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PAST HISTORY : has tooth problems since last 10-12 years
Dr. Aparna Bandodkar answered : 11 years ago
if there is an issue of bleeding gums,it is mainly because of infection in gums due to calcified deposits called tartar or calculus that form as layers stuck to the teeth and therefore infect the gums over a period of time.please visit your dentist and get her teeth cleaned .this is done by an ultrasonic tip that blasts out the tartar.its called scaling with subsequent polishing.scaling should be done once annually to prevent bleeding gums.if the bleeding is in the permanent fixed bridge region ,get it checked by your dentist ,so that he or she can check your hygiene in that region too.
Dr. pradeep kumar answered : 11 years ago
use oral b super floss , use it under the teeth to clean regularly, and use stolin r gum paint thrice daily for three weeks on that area if thats not getting subsiding, treatment will be scaling and if needed laser cleaning of gums
Dr. Simarpreet Singh answered : 11 years ago
maintain proper oral hygiene. brush twice a day, use a chlorhexidine mouthwash...if bleeding continues consult your dentist
Dr. Savita Gupta answered : 11 years ago
bieeding gums r mainly because of inflamed gums caused by hard calcified structure called tartar.Get cleaning done(scaling) and by home maintainance by doing proper brushing two times in a day.Visit to dentist every six months for regular checkup
Dr. Niti Parmar answered : 11 years ago
Maintaining good oral hygiene in fixed bridge is must and gum problems are frequently associated with bridges. get the teeth cleaned by scaling and polishing, brush twice daily and use gum astringent if required. Force distribution on bridge should be balanced or else it will also cause loosening of natural teeth which are used as support.
Dr. Sachin Chinchale answered : 11 years ago
gum bleeding moslty occurs due to calculus or plaque deposited on natural or artifical tooth surface: treatment requires simply scaling, polishing or oral prophylaxis
sometime it may occur due to mobile tooth/ improper occlusion/ trauma from occlusion or becasue of aggrevating factors like diabetis/ change in hormonal level, improper brushing technique, improper design of artificial teeth. so that might have to look out after doing cleaning and polising
Dr. sathish kumar answered : 11 years ago
these is normal probs due to fixed teeth ,go for interdental flossing ,mouth gargling regularl;y
Dr. Savita Hadakar answered : 11 years ago
bleeding gum can be due to accumulation of plaque, calculus. or there can be increased food lodgement in the embrasures in bridge and poor gingival health. rinsing after each meal is very important. she can use chlorhexidine mouthwash to maintain gingival health.
Dr. lakshmipathy p answered : 11 years ago
It can be gum infection caused by food deposits.After getting any fixed prosthesis it is important to maintain good oral hygiene.Food deposits getting lodged under the false teeth or between is common. To avoid this proper inter dental cleaning is required. A equipment called waterpik can be handy.Try using it