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  Topics Liver and kidney function test

Liver and kidney function test

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i am just 25 years old.My height is 169 cm&weight-72 kgslast 10 days back i checked my bp,it is 150/ lipid profile reports are normal,in ultrasound scanning liver was minute enlarged,i am taking stamlo beta for my hypertension,now can i use ayurveda medicines for hyprtension & liver enlargement.

Hi, Looking at your detail that you gave me, you seem to have a normal BMI (body mass index),and normal cholesterol levels which is a good thing. There can be many people who might have a slight or mildly enlarged liver that only means that you should have a little less on your cholesterol or oil in eating and may be alcohol if you ingest it. You can use ayurvedic drugs for your liver,but I wont say them for hypertension. Now a days many doctors prescribe diuretics as a first line of treatmen ...

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I let an abcessed tooth go untreated for about six months and during that time i had an exam for a life insurance policy. The blood test revealed that I was having liver function problems, everything on the test was perfectly normal except my ast and alt levels were really high. Could that be because the infection had gotten into my body?

Not just the tooth but infection on any part of the body will surely lead to changes in antigen- antibody levels. The retained infectious tooth needs to be treated as soon as possible and you need to start with antibiotics. Based on the extent of the damage either a root canal treatment, apicoectomy or extraction maybe needed. ...

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liver shows small calcification in right lobe and kidney shows calculus 1.1x.4 cm right 9.7 left 9.3 cm in size also small urine is remained in bladder report of ultrasonography what ur suggestion operation needed or by medication it can be cured.

Hi, Liver calcification is usually nothing serious and can be due to necrosis because of drugs ,because of old infection or injury and can also be sign of excessive alcohol intake,you may be advised for a ct scan depending on your other examination findings. Now for your kidney stone, I hope the size you mentioned is in mm and not cm and i would recommend any stone larger than 7mm to be removed surgically. Kindly mention the location of stone and whether there are any other findings like hydron ...

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I have done ultrasound of abdomen and pelvis and the report i got is LIVER,GALL BLADDER, PANCREAS, SPLEEN and UNRIARY BLADDR is normal. But KIDNEY : Right kidney : 70*32mm Left kidney : 79*35mm Both kidneys are decreased in size. Renal parenchymal echo texture increased in bilateral kidneys. Cortical indentations noted in bilateral kidneys. No calculi or hydronephrosis in either kidney. PROSTATE :: Size : 37*30*35mm (Volume-20 cc) Increased in size. Median lobe of prostate is enlarged. Can u tell me is it very serious now or in future ?

Hi, Yes the report shows that your kidney size is reduced significantly and you need to get many tests before i can make any comment although rest all other things mentioned in the ultrasound are normal. But you will have to get your urine report like urine routine and microcscopy,kidney function test,glomerular filtration rate. Then depending on these test reports we will have to see whether they are enough or we might have to investigate you more. This might be ok or might have to be investi ...

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Name – Biman Das Age – 28 years Indian origin, stays in Bangalore, India. 9th July 2012 - hemoglobin electrophoresis suggestive of Homozygous Hemoglobin E disease Complaint – Weakness since 1year. Hi…. Below are the complete tests I have done two days back….. Blood Urea Nitrogen – 11.00 mg/dl Serum Creatinine – 1 mg/dl Serum Glucose – 94 mg/dl SERUM LIVER FUNCTION TEST Billirubin Total – 1.30 mg/dl Billirubin – direct – 0.30 mg/dl SGOT/AST (P5P, IFCC) – 63.00 IU/ml SGPT/ALT (P5P, IFCC) – 142.00 IU/ml ALP – 74 IU/ml Total protein – 7.80 g/dl Serum Albumin – 4.90 g/dl Serum Globulin – 2.90 g/dl ALB/GLOB Ratio – 1.69 g/dl SERUM TSH (ECLIA) – 6.240 IU/mL COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT WBC – 9300.00 / RBC – 6.15 million/ Hemoglobin – 11.90 g/dl Haemotocrit (PCV) – 37.00 % MCV – 61.00 fL MCH – 19.40 Pg MCHC – 31.30 g/dl Platelet count – 135000.00 / DIFFERENTIAL COUNT Neutrophils – 52 % Lymphocytes – 43 % Monocytes – 3.00 % Eosinophils – 2.00 % ESR – 4.00 /1st hour. PERIPHERAL SMEAR EXAMINATION RBC’s – Show moderate anisopoikilocytosis, are microcytic hypochromic with few eliptocytes, target cells. WBC’s – Leucocytes are normal in total count and distribution Plateletes – Plateletes are reduced. Macroplateletes noted. Impression – Microcytic hypochromic blood picture with thrombocytopenia. (Kindly correlate with serum iron,TIBC, ferritin and Hb variant analysis [To rule out hemoglobinopathy]) OTHER TESTS – Routine Urine analysis – All values are normal ECG – Normal study X-Ray of chest – PA View – Normal Study MY HABBITS – Non veg 3 days a week Beer – 3 days a week( 700ml per day) drinking since 10 years. Smoking – 12 cigarettes per day (Smoking since 10 years). More Anxiety and less physical activities. Last one year I am inside my house, just for half an hour I go outside in the morning. MY HISTORY AND TESTS DONE EARLIER – History of acidity, constipation and digestion. 9th July 2012 - Haemoglobin electrophoresis suggestive of Homozygous Haemoglobin E disease. 16th October 2012 - Ultrasound of liver – Fatty Liver 18th October 2012 – Liver function test – All values are normal 18th October 2012 – Pulmonary test – Normal spirometery 18th October 2012 – Complete Haemoglobin – Haemoglobin 12.5 gm/dl, WBC – normal in number and morphology, RBC – Anicocytosis with microcytic hypochromic erythrocytes, mild polychromasia, elliptocytes and taget cells, platelets- adequate Please let me know is it very serious and also let me know some medicines and diet... Regards Biman Das

