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in jan end there was unprotected sex on 03 april i felt burning sensation on my penis ,on 04 april i was diagnosed for uti by surgeon as there was 1-2 pus cell in my urine and prescribed with antibiotic for a week. it did not give me relief i refered to a urologist and told him everything, he has diagnosed me for prostattitus after physical examination and my semen culture showed no growth,but pus cells 4-6hpf the urologist said there is no STI . he has prescribed me the foll doxy 100mg twice daily for 15 days lenoflox 500 once daily for 4 weeks t.alfoo 10mg one daily for 3 months it has been 15 days since i am having the med but the burning sensation comes often on the right bottom of the head of my penis with no other symptom .what can be the possible reason there is no discharge/rashes on my genitals only this burning sensation pl tell me if i need to show to some other urologist or is it that i have an std which the urologist could not diagnose if so then whom should i consult and what all test of std should i conduct .the urologist has said that i do not require any STD test as i have simple prostatits but the fear of std is troubling me or do i need to consult a pshycatrist pl help

Hi, The medicines you are having are fine and have to be taken for 15 more days and you may feel further better. I might have liked to give some other medicines,but then the doctor might have noticed something on your examination to give you this medicine. You can get tested for hiv for safety sake and your concern. Is there any smell in urine ? prostatitis is difficult to comment without examining you.But it may be possible that you are having acute bacterial prostatitis and treatment for acut ...

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I am a 24 yr old uncircumcised male. I had sex with a prostitute around 4 months ago.While having sex from the back(vaginal) the condom tore from the top and I had not realized it until I had pulled out ejaculating inside her in the process. After about 20 days after the incident I started having mild urine sensation and light penile pain after urinating( and not during urination). At around 32nd day I had fever ( around 101f), throat pain and urine sensation continuing from before. I went to gp and he said it's a mild UTI and put me on prufloxacin 600mg antibiotic for 3 days and did a urine routine and culture and both showed nothing. Fever and sore throat healed up within 3 days and urine sensation also improved and penile pain went away. But the penile sensation and irritation stayed so i went to a urologist.He did a PSA blood test and urine test which was normal so he put me on 8 days Pruflox course.The urine sensation went away around in 20 days or so. But now also i felt a sort of occasional burning feeling while urinating at tip of penis which travels to the shaft for a minute or 2 and then disappears and the penis opening became very red and itchy after masterbation. I went to a the dermatologist just a week ago.He ordered for std panel, urine test and semen analysis.On examining he didn't find any abnormality as such just a little reddish at the tip of penis.Std test was negative (HIV, Herpes, Chalmydia and syphilis), urine test was negative but semen has 8-10 hpf pus cells.So he gave me 15 days azithromycin 500mg course (twice a day for 3 days then once a day) and alksol syrup twice a day. 1) Am i on the right course of treatment??Do i need to take azithromycin for such a long time as it is known to be very strong and have side effects such as diarrhoea. 2) what is the meaning of pus cells in semen? 3) Are my std panel results conclusive at 4 months?? Pls do reply.!!!!

plz visit sexologist. or cal us ...

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Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. chandan choudhary

  • Urologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  203 Doc Points

Dr. Gnanaraj Jesudian

  • Urologist
  •  Coimbatore, India
  •  306 Doc Points

Dr. Suri Raju V

  • Urologist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  300 Doc Points

Dr. Ninan Thomas Panicker

  • Urologist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  300 Doc Points

Dr. G Desai

  • Urologist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  300 Doc Points

Dr. Lakshmi Narayana Raju

  • Urologist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  300 Doc Points

Dr. Vinay Patilt

  • Urologist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  300 Doc Points

Dr. Hasit Rudresh Mehta

  • Urologist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  200 Doc Points


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