Your problem seems to be primarily dental.
I wolud recommend you to visit the dental proffesional an make an x ray..
From wat history you hav provided it seems the nerve has been damaged and there is infection, pus, developed below the tooth.. hence the wierd senstion... sinus infection may or may not be related to the tooth..
sp kindly visit the dr and take his opinion.
If your tooth is fine, post opinion from dr, u may need to visit an ENT... ...
Don't worry ,mostly this is reversible and does take care of itself within a couple of months .
It is due to accidental nerve injury during the injecting of the local anesthesia ,though not common but can occur with even a single injection and not necessarily due to multiple injections .
Just bad luck that it happened ,but take solace in the thought that it is reversible and you should be fine in some time .
Neural vitamins like the ones suggested above will help regenerate / heal the nerve fast ...
Dear Patient,
You must be having Flurosis or must have sufferred from from some illness in the teeth formative years or the staining may be due to certain medicines given at that time. You can Go for veneers as minimal tooth preparation i s reqd. Laminations and bonding need slight adjudgements but gets discolored in a course of time. Caping in metals, Porcelain fused to metal, metal free ceramics needs tooth reductions from all sides. ...
Better wait still your jaundice settle down. If there is any secondary infection ,prescribbing tablet's has some limitations.but if the dental pain is severe visit a dentist. ...
crown and bridge is long tested and tried old treatment modality for missing teeth, but if you can afford newer treatments... then go for Implants for your missing teeth. ...
Dear Asmara.
The time period between the implant placement and the crown fitting depends upon a no of factors,like type of bone available initially ,type of implant placed ,area where the implant is placed etc.
The best judge for that is your implant surgeon and he will be able to decide how long to wait before he can load the implant i. e. Place the crown.
Please contact him and most probably he will take and xray which will help him decide the appropriate next step . ...
You are in your right age for orthodontic treatment, if at all possible. Don't be any late to visit the Orthodontist. Further you'll have cosmetic options such as bonding or minimal veneers etc. ...
You have to consult me personally for that.
There are many types and we have to evaluate what is your requirement.
Cost is a fraction of what is done in Canada ...