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PAST HISTORY : Done a LFT. Says direct bilirubin is 0.9 mg/dl and indirect is b 0.3.
Total bilirubin is 1.2 mg/dl.
Is it a problem ? direct bilirubin is high?
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Usually the direct billirubin should also have been in the normal range,but if the total is within normal range then you don't need to worry.
Do you have problems or color change in stool ?
Do you have any kind of itching ?
Do you have any pain in abdomen ?
How are the other values in lft except for bilirubin ?
We can get an ultrasound abdomen and hepatitis markers to be sure that there is not anything or may be repeat the test again,can be an lab error also.