can coke and disprin stop peri
  can coke and disprin stop peri

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can coke and disprin stop periods?

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hello sir.i had my last sex with my husband on august 10th and i had periods in september and period date is october 4th..i dint get periods in november and this there any possibility of getting pregnancy?can i use mensovit plus for getting periods?please reply..

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, As you told me your history about sex with your husband and about your periods, it is very difficult that you got pregnant because the maximum life of a sperm inside the female genitalia is maximum of 7 days which happen during ovulation time. Although the time when you had sex was in an unsafe time (the time you could have got pregnant) and you already had your period after that twice, it is extremely rare that you might have been pregnant. But still just to confirm that you don't have ...
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my g.f is 26 yr old,her periods comes on 5th date ,after sex at 3 rd feb ,she take a tablet of unwanted 72 then check home pregnency test it is negative and after 1month and 10 days there is no any symptomps of pregnency and home pregnency result will also be negative bt there is problem her periods had not come after 1month and 10 days..?,my g.f consult a gyno-bt without any checkup she gives a dose of mifepristone and mesoprostal ..after taken these medicine periods has not come...what can we do?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, There were a certain points which were a little unclear,how many times was urine pregnancy test negative and when. After how many days was it done importantly and when was it done last(date of urine pregnancy test). If urine pregnancy test is negative then there is no point why any gynaec would prescribe you mifepristone. The drug prescribed should not have been prescribed to you at least without confirming pregnancy by a urine pregnancy test and an ultrasound. The drug mifepristone is ef ...
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Hi, I am suffering from sever headaches from last three days. Taking disprin but still no relief. What shoud I do ?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, If you have a family history of hypertension,you should avoid excessive salt intake and a high cholesterol diet which includes fatty foods like butter or any other cold drinks. Avoid smokoing and excessive alcohol intake. You should do regular excercise. If you have dizziness then take plenty of water and try to get your b.p and eye sight and sugar checked if everything seems to be alright and still you have symptoms the we will get you further investigated for the cause of the disease. ...
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Hi doctor can you please advise me about the tests which i may go a to understand the actual issue.Every day in the morning when i wake up , i feel terrible pain in my headache and till now i am trying to avoid disprin . Can i take disprin 2-3 times in a day ...does it lead to any side-effect ?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi Ryan, Could you please elaborate about your headache. In which part of your head does it ache, Since when, how many times a day, Does it have any relation with any activity, does any activity increases or decreases its intensity, Do you have any other associated symptoms, Does taking Disprin relieves it? Yes definitely all the medicines have side effects. Regards. ...
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Hi! Um i have discovered that I have anemia(iron deficient)so I went to a clinic and they gave me supplements as well as the trigestrel for regular periods.I had sex with my boyfriend while on them but now my periods have stopped and I'm kinda worried that I might pregnant. Please help,is it the trigestrel that made them to stop or maybe I have catched?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, can you please tell me the dose and frequency of taking trigestrel? Yes, it may alter your menstrual cycle. Don't worry too much. To reduce tension, you can do an urine pregnancy test. Thanks. ...
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