Topics Intervention Cardiologist (angioplasty)
  Topics Intervention Cardiologist (angioplasty)

Intervention Cardiologist (angioplasty)

Find latest answers to Intervention Cardiologist (angioplasty) questions, Intervention Cardiologist (angioplasty) articles, Intervention Cardiologist (angioplasty) news and clinic/doctors who deal with Intervention Cardiologist (angioplasty).

I need to extract a tooth. Can I do that safely with having angioplasty done and continuing with medicines.

yes you can consult your cardio and get a fitness from him before you start dental treatment ...

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wisdom tooth removal in patient with history of angioplasty 4 yrs ago.Is there any risk?

No, but will have to consult your cardiologist before the Dentist can take over as certain drugs are avoided or added before undertaking surgery ...

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Post coronary Angioplasty I have Hematoma / swelling on my right hand.can I take chymoral forte. Thanks

Hi, usually access site hematomas are benign, they resolve within 5-10 days and require no any additional treatment. Taking into account that you are taking some mandatory medications after coronary intervention, which interaction between Chymoral Forte hasn't been investigated and probable side effects of Cymoral forte, I would advice just wait some days and it'll resolve by itself. ...

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My father is 53 yrs old. He had been diagnosed with Coronary artery disease ,TMT positive,Diabetes Mellitus CT Coronary Angiogram showed High calcium score,Single Branch Vessel disease.His heart was said to be very healthy so far. A 100% blockage and 80% blockage of the arteries had been detected and collateral ways have been formed.He has not faced any symptoms of Angina so far.At the long run , anything can happen which is very sure.Could you please suggest what should be done - Bypass or Angioplasty and is it an emergency which needs to be right away?

blockage more then 75% has to be opened according to American and European recomendations. The thing that collaterals are formed and he doesn't have symptoms, on the one hand is good, it's not an amergency situatuon, but on the other hand as some diabetics can't feel pain as hard as healthy people, the real clinical picture can hide and so better not to loose time!. As for the choice between bypass surgery and angioplasty, there are some criteria (number of vessels blocked, which vessels are bl ...

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My Uncle has suffered a severe heart attack on Sunday. He is 69 years of age. He was admitted to Nanavati Hospital at 9.30 pm. Angiography was performed at 11.30 pm and there were three blocks detected in the arteries. The % of blocks were 100%, 90% and 70% respectively. Angioplasty was performed on the artery which had 100% block. The angioplasty was successfully. We would like to seek your opinion on the remaining further treatment. We would like to seek your appointment. Kindly give your appointment.

More then 75% stenosis (block) is indication for angioplasty according to American and European reccomendations. So I would reccomend you to do immediate angioplasty of the vessel which has 90% block. As for 70% block, he needs carefull monitoring of his heart, that means to take all prescribed medications on time (because medications decrease the risk of complications and improve patient's health), to visit cardiologist periodically, but if he has some cardiologic symptoms such as chest pain, s ...

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I have just underwent angioplasty in last month. Three Blocks were found Middle was 100% for which angioplasty was performed. The remaining two have shown 80 to 95 % blocks. Whether I have to go for another angioplasty or these blocks can be removed through medicines and changing life style. Please suggest how to go about it. There are many people sharing different experience and confusing. However one common thing I have noticed among many people that these blocks can be cured through Ayurveda medicines and most popular is advised is ARJUNARISHT. Presently I am on main medicine named as BRILLINTA 90. Pl. advice how to go about it.

More then 75% stenosis of blood vessel is indication for angioplasty acording to American and European recommendations and are considered critical, that means that angioplasty must be done! there doesn't exist a medication which will help more then 75% block. And these blocks, if are not cured on time can lead to infarction! BRILLINTA is a medication which makes your blood thinner, it doesn't have any influence on blocks. Visit your cardiologist and do whatever he/she advices, because 80%, 95% a ...

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Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Samir Nayyar

  • Dentist
  •  Jalandhar, India
  •  119 Doc Points


  • Dentist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  219 Doc Points

Dr. lakshmipathy p

  • Dentist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  139 Doc Points

Dr. Karthik Vasudevan

  • Cardiologist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  300 Doc Points

Dr. V S Prakash

  • Cardiologist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  300 Doc Points


  • Physiotherapist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  106 Doc Points

Dr. Salome Zhvania

  • Cardiologist
  •  ,
  •  138 Doc Points

Dr. Md Shamim Reza

  • Internal Medicine
  •  , Bangladesh
  •  208 Doc Points

Dr. Lianush Mkrtchyan

  • Cardiologist
  •  , Armenia
  •  159 Doc Points