Doc i hv fair skin... now im s
  Doc i hv fair skin... now im s

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Doc i hv fair skin... now im suggested to use derma dew acne soap... if i use tat soap my skin become darker r i want to lose my fair white skin... tat soap was suggested me for acne problem


1 Answers

Dermadew soap is good,it will not darker your skin.apply sunscreen lotion too.

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Dear Sir/Madam, I have had intercourse with my boyfriend 5 months back and had abortion pills by consulting a Doctor online. Now my problem is im getting married next month and scare with all these problems because my boyfriend is no more with me he had left me and my parents have fixed my marriage dates to some other person im in a critical situation to handle all the problems. I cant tel my partner that i had intercourse I had abortion pills so is there any problem in getting pregnant again or not I have not gone for any kind of checkup as off now I have itching in my vaginal area. I dont no its due to (wetness in the area or white discharge or any infection coz im using a common toilet in college) My white discharge is white in color and not in any other color. its in liquid form.. It comes 5 to 6 drops a day or sometimes may be little bit more or little.... Please help me out with all the questions i have been worrying about. My mind is totally upset due to all this problems. I need to go for a checkup but im scare to go for a checkup can you please suggest a doctor in Coimbatore,TamilNadu

  Doctor's Answer

Hi! The only blood test that can show whether you are pregnant or the previous abortion was an incomplete one is a serum beta hcg -this checks the hormone for pregnancy in the blood.If less than 5 ,then pregnancy is negative. A normal gynae check up can reveal past pregnancy only if earlier pregnancy led to an incomplete abortion which can be made out by an ultrasonogram of the pelvis or the serum beta hcg.Otherwise no doctor can make out whether you were pregnant in the past and have taken abor ...
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when my baby is born she is so fair and pink ..after two day her face and body look radish ,after 4/5 days she look darker . lots of people said don’t worry baby color will change after some month .i don’t know but her complexion looks dull now .my husband have fair complexion and myself fair. That’s why we worry how she look like dark . any remedy to improve the color of the baby

  Doctor's Answer

Thanks for your query All babies when they are born are fair and pink because they have no environmental exposure before birh.FIrst few days after birth they develop some red rashes in response to heat and cold.Baby's skin is very soft and sensitve so it reacts to clothes and linen baby wears.Thus baby's clothes should be soft and according to weather,for example they should be made of soft cotton during summers and humid climates.The dark colour your baby has acquired is her skin's response to ...
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1. My grand daughter 2 yrs of age having severe lose motion or diarrhea for the last 4 days and passing watery yellowish stool every 5 to 10 minutes. Had slight temperature max 101.5 Deg F, for the first two days. Now there is no temperature. 2. She is being hydrated and has been passing urine occasionally. She is 11kg by weight. 3. Urine and stool tests have been carried out. There is no infection. 4. Urine : Albumin- Trace, Ketone Bodies-Present +, Red Bllod Cells-Absent, Puss Cell-4-5/HPF, Epithelial Cells-2-3/HPF 5. Stool: reducing substances- Present +, Puss cells – 2-3/HPF, Epithelial cells-Occasional. (Oval Cysts not seen) 6. Local doctor says she will be all right but her watery stool continues unabated and we are extremely worried. She is losing her body weight and becoming cranky. Her skin around anus has become swollen & reddish. 7. She has been put on liquid O2 Suspension from today (Ofloxacin and Orindazole) 8. Please let us know: a. How can we stop the lose motion of such high frequency. b. Is O2 has some side effect? Do you suggest any other medicine c. Is it normal that such watery stool can continue for such log time? d. Please advice what should be done now.

  Doctor's Answer

Thanks for your query Since your granddaughter is having such high frequency of loose motions,she may become dehydrated anytime,so please take her to a health facility and get her examined.She might need admission and fluid drip.Till the time being please give her ORS solutions to drink 100 ml after each loose stool.She is having reducing substances in her stools which suggest she is having osmotic diarrhoea most likely due to lactose intolerance so avoid milk in her diet till she recovers.Stoo ...
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Hi doctors my age is 28 yrs and i have prb with my digestive system since 10 yrs Every two times /day my stool is loose than normal and with muccus And excecive secrtion off saliva but more during sleep No pain no cramp and no any blood in stool no gas prb I have consunt many dr and and many pathy some off drugs dr.prescribe in different tyms are 1-lomotil 2-metrogy 3-rifamycine 4-pantaprazol 5-famotidine 6-liv52 And many other medicine like Unani and ayrveda and homeo And i also complaint of lose of appitite Lose of wet Genral weakness Joint and cuf muscle pain some dr.told me u are suffirng from Malabsorption Sir plzz give now any single medicine treatment which help to my digestive and help to absorb nutrition Sir plz repy me soon as posble or emal

