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PAST HISTORY : Hello I'm Mrs.Lawrence From India. I have a daughter who is 20months old and her tooth has got diss colored with yellowish and her tooth top layer is just pealing off, also her tooth are having cavity plz help me
Dr. AKHTARHUSAIN MANSURI answered : 11 years ago
Hello Mrs. Lawrence, The front teeth and all other teeth are deciduous[Milk teeth] and will fall eventually in course of time and replaced with permanent teeth but these teeth are very important from functional and aesthetics value hence they should retain in mouth till their exfoliation time. Prevent your child from frequent cold as the child breathes through the mouth causing dryness and deacay. Do not allow the child with the feeding bottle in mouth while sleeping, infact discourage the use of milk bottles. You will have to maintain her oral hygiene by cleaning with tooth brush and paste containing flouride and flouride application for new teeth that wiil emerge. Calcium Softies are available at chemist can be given 2 per day. These teeth can be covered with Lightcured composites under G A at any dental office
Dr. Sanjeevani Pachlore answered : 11 years ago
Hello Mrs Lowerence,As per age of the patient is concerned, all teeth are deciduos (milk teeth).They will definately replace with permanent teeth.But till that time this teeth has to be sustained in healthy condition for aesthetics & functional purpose.First of all stop bottle feeding & try to clean her teeth with tooth brush & paste.Also take care if she used to take any feeding while sleeping kindly make sure that teeth are to be cleaned with cotton swab. Last but not the least take local profesional help.