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Premature delivery

Find latest answers to Premature delivery questions, Premature delivery articles, Premature delivery news and clinic/doctors who deal with Premature delivery.

I m having tooth ache can I take combiflam as I had an c section delivery on 27 dec 2012

Yes, for temporary symptomatic relief only. Toothaches are best taken care of by the Dentists so visit one immediately ...

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My wife had a Preterm Premature Rapture Of Membrane three days before. She is in 17th week of her pregnancy.Doctors r saying the rapture is too big tobe heeled naturally. Babys sonography report is normal. Heart beat rate is 173. Dr is suggesting abortion but we r not convinced plz help.

Hi!! yes your doctor has rightly advised you an abortion due to rupture of membranes.If the membranes around the baby burst ,then chances of infection to the mother and baby are very high.Since the baby has not reached the period of viability,it is not possible for the baby to survive,also infection has already set in as babys heartbeat is high.This is termed as tachycardia and is one of the first signs of fetal infection.This needs immediate intervention to terminate the pregnancy and can be do ...

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Hi, its my 34th week of pregnancy, I've been diagnosed with gestational diabetics and i am taking insulin everyday. right now my baby is weighing nearer to 2.6 kg and my Doc is suggesting delivery in the next week itself, due to the complications and since there is a single loop of cord around my baby's neck, can i get a suggestion regarding this, shall i go with what my Doc says?

Hi!! Usually in gestational diabetes if sugars are well controlled on insulin,I would suggest delivery by induction of labour between 37-38 weeks of pregnancy.Also,there should be no other complications in the pregnancy.Trial of labour is recommended if no associated complications and even if single loop of cord is present around the fetal neck. From your query it seems that the pregnancy is not associated with any other complications.You should discuss in detail with your obstetrician regarding ...

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hi I just delivered on 8/06/2013 n was blessed by a baby stiches have been dissolved but there is still sensitivity and also some times itchy I was given silverex ionic 2% gel silver nitrate can I still continue putting that any side effects also I had got constipated after 2 weeks after my delivery n because of the force that was put I have got cuts in my rectum because of which its difficult for to sit stand and even sleep at times.its been more then a week now.can u please sub crib something for the cut and pain I'm breast feeding also now I get motions properly but after that I get lots of pain. please help

Hi, Yes that is why i prescribed you with syrup lactulose so that you pass a litlle soft stools and if there is any fissure in rectum that gets time to heal up and yes that syrup is fine when you are lactating. But that should be taken for not more than seven days and also you should take high fiber rich diet. You can also be prescribed for local anaesthetic gel for local application around rectum area if the pain is so much but the syrup i prescribed should be more than enough. ...

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i am seeking a fine dietician who can help me reduce my weight.I was a good 67 kgs with 171cm 3 years ago aftr my delivery last year i gained weight like crazy and now i am not able to shed food cravings are high,eating habits have gone all bogus and now i am a good 95kg and i feel awful when i look at myself , i am losing my self confidence too.i have pain in my knee joints and i hear cracking sounds on my knee when i climb stairs and i know it is because of my weight issue :( i need a proper diet and exercise plan which you help me with a consistent reduction of weight and toning myself.please do help me to get over this nasty issue :(

Sample Diet Plan 5: 30 am (Preworkout meal): 1 fruit (any) (60-70 gms) (you can consume 1 banana also ) 5:45- 7:00 am (workout): Any form of workout that suits you for atleast 50 mins. 9:00- 9:30 am (Breakfast) 1 glass skimmed milk (200 ml)/ 1 cup low fat curd or yoghurt (150 gms) + Oats (15 grams, 2-3 tsp) or muesli (15 grams, 2-3 tsp) or any homemade non deep fried snack [eg:1 quarter plate poha/1 quarter plate upma/2 idli/2 small or 1 medium size dosa/2 appam/ 2 dhokla/dalia/multigrain bre ...

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1.pls suggest exercise to remove single loop of cord around neck. 2.also suggest if loop around neck be removed during delivery

Hi, There is no excercise to remove cord around the neck. Yes the cord around the neck will be removed by the doctor doing your delivery. It is very difficult to say if it is loosened during labour because that depends upon position of baby and many more factors. You can otherwise roll on bed from right-left and left-right,that might be of some help. ...

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I am in my 23rd wk of pregnancy and got ultrasound report as "placenta posterior extending into the lower segment upto to the internal Os". is it serious? what should i do to go for normal delivery?

It is a case of Marginal Placenta Previa. Chances are that there will be painless bleeding P/V during 5th and 7th months. Consult your Obstetrician immediately in that case. You will need to take bed rest. Better go for C.S ...

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Baby was born premature at 35 weeks on 7th nov2013. Uptill now i constantly have problems feeding due to sore cracked nipples and severe breast pain during and after nursing.... What is the reason behind this??? As i really wished to breastfeed exclusively but all my efforts failed badly( took lactare 2 tabs thrice a day for 2-3 weeks) I give her lactodex lbw uptill now ( 150ml thrice a day) ... When can i switch to lactodex1 or nan1????please help!!! This is the last hope for me... Thank you

Express milk frequently to avoid congestion and pain , and to maintain further milk flow. Feed your baby first with expressed breast milk(ebm) using spoon, and later the formula feed. Once healed, you can start nursing (breast-feeding) directly. Most imp is adequate weight gain - if this is satisfactory and there is no feed intolerance, you can usually change to normal formula feeds after your child has completed 37-38 weeks (i.e. 2-3 weeks after birth). ...

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i am still bleeding even after 4 month of my delivery (c section) my doctor told me to take primoult -n from last 21 days , i just want to know is it right way to treat hematoma. My MRI report shows hematoma of around 5 cm* 4cm

Can I know the location of your hematoma? Hematoma seldomly causes relentless bleeding. Please discuss further with your obstetrician if there is a possibility that you have retained placenta in your uterus. If there is retained placenta, then maye you could undergo a curettage procedure. However if this is a case of hormonal imbalance, then Primolut-N should work. ...

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Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1091 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Vrinda Goyal

  • Nutritionist
  •  Jaipur, India
  •  300 Doc Points

Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade

  • Psychiatrist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  354 Doc Points

Dr. Ashwani Singal

  • Pediatrician
  •  Ludhiana, India
  •  317 Doc Points

Dr. Sucharita Pal Chowdhury

  • Family Medicine
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  531 Doc Points


  • Dentist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  219 Doc Points

Dr. Sanmati Thole

  • Pediatrician
  •  Aurangabad, India
  •  131 Doc Points

Dr. jeevan mathai

  • Dentist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  107 Doc Points

Dr. Sajid Ahmed

  • Pediatrician
  •  Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  •  320 Doc Points
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