Topics Age regression therapy
  Topics Age regression therapy

Age regression therapy

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Knee pain at age of 60 .Should one go for surgery at this age ? Knee cap hurts later or can it lead to back pain later ?

Hello madam , It is suggested to consult an orthopedician to find the cause for the knee pain. If it can be rehabilitated then the surgery can be avoided or postponed . There are chances to get back pain if there is abnormal knee posture (related to hip and foot alignment) leading to improper weight bearing, walking and causing pain. Rehabilitation can help in this situation. ...

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my age is 22. can my hight be increase by any hormone replacement therapy? if yes then what will be the cost?

Hi, Yes you can increase height,but the amount benefit you get will be dependent whether you are deficient of hormone which increases height(growth hormone). If yes then then benefit would be good and if no then the benefit would be less. Growth hormone single shot costs somewhere around 700-1000 rs and how long treatment is given would be dependent on your tests . ...

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Sir my testis is being too small now. Iam too much in tension. My sex power is also going too low than my child age 26. Please help me sir pls pls. My testis is now small than a lemon now. Please help me anyhow

Hi, I am not sure over your symptoms usually there are no causes in which testis suddenly reduce in size in which there is no pain or no direct injury to testis. This can happen that you might not be feeling for sex since a few days that is understandable and every one passes through that phase and you should not be worried about that. But if you really think that your testis has reduced in size without having any pain or any other symptom then you should get an ultrasound of your testis. Als ...

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Respected Dr. The following are the brief details of my case for your kind consideration:- 1. History of High Myopia since the age of 12 years. 2. Suffered Retina Detachment in the right eye at the age of 25 years and was operated upon at Shankar Netralaya, Chennai but with little gain of vision. 3. Continued with the help of contact lens in the left eye and almost stable number for the next 11 years. 4. Sudden appearance of rainbow like colours in the Left eye and the case was diagnosed as Advanced Optic Nerve Atrophy & Retinal Degeneration at PGI, Chandigarh & I was told that the condition is irreversible with no cure or medication. 5. I was put on eye drop medication with Dorzox, Combigan , Alphagen & am continuing with the same. 6. I was advised IOL transplant in the left eye and underwent surgery for the same at Grewal Eye Institute, Chandigarh. 7. During the last 4 ½ years i.e. since the problem was diagnosed, I have underwent regular treatment under Acupuncture, Acupressure, Ayurvedic & Homeopathy medicines but with no relief and the deterioration in the field of vision and also its aquity has continued. 8. The latest checkup has shown that even the remaining macular vision in the Left Eye also shows signs of further degeneration. Kindly suggest some remedy for my sister's ailment. Pravin Misra

The condition is called Pathological Myopia and she is having all the complications of this condition. only thing a doctor can do is to treat and try to prevent from the further detoriation and treat the complications of the condition.You can only do is regular follow up to the doctor. There is no curative treatment of this condition. ...

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how sucessfull is stem cell therapy in diabetes

Hi, The treatment is mostly succesful in type 2 diabetes which you are suffering from(usually reserved for people in whom the sugar is not controlled by drugs and disease is chronic - you did not tell me anything about this point whether you are controlled on medicines or not.),but it will have to be confirmed by tests that you don't have any auto antibodies which means antibodies against your own cells. But the treatment is still not advocated commonly. ...

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Dear Doctor, I am 38years old. I have 1 son who is 14 years of age, and one is 9 years of age. I was having a little bit of bleeding after my periods. On going to my local Gynec., I was told to do a sonography, where they havefound fibroids in the endometrium anteriorly approximately 6cm x 6cm x 6cm. I would like to know if I would be needing to go through a operation or if I can be cured by medication only. Please advise. Best Regards,

Hi!! In your case if the symptoms are not severe you can try medical management in the form of drugs like oral contraceptive pills or other hormonal preparations which can be used to decrease the size of the fibroid.But the drawback of medical management is that the fibroids regrow back once the treatment is stopped.So one has to be prepared to take medication for a long time. Surgery is an option your gynaecologist will suggest if the fibroid is causing troublesome bleeding .He/she can recommen ...

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she dont want surgical joint replacement due to her age.But need some therapy to relieve pain.Is ozone injection is the best ?

Hi, Viscosupplementation can be done for osteoarthritis of knees . It has good results. Injections are given in knee joints which increase the lubrication of joints . This helps to relieve pain . Consult your orthopedic surgeon for this therapy . Feel free to ask any questions. ...

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I am 38 years of age and never had any issues with acne growing up. At age 35 I started experiencing a lot of acne on the lower cheek and chin, pustular type acne under the skin that would last for a weeks. What could be causing this at my age?

Hello, That would depend on whether you're a man or woman. For women hormonal changes are common the mid-thirties and this is amongst the commonest triggers for acne. There is also another type of acne called 'Adult Onset Acne' and this is seen in both men and women. This has no well defined cause but recent location change to a more polluted city, make-up use, comedogenic personal care products, dietary factors and oral medications can all be responsible. Please note that the information I ha ...

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Total Views: 1 I am 38 years of age and never had any issues with acne growing up. At age 35 I started experiencing a lot of acne on the lower cheek and chin, pustular type acne under the skin that would last for a weeks. What could be causing this at my age?

Hello, That would depend on whether you are a man or woman. Women are much more prone to what is known as 'Adult Onset Acne' - like you have have - and the reason for this is commonly hormonal changes in the body. After hormonal testing this kind of acne is often best managed with oral contraceptive or anti-androgen pills. Please note that the information I have provided is for general purposes only and does not establish a patient-doctor relationships. No prescription cream or tablet should b ...

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Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1094 Doc Points

Dr. Sameer Kad

  • Orthopedist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  583 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1438 Doc Points

Dr. Vivek Nair

  • Dermatologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  845 Doc Points

Dr. Manushree Gupta

  • Psychiatrist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  513 Doc Points

Dr. Gomatthi Chinnaswamy

  • Sexual Health Medicine
  •  Coimbatore, India
  •  139 Doc Points


  • Oncologist
  •  Mumbai, India

Dr. Alok Kalyani

  • Rheumatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  455 Doc Points

Dr. Sanjay Pandey

  • Homeopathist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  250 Doc Points


  • Homeopathist
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  220 Doc Points