Hi. I took a TVS last mondat,
  Hi. I took a TVS last mondat,

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Hi. I took a TVS last mondat, and resulted that I am 5 weeks and 1 day pregnant of about 16.8mm by mean sac diameter. No fetal pole seen yet. I took alaxan fr, and light brown spotting, abdominal pain, lower back pain started until today. Is it a sign of miscarriage?

1 Answers

At 5 weeks and 1 day, it is very early to tell if this is a sign of miscarriage. Hopefully, the spotting is only from implantation bleeding, meaning, the embryo is just trying to attach to your uterus. Jushave a repeat transvaginal ultrasound after 2 weeks to establish the viability of your pregnancy.

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Hello, I have had a nail fungus for a good ten years or so. When I first noticed it, I went to my doctor and he game me lamasil which I stopped taking after a few days since it had negative affects on me. Thereafter, I stopped taking care of it and just let it go for a good 7 or 8 years. I eventually grew up and started getting very self conscious of how it looked and wanted to wear sandals and flip flops and not have people think nasty things about me. A few years ago I went to my doctor again and he gave me a topical oil which I used for over a year and did not see any results. About two years ago, I noticed that a vertical brown line was starting to grow from the bottom up. I went to a dermatologist who took a sample of my nail but did not take a sample of the nail bed or from the cuticle. Biopsy came back as of course it being a fungus. He in turn gave me pills to take which I also had to stop taking since it was having a bad affect on my liver. After that, my dermatologist said that he would give me laser treatments which I did two of. They did not clear it but it looks a little bit better then what it was before. Still thick, yellow, crumbling below the nail, nail bed where new nail is growing is darker then the others and the brown line is still there. It is a thick brown line. How did I get this brown line? Did I get it because of the prolonged damage of the nail bed due to the years of having the nail fungus?

  Doctor's Answer

You're most welcome. Nail Melanoma does not affect multiple nails together while Longitudunal Melanonychia (LM) often does. The fact that an additional nail is showing changes is nearly conclusive that this is LM, which as I said is harmless. However it would be best to see your doctor to get this confirmed since I cannot see the affected area. I would recommend getting the entire nail removed if its the only one affected by fungus, but this will be solely to treat the fungus not because I thin ...
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Doctor my mother aged 63yrs have DVT. When scanned the report says following; 1- grey scale imaging shows enlarge diameter of Common Femoral Vein (CFV) & Superficial Fomoral Vein (SFV). 2- Color Doppler reveals non-fillilng of external lilac vein on the left side. Partial filling of colour is seen in the left CFV & SFV. The Popliteal vein does not show any colour filling. The Peroneal and Posterior Tibial veins are filling with the colour. Anterior tibial vein could not be identified on colour Doppler. 3- Doppler imaging shows mid respiratory plasticity in CFV. There is very poor Response to distal augmentation in the CFV. 4- Great Saphenous vein is Patent. IMPRESSION- Deep vein thrombosis in lower limb involving External lliac vein, CFV,SFV & Popliteal vein, and possibly Anterior Tibial Veins. There is partial recanalisation of CFV & SFV. Posterior Tibial and Peroneal veins are patent. Suggested clinical correlation. Scan copy added to the medical record in the profole. that the above is the report of the radiologist now what medicine you prescribe ,how to take and when to review the report? .whether the same will be cure or the patient should be in medicine for life long,what are the immediate risk?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, The Doppler examination shows a thrombus in the deep veins with partial recanalization. This suggests that the thrombus is of a chronic nature. The Doppler can be repeated after one month of treatment to see residual thrombus. We do not provide any prescription. For this you have to visit an internal medicine specialist. Feel free to ask more questions. ...
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uterus anteverted bulky in size and shows a well defined gestation sac in the fundic region of the uterus. mean sac diameter measure 1.05 cms corresponding to 6 weeks fetal node and yolk sac are not visualized, but in the early scan report they have state that only fatel node is not visible, yolk sac is normal, doctor is suggesting to go for cancellation pregnancy... plz suggest as this my first pregnancy..

