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Correct advise

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I am a 23 year old male with skin colored bumps on the rim of the penis. I have noticed them over the last 2-3 years. I am sexually active but only with one partner and most of our contact is protected. The bumps were there even before the first time I had sex. I am worried these could be genital warts and I could transmit them to my partner. Kindly advise.

Hi, Your history is suggestive of a diagnosis of pearly penile papules. This is a harmless condition seen in many males. It is not infectious or progressive and hence can be left alone. For patients who are keen to pursue treatment from a cosmetic point of view the bumps can be removed with a laser by a dermatologist, however they invariably recur in a few months-years. Hence I advise my patients to leave them alone. Genital warts are highly unlikely given the fact that the bumps are there fro ...

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My mother is 75 yrs old and she regularly complains of pain in her joints for the the last 3-4 years.she has normal blood pressure and is not diabetic.kindly advise any blood tests and medications for her ?

Dear patient Your mother is suffering from post - menopausal senile osteoporosis. her bones have become weak due to deficiency of calcium and vitamin D. this usually occurs in old age and after menopause.get the following investigations done: dexa bone scan , vitamin D level , blood calcium , complete haemogram and blood urea.Consult a orthopaedic surgeon who will advise you medications according to your test reports. ...

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My 3 years old daughter has cough and cold for 2 days and fever since morning . She has nasal discharge and seems to breath by mouth. Otherwise she is playful and active. Please advise.

Hi , Thanks for your request. Your daughter has Viral upper respiratory tract infection.Her mouth breathing is due to her nose blockage.Put nasal decongestant drops in both nostrils thrice a day. Also give her steam inhalation twice daily. For cough and cold give her a decongestive medicine with paracetamol. This will take care of fever as well. Keep a watch for danger signs like fast breathing , chest indrawing , inability to drink , lethargy . Go to your nearest child specialist when you see ...

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I need to have Knee Lubrication Injection as knee replacement surgery seems risky and may be difficult for my weight to carry on after operation. Pls advise. Thanks

Hi I am Dr Alok, Rheumatologist from Delhi yes, you can take injection, but remember, its effect lasting for 3 months to 1 year only, mean while you should do physiotherapy. But if joints are damaged completely, there is no option but to surgery Hope this will help should you have any queries, please donot hesitate ...

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mild hypertension for 10 years. am on vinicor- am 25/2.5. take bp readings once in 3 months with a domestic monitor at home bp used to be 135/85 or thereabouts. last six months 145/85. wondering whether change medicine or dosage. advise

Hi, Try and monitor your blood pressure for a few days may be 7-10 days regularly. Monitor your b.p twice in a day, morning and evening. If your b.p is always above that 140 mark then your dosage might be changed. Otherwise b.p around 140 mark is considered good at that age ,other risk factors need to be assessed like your diabetic status and obesity but first of all you monitor your b.p for a few days regularly with your normal diet pattern (which should be low salt and oil intake) Feel free ...

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Hello. I am 29 years old from Australia and currently am in Tokyo. I had protected sex with a hooker a few nights ago and a hand job from one last night. I am overweight and chafe a lot when walking a lot but I have noticed itchy red lines have developed behind my knees on both sides. Red rashes are between my legs (but is usual for my chafing). Please note I have been walking around all day long in jeans in cold/warm weather so I am not sure if red is inflammation or the start of an STD? Please advise if you think I need to return home immediately for tests or if I am overreacting ? Thank you

Hi, Please tell about your diabetic status. Rashes between your legs, at the back of your knees,in armpits are common, as the area is usually moist and allergic. Rash is common at such a location,and you already told me that chaffing is common to you then it can be because of that only. Looking at your condition that you are unable to wear loose clothes all day long. try and wear loose cotton clothes at some part of the day so that your body can be exposed to fresh air . Try to keep you geni ...

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My doc has prescribed ampicillin +Cloxacillin caps for swollen gums i have taken two doses to nil effect. is it the correct med? or is it amoxcillin he had run out of that) which is better

Any medicine won't show effect in one or two dose , u can take merciful 400mg tds and gel containing metronidazole+ chlorhexidine+ lingocaine Do hot water salt gargle, Gum massage ...

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I have right side hernia which size is 8mm.I have taken Vriddhivatika Vati....Doctor advise me for surgery but I dint want to surgery so please advise me how to cure it

Hernia is a condition which needs surgery for cure. Laparoscopic Surgery gives very good results and cure with minimum pain, short stay in hospital and early recovery. ...

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Dr. Sameer Kad

  • Orthopedist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  583 Doc Points

Dr. Swati Kad

  • Pediatrician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  568 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Vivek Nair

  • Dermatologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  845 Doc Points

Dr. Alok Kalyani

  • Rheumatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  455 Doc Points

Dr. Samir Nayyar

  • Dentist
  •  Jalandhar, India
  •  119 Doc Points


  • Orthopedist
  •  Vadodara, India
  •  125 Doc Points


  • Dentist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  219 Doc Points

Dr. Isha Deshmukh

  • Pediatrician
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  351 Doc Points

Dr. Neha Khambete

  • Dentist
  •  Aurangabad, India
  •  130 Doc Points