Topics Disc herniation
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Disc herniation

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Dear sir/Madam, My self is kali prasad mohapatra ,age about 44yrs is having slip disc problem in L4-L5 AREA. Pl suggest me the course of treat ment.

Hello Sir, Usually SLIP DISC is associated with symptoms as pain in lower back region sometimes radiating to legs , stiffness in back , numbness in legs .Lifting of heavy weights or sudden bending of spine usually leads to this problem . First and foremost treatment is COMPLETE BED REST. Take muscle relaxants daily along with analgesics. HOT FOMENTATION in the lower back region will do wonders for you.Do it three times a day followed by light application of a analgesic gel. Take a course of ...

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Hi I have disc bulge at L4, L5 since4 years . I am now working part time at a school . My supervisor requires me to take stairs for taking child from 2nd floor class to basement gym and back. We are not allowed to use lift. Please let me know if it is safe to do ? Since this is a special Ed school we anyway have to do lot of runing about. A

Hi, You are having prolapse of disc at L4-5 level. You should not indulge in heavy physical activity. you should take precautions such as avoid bending forward , jumping , running for long distances , lifting of heavy weights and all other activities which may put strain to your spine.Wear a lumbosacral belt as advised by your orthopaedician. Take muscle relaxants and physiotherapy for your back.Consult your Orthopaedic surgeon for proper evaluation of your spine. Feel free to ask any questi ...

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Hello, I had slipped disc surgery in the month of September. Before surgery I had sciatica pain in right buttock (acute pain) but after surgery I sometimes feel mild pain in left buttock. After a few months I noticed when I get up in the morning my back/ spineis a little tilted towards left side but once I do some back strecthing exercises the back/spine becomes straight. Please advise

this could be Sacro Iliac (SI Joint Pain) - the gluteus muscles weakens gradually after any lower back surgery. you need to follow some stretching and strengthening exercises for Gluetus (Buttocks)Muscle. especially focus on gluteus medium, predominantly weakens amongst the 3 gluteus muscles. follow the exercise before going to bed and after waking up. ice application can reduce the stiff ness and localised pain associated with SI Joint ...

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what is health condition of diffuse annular disc bulge c5-c6 and nerve indentation

Hi, It depends from pateint to patent if the bulge is to much then pain might be severe,although usually if the bulge is there then there is unberable pain. But some people might be able to tolerate better. You may weakess and tingling sensation and continous pain in arm. What are you facing ? ...

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I have two different reports, one is a MRI that states I have a 4.5 disc herniation and then I have a ct scan that show I have a 2.5 producing mild central can stenosis. Which one would be correct? both state I am not fusion after having a c5-c7 fusion a year ago.

Hi, Thanks for writing in. When we talk about disc problems then MRI is more accurate. CT shows bones better but MRI shows the disc on detail. Regarding fusion of C 5 - C 7 it is important to see your images before commenting on the type of fusion procedure. It will be better to compare your surgery notes and then review the MRI scan and CT scan. ...

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Diffuse disc bulge at l5/s1 intending the thecal sac causing mild canal stenosis and mild bilateral foraminal stenosis-what is meaning in tamil language

compression of nerve roots at L5/S1(low back) due to narrowing of the nerve outlet; could result in Sciatica i.e.,pain along the back of thigh and leg often shooting type. In Tamil language it could be said as"iduppu vazhi, kaal isukkiradu,shock adikka maadiri novu".Hope you can understand.......... ...

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Dr. Sameer Kad

  • Orthopedist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  583 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Sanjay Pandey

  • Homeopathist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  250 Doc Points


  • Orthopedist
  •  Vadodara, India
  •  125 Doc Points

Dr. Dilbans Pandher

  • Orthopedist
  •  Jalandhar, India
  •  311 Doc Points

Dr. Anupreet Bassi

  • Orthopedist
  •  Ludhiana, India
  •  202 Doc Points

Dr. Amaranath Mruthyunjaya

  • Family Medicine
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  107 Doc Points

Dr. Swapnil Mate

  • Physiotherapist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  209 Doc Points

Dr. Nakkiran.PT k

  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  •  Chennai, India
  •  253 Doc Points


  • Physiotherapist
  •  Kurnool, India
  •  216 Doc Points