Taking treatment from Sancheti
  Taking treatment from Sancheti

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Taking treatment from Sancheti for AVN of hip of stage 3. Few other doctors suggested Hip replacement surgery. Need advice/guidence on treatment.

PAST HISTORY : Taking treatment from Sancheti for AVN of hip of stage 3.

Few other doctors suggested Hip replacement surgery.

Need advice/guidence on treatment.

1 Answers

treatment depends on your pain levels. if the pain is unbearable then you need surgery otherwise continue with your own hip.

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I need to have Knee Lubrication Injection as knee replacement surgery seems risky and may be difficult for my weight to carry on after operation. Pls advise. Thanks

  Doctor's Answer

Hi I am Dr Alok, Rheumatologist from Delhi yes, you can take injection, but remember, its effect lasting for 3 months to 1 year only, mean while you should do physiotherapy. But if joints are damaged completely, there is no option but to surgery Hope this will help should you have any queries, please donot hesitate ...
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Sir i am suffering from knee sweeling in my rt knee for 6 month,two times i hv removed water(aspiration) from it bt never found relief.some time it decrease and some time increase.all tests x rays,crp,esr are normal not yet i found any relief.4 years ago same problem were in my lft knee and dr. Removed 2 pieces(tissue) from lft knee which were found normal(non specific),till one month after surgery i couldn't bent knee even a little bit,i took physiotherapy by wax and till 9 months i could bent it onle 80% after 1.5 or 2 year i could bent it properly 100 bt with pain,still there is pain when i bent it proper,and also swelling in rt knee.Dr.'s Of hospital in which i get surgery 4 yrs ago said that same surgery will pass in rt knee,bt i am afraid because still there is pain in my lft knee,if i pass again surgery in rt knee i will face same problem of pain in my rt knee,please advice me sir if there another way to get treated without surgery like med. Or i should get treated by surgery,i am just 23 yr old boy,still there is whole life for me to live please help me.

  Doctor's Answer

Try with some good physio therapist ,with CPM and manual therapy skills. ...
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I have conjunctivitis and have double knee replacement scheduled in about 18 days. Could this cause a problem with developing an infection in my knee replacement site?

  Doctor's Answer

i don't think so take antibiotic then go to surgery ...
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My husband was recently diagnosed with a thoracic aortic dilation of 4.2 during a preop echocardiogram. Cat scan was also done. No evidence of dissection. He is having bilateral knee replacement on January 17. His cardiologist has cleared him for surgery for both knees. Should we be getting a second opinion. I should mention he is 67 years old, no evidence of heart blockages, no diabetes.

  Doctor's Answer

surely get the second opinion from other cardiologist ...
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i have knee pain. i dont want a knee surgery. is there any way to manage my knee joints without pain and avoid surgery. please give advice me.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi I am Dr Alok, Rheumatologist from Delhi What is the cause of your knee pain? if it is due to Osteoarthritis, Physiotherapy and the life style management is the only answer Hope this will help should you have any queries, please donot hesitate ...
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Sir i am suffering from knee sweeling in my rt knee for 6 month,two times i hv removed water(aspiration) from it bt never found relief.some time it decrease and some time increase.all tests x rays,crp,esr are normal not yet i found any relief.4 years ago same problem were in my lft knee and dr. Removed 2 pieces(tissue) from lft knee which were found normal(non specific),till one month after surgery i couldn't bent knee even a little bit,i took physiotherapy by wax and till 9 months i could bent it onle 80% after 1.5 or 2 year i could bent it properly 100 bt with pain,still there is pain when i bent it proper,and also swelling in rt knee.Dr.'s Of hospital in which i get surgery 4 yrs ago said that same surgery will pass in rt knee,bt i am afraid because still there is pain in my lft knee,if i pass again surgery in rt knee i will face same problem of pain in my rt knee,please advice me sir if there another way to get treated without surgery like med. Or i should get treated by surgery,i am just 23 yr old boy,still there is whole life for me to live please help me.
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