  Doctor's Answer

dear Ansari you are suffering with this problem since many years,you have to change your food habits avoid sweets ,refined flour excess starchy food, avoid eating outside,avoid heavy spicy and oily food in the night,add more fresh and fibre rich food in your diet, with making any life style changes just taking medicines will be of no use.take TabZOXAKIND500mg 2times daily for 5days,tab VGUTdaily 2tmes for 10 days after 5days take unienzyme cap or syp daily2t03times daily after food ,avoid comple ...
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Sir , I am 22 years old with brownish skin tone and oily skin.when i was 15 years old(7 Years back) i had chicken pox which resulted in scars on my face but i am not able to concentrate due to studies and later used to have frequent acne and pimple problems in which few are cystic.Now i have lot of scars and pit hole on my face .Kindly prefer some scar gels or cream which is good for my skin tone and any latest treatments possible. Doubt(while searching net i came through a scar gel Derma -E Which is a combination of Panthenol,Allicin,Allontoin etc is it good for my skin) Kindly ,waiting for your Annswer Thanking You .

  Doctor's Answer

scars and pits dueto pimples and chicken pox will not improve well with creams ,better option isto go for procedures like lasers ,microneedling ,punch elevation,punch grafting depending on the nature of the scar.consult a dermatologist ...
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when my baby is born she is so fair and pink ..after two day her face and body look radish ,after 4/5 days she look darker . lots of people said don’t worry baby color will change after some month .i don’t know but her complexion looks dull now .my husband have fair complexion and myself fair. That’s why we worry how she look like dark . any remedy to improve the color of the baby
1 Answer
1. My grand daughter 2 yrs of age having severe lose motion or diarrhea for the last 4 days and passing watery yellowish stool every 5 to 10 minutes. Had slight temperature max 101.5 Deg F, for the first two days. Now there is no temperature. 2. She is being hydrated and has been passing urine occasionally. She is 11kg by weight. 3. Urine and stool tests have been carried out. There is no infection. 4. Urine : Albumin- Trace, Ketone Bodies-Present +, Red Bllod Cells-Absent, Puss Cell-4-5/HPF, Epithelial Cells-2-3/HPF 5. Stool: reducing substances- Present +, Puss cells – 2-3/HPF, Epithelial cells-Occasional. (Oval Cysts not seen) 6. Local doctor says she will be all right but her watery stool continues unabated and we are extremely worried. She is losing her body weight and becoming cranky. Her skin around anus has become swollen & reddish. 7. She has been put on liquid O2 Suspension from today (Ofloxacin and Orindazole) 8. Please let us know: a. How can we stop the lose motion of such high frequency. b. Is O2 has some side effect? Do you suggest any other medicine c. Is it normal that such watery stool can continue for such log time? d. Please advice what should be done now.
1 Answer
Hi doctors my age is 28 yrs and i have prb with my digestive system since 10 yrs Every two times /day my stool is loose than normal and with muccus And excecive secrtion off saliva but more during sleep No pain no cramp and no any blood in stool no gas prb I have consunt many dr and and many pathy some off drugs dr.prescribe in different tyms are 1-lomotil 2-metrogy 3-rifamycine 4-pantaprazol 5-famotidine 6-liv52 And many other medicine like Unani and ayrveda and homeo And i also complaint of lose of appitite Lose of wet Genral weakness Joint and cuf muscle pain some dr.told me u are suffirng from Malabsorption Sir plzz give now any single medicine treatment which help to my digestive and help to absorb nutrition Sir plz repy me soon as posble or emal
1 Answer
Sir , I am 22 years old with brownish skin tone and oily skin.when i was 15 years old(7 Years back) i had chicken pox which resulted in scars on my face but i am not able to concentrate due to studies and later used to have frequent acne and pimple problems in which few are cystic.Now i have lot of scars and pit hole on my face .Kindly prefer some scar gels or cream which is good for my skin tone and any latest treatments possible. Doubt(while searching net i came through a scar gel Derma -E Which is a combination of Panthenol,Allicin,Allontoin etc is it good for my skin) Kindly ,waiting for your Annswer Thanking You .
1 Answer
Hi my baby is 3 years 4 months old she has been vomiting 6 times tonight she had been okay through out the day. I dropped her off at the sitter and she must've eaten something that did not go well. I got home from work and she started throwing up. I gave her Mountain Dew couldn't get her to drink anything apart from Mountain Dew and I couldn't get to the store to buy lemon lime because it was past midnight when this started. She's now asleep and I'm hoping she won't wake up to throw up again coz she's exhausted. What should I do if she throws up again and is Mountain Dew okay for her
1 Answer