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, If at 6 weeks of pregnancy no foetal node or yolk sac is seen on an ultrasound then termination of pregnancy is the only option. Feel free to ask further questions. ...
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My wife had a HSG Test done w/ x-rays 4 days ago. Last night she was complaining about a sharp pain in the lower left quadrant of her lower abdomen. She said it was very painful and was not going away or becoming less intense. By the time for today came, she was complaining about the pain, it being 5/5 at times. She described this pain as a sharp stabbing constant pain. However, now the pain is radiating around the lower left of her abdomen to her lower left back. The area is very tender and the pain spikes even when slightly pushed on in both the areas, abdomen and lower back. Is this a common side-effect of having the HSG Test? Especially if both of her tubes are blocked and she has been diagnosed with Endometriosis. Please help me figure this out so I know whether or not she needs to be seen at a hospital.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, By telling that she also has fever,one thing is confirmed that she has an infection. Now if she has problem in her micturition too then either the infection is in her urinary tract or the pelvis which will have to be seen first and then an antibiotic can be started. So you have to consult your doctor now. Feel free to ask further question. ...
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My wife had a HSG Test done w/ x-rays 4 days ago. Last night she was complaining about a sharp pain in the lower left quadrant of her lower abdomen. She said it was very painful and was not going away or becoming less intense. By the time for today came, she was complaining about the pain, it being 5/5 at times. She described this pain as a sharp stabbing constant pain. However, now the pain is radiating around the lower left of her abdomen to her lower left back. The area is very tender and the pain spikes even when slightly pushed on in both the areas, abdomen and lower back. Is this a common side-effect of having the HSG Test? Especially if both of her tubes are blocked and she has been diagnosed with Endometriosis. Please help me figure this out so I know whether or not she needs to be seen at a hospital.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi!! The pain after getting an HSG test done,will not come after 4-5 days as you have described,rather this pain is probably due to other causes. Pain due to endometriosis is present more just before the onset of menses and during menses. Kindly review with your nearest hospital about the cause of the pain which may be due to renal colic ,ureteric colic,etc ...
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Hello, I have had a nail fungus for a good ten years or so. When I first noticed it, I went to my doctor and he game me lamasil which I stopped taking after a few days since it had negative affects on me. Thereafter, I stopped taking care of it and just let it go for a good 7 or 8 years. I eventually grew up and started getting very self conscious of how it looked and wanted to wear sandals and flip flops and not have people think nasty things about me. A few years ago I went to my doctor again and he gave me a topical oil which I used for over a year and did not see any results. About two years ago, I noticed that a vertical brown line was starting to grow from the bottom up. I went to a dermatologist who took a sample of my nail but did not take a sample of the nail bed or from the cuticle. Biopsy came back as of course it being a fungus. He in turn gave me pills to take which I also had to stop taking since it was having a bad affect on my liver. After that, my dermatologist said that he would give me laser treatments which I did two of. They did not clear it but it looks a little bit better then what it was before. Still thick, yellow, crumbling below the nail, nail bed where new nail is growing is darker then the others and the brown line is still there. It is a thick brown line. How did I get this brown line? Did I get it because of the prolonged damage of the nail bed due to the years of having the nail fungus?
2 Answers
uterus anteverted bulky in size and shows a well defined gestation sac in the fundic region of the uterus. mean sac diameter measure 1.05 cms corresponding to 6 weeks fetal node and yolk sac are not visualized, but in the early scan report they have state that only fatel node is not visible, yolk sac is normal, doctor is suggesting to go for cancellation pregnancy... plz suggest as this my first pregnancy..
1 Answer
My wife had a HSG Test done w/ x-rays 4 days ago. Last night she was complaining about a sharp pain in the lower left quadrant of her lower abdomen. She said it was very painful and was not going away or becoming less intense. By the time for today came, she was complaining about the pain, it being 5/5 at times. She described this pain as a sharp stabbing constant pain. However, now the pain is radiating around the lower left of her abdomen to her lower left back. The area is very tender and the pain spikes even when slightly pushed on in both the areas, abdomen and lower back. Is this a common side-effect of having the HSG Test? Especially if both of her tubes are blocked and she has been diagnosed with Endometriosis. Please help me figure this out so I know whether or not she needs to be seen at a hospital.
2 Answers
My wife had a HSG Test done w/ x-rays 4 days ago. Last night she was complaining about a sharp pain in the lower left quadrant of her lower abdomen. She said it was very painful and was not going away or becoming less intense. By the time for today came, she was complaining about the pain, it being 5/5 at times. She described this pain as a sharp stabbing constant pain. However, now the pain is radiating around the lower left of her abdomen to her lower left back. The area is very tender and the pain spikes even when slightly pushed on in both the areas, abdomen and lower back. Is this a common side-effect of having the HSG Test? Especially if both of her tubes are blocked and she has been diagnosed with Endometriosis. Please help me figure this out so I know whether or not she needs to be seen at a hospital.
1 Answer