time my stomach is bloated up and I dont feel like eating anything. I have increased my water intake and also have started eating fibre fruits to a great extent but nothing is helping me. Howsoever hard I try, I am not able to evacuate completely. I go to washroom at least 5 times a day but still i feel full all the time. Sometimes I get black stool and sometimes its normal. My stool is not hard at all. I feel uneasy all the time. I stay in tension all the time due to this. Please suggest me a cure to this.
2 Answers
I have what I thought was a bruise falring up a bit on my right chin / jaw line. I could feel the bump but could not remember being hit to cause such a decent size lump. My children often kick and hit me in the face in play. But to get this size lump would have been memorable unless at 39 my body now can't handle even a gentle bump. But it seems to now be getting slightly worse and is begining to feel numb and slightly itchy. I have a very mild middle bottom tooth infection. I thought if my gland was up it would be a lower / under my chin swelling which it is not under the chin but on and if anything above. I am visably looking like fred flintstone actor's chin on one side / elephant man slightly.
1 Answer
I've been noticing a lump on my upper left thigh. It started out small and red but grew over time. The red part is about the size of a dime now. But if I feel around the lump is feels like it has expanded underneath the skin. It's very hard. I thought it was an ingrown hair, so today I squeezed it. And small amount of blood came out but no hair. Now it looks darker red/purple.
1 Answer
my niece had dental surgery today and her mother who is deaf just sent me pictures and her eyes look like she has 2 black or rather red eyes maybe hives around them or...im not sure what im just wondering if this is normal my sister is very concerned
2 Answers