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Dr. Nakkiran.PT k answered : 10 years ago
Unwanted kit content: MIFEPRISTONE
It is used for: Adult: PO Termination of pregnancy (=49 days) 600 mg as a single dose followed 2 days later by 400 mcg of misoprostol as single dose. Postcoital contraception 600 mg as a single dose w/in 72 hr of unprotected intercourse. Termination of pregnancy up to 63 days 600 mg as a single dose, followed by 1 mg gemeprost vaginally after 36-48 hr. Labour induction following intrauterine foetal death 600 mg/day for 2 days. Termination of pregnancy between 13-24 wk of gestation 600 mg as a single dose given 36-48 hr prior to prostaglandin therapy. Cervical softening and dilatation prior to surgical termination of pregnancy 600 mg as a single dose given 36-48 hr prior to the procedure.
There may be side effects. Be alert.
Who should not take this medicine: Asthma, COPD; women smokers >35 yr; CV disease or risk factors; smoking; alcoholism; prosthetic heart valve; history of infective endocarditis.