Hi, I am not sure,your doctor must have examined you so he can might be telling better,but i belive you should have complet liver tests including pt aptt and coagulation profile and billirubin levels and also repeat the tests you already have. Although yellow eyes can also be due to mddy sclera,some people have muddy sclera. Your tsh is also raised so he might be telling you for some test or may be you could be directly be put on medicines for this. Time taken is different for diffirent person ...

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I have been diagnosed with IBS a little over 10 years ago by a gasterenterologist. They did the colonoscopy and determined that it was IBS (diarrhea only for me), but I have not been back since due to financial hardship. I have been experiencing some pain, bloating, gas, unusual bowel movements for me - constipation, and unusual looking feces. It has at times looked to be long and thin which is quite abnormal. I have been a vegetarian for 18 years but for the last 8 months have been vegan. These symptoms have not come on until about 2 months ago, however. If anything, I am eating a lot more fruits, vegetables and fiber, which should make me more regular and NOT constipated (I do not eat any dairy or eggs - nothing from animals at all). I used to have to take 3-4 Immodim a day before going to work just to function at my job, but recently, I have not been taking any of it and still have trouble going to the bathroom. I am concerned that this may be something serious. I have read everything I can about these symptoms and have seen that it could be a sign of colon or rectal cancer. I am not an alarmist, but am interested to know if I should be seeking medical attention immediately. Thoughts? Thank you. Rebecca

dear rebecca, pleased to know how keen you are with your health (many people are sooooo careless). As for your IBS, it is a wise idea to undergo a colonoscopy once every year. Cancer or colon or rectum is very rare and there are early signs of it like a polyp which can be easily diagnosed and removed by colonoscopy. so if you really need to be cautious, you have to underdo a colonoscopy once every year. Take care. www. pilesfreedom. com ...

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I am experiencing right flank pain upon waking. Pain is localized, sharp, stabbing and has increased in intensity over a 10 day period. Pain is relieved once I am able to stand and move about, but will return any time I am in a supine position. I had a CT today that ruled out kidney stones. I had a liver transplant in 2010 due to NASH, and have done well.

Hi harrisonj, Flank pain may be mechanical which should be reduced with painkiller and muscle relaxant. But, as you have a previous history of liver transplant, it should be treated with caution. I suggest you to visit a physician for proper evaluation. Thanks ...

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Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Pravin Gore

  • Colon and Rectal Surgeon
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  474 Doc Points

Dr. Naveen Arya

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Amritsar, India
  •  183 Doc Points

Dr. Sanjay Pandey

  • Homeopathist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  250 Doc Points

Dr. Niraj Mahajan

  • Obstetrician and Gynecologist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  148 Doc Points


  • Internal Medicine
  •  Amalapuram, India
  •  106 Doc Points


  • Gastroenterologist
  •  Jaipur, India
  •  115 Doc Points

Dr. imran hussain

  • Internal Medicine
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  120 Doc Points

Dr. Raguram Ganesamoni

  • Urologist
  •  Nagercoil, India
  •  504 Doc Points