Dear Sir / Mam....Help me please to solve my problem of hair attraction. Here I am want to tell you real and interesting story of my attraction of girls hair. Its happened with me in past. I am hair fetish. It starts when I was 14 years old. A girl about 20 years old was leaving near to my house. She has long and beautiful hair. Her hair length is up to her waist and her hair so smooth and silky. Whenever I saw her hair, I attracted to her beautiful hair and suddenly my penis is become tight. One day I went to her home for some work, at that time she was making her ponytail, my god it’s nice to see her making ponytail, when I saw suddenly my penis tight, then after finishing her ponytail she goes to another room then I just saw her hair in her hair brush then I catch all hair in hair brush and came back to my home with that bunch of hair. I make round shape of that bunch of hair, because they going here and there. Then I so excited that I got bunch of her hair. Then first I smell that bunch of hair (BOH). My god it’s so nice smell of that BOH. A clinic shampoo smell is coming from that BOH. It’s so nice feeling for me. When I touch her BOH then I feel her hair is so smooth and silky. Then I slept on bed in opposite direction and playing with that BOH, while playing that BOH, I was moving my penis here and there and I feel so nice at that time. Then my attraction of her BOH is going so strong that’s why I am going to eat that BOH, I took BOH in my mouth and trying to eating it. While playing, smelling, eating with that BOH I continuously moving my penis here and there. Then after some minutes my semen was ejected. Suddenly my attraction of that BOH is zero. Then I thought what I am doing, I am eating hair? It’s bad for my digestive system and harmful for my heath. Then I remove that BOH from my mouth and thrown into dust bean. Then next day I was thinking why I thrown that BOH into dust bean. Now what I do, my attraction towards her hair is going to strong. Then I went to her home for searching her BOH, and then I got it. But that BOH is now fresh, that BOH is 2-3 day old. I catch it and came back to my home. I took smell of that BOH but there is no good smell, but that BOH was bad smell like bun of hair. You know why that bad smell is going from that BOH, because that BOH in 2-3 day old and sunlight affected to that BOH. At that time I can’t do masturbation on that BOH. But I am trying to searches fresh BOH. Sometime I got fresh BOH sometime I not. When I got fresh BOH then I did masturbation on that when I not then I didn’t. Then I got new idea for hair masturbation that is when I didn’t get hair then I just record long hair video and images in my mind. When I didn’t have hair for masturbation then I used that recorded video and images which in my mind, means I didn’t imaginary hair masturbation. I first saw all long hair girls which in my area and save their long hair videos in m mind. Then at the time of masturbation I used that recorded videos of hair. I just imagine that I smell play and eat that girl’s hair and did masturbation on it. One day I saw a girl which was leaving near to my house and have nice hair, she cut her hair up to 4-5 inches. I was so sad but I am trying to search that hair pieces. Near to her house there was no girl’s beauty parlor. That girl has one another sister which have also long and sexy hair. Then I thought I think she cut her hair at home with help of her sister because no beauty parlor in our area, and I was right I found her hair pieces, my god it was so nice and fresh. Clink plus shampoo smell was coming in that hair pieces. I am so excited I collect all hair pieces and came back my home and did 2-3 time masturbation on that hair pieces. Then I burn all hair pieces I don’t know why I did this but I burn all hair. Then I am so sad because I don’t have her hair pieces. I asking myself why I burn her hair. Then I went to another city for next education, I was leaving with my roommate, he is working in private company. Near to my room there are near about 6-7 ladies beauty parlors. One beauty parlor has open window means you can see from road girl’s hair cut and their treatment. I always watch how girls cut their long hair and suddenly my penis getting tight while seeing their hair cut. I try to get that cut hair. One day I was wondering from one beauty parlor that beauty parlor is closed and outside that parlor then is one carry bag. I just thought definitely girls cut hair pieces in that carry bag. Then I tried to catch that carry bag. I woke up at 2.30 AM then went to that parlor at that time no one was there. Then I collected that carry bag and hide in my room. Then my room partner goes to his job then I open that carry bag and my god I was right there are lots of girls hair pieces, like 8-9 inches, 5-6 inches, 2-3 inches. I am so excited and suddenly my penis became tight. Then I just took smell of all hair pieces my god that hair was so fresh and smell was so nice. Some hair pieces has dove shampoo smell and some has different, but smell was good. Some hair pieces were wet. First sort all hair pieces according their type and did 2-3 times masturbation on that. I have one bad habit whenever I got hair pieces I did masturbation 2-3 times and thrown into dust bean. Now I don’t have any hair pieces still I got neat about 10-15 times hair pieces but all hair pieces I thrown into dust bean after 2-3 masturbation. I have got lots of time BOH (Bunch of hair) but I thrown all BOH into dust bean after one masturbation. Now I came back to my home here there is no one beauty parlor so now I am doing hair masturbation on facebook videos, photos and imaginary videos and photos. A girls which is leaving near to my house is getting married and now is not here so now I don’t have BOH (Bunch of Hair), Hair pieces. I have options for hair masturbation is facebook hair videos and photos also imaginary hair videos and photos. I can't control my sex emotions about hair....please understand me...When I saw beautiful and long hair photos and videos then suddenly my penis tight and want masturbates on that photo and videos ..please understand ..I can't control of Can I control this me ...please......
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