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No.Surgery is the only solution

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Sir i am suffering from knee sweeling in my rt knee for 6 month,two times i hv removed water(aspiration) from it bt never found relief.some time it decrease and some time increase.all tests x rays,crp,esr are normal not yet i found any relief.4 years ago same problem were in my lft knee and dr. Removed 2 pieces(tissue) from lft knee which were found normal(non specific),till one month after surgery i couldn't bent knee even a little bit,i took physiotherapy by wax and till 9 months i could bent it onle 80% after 1.5 or 2 year i could bent it properly 100 bt with pain,still there is pain when i bent it proper,and also swelling in rt knee.Dr.'s Of hospital in which i get surgery 4 yrs ago said that same surgery will pass in rt knee,bt i am afraid because still there is pain in my lft knee,if i pass again surgery in rt knee i will face same problem of pain in my rt knee,please advice me sir if there another way to get treated without surgery like med. Or i should get treated by surgery,i am just 23 yr old boy,still there is whole life for me to live please help me.

  Doctor's Answer

Try with some good physio therapist ,with CPM and manual therapy skills. ...
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Hi, I am really stressed and don't want to self diagnos and go crazy, but I have had this (pimple, ulcer, follicule infection or chancre on the side of the shaft of my penis. I don't know which one it is. I don't have medical but I am signing up on Tuesday for state medical..... The story is it appear maybe a week after a day and a half masterbation marathon I am embarrassed to say I had. It started as just a burning sensation on the side like I ripped the skin which I have done before. So I just didnt touch it. That was on a Sunday then Monday Xmas I tried to have sex with my lady and I couldn't cause of the pain and burning sensation on the skin. We started and stopped. 3 days after that in the same burning area 1 pimple formed with maybe 2 smaller ones. Very small ones... I I tried to masterbate again and it seemed as if it irritated the area and another one grew. They got to an ok size and where kind of painful. Then they grew and seemed to bust and started to go down. They look some like a chancre or a lesion when it was going down. They itch a little bit I guess that's from healing but I am freaked out. I had unprotected sex with another woman maybe a month before the night I began the marathon. I have pics please help.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, You might either be having STD or you might have ripped of your skin ,which might have also caused an ulcer. 1. Are you having any pain during micturition ? 2. Are you having any burning sensation during micturition ? 3. Are the ulceration rigid ? 4. Are there any glands on penile area ? 5. Any kind of secretion from ulcer or any kind of discharge ? If it is an STD then it can only be diagnosed by a scraping or specimen of discharge Please kindly describe the kind of ulcer(whether it is ...
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i am due to have an operation on my collapsed ear drum, however while i wait my ear infections are getting worse,todays one had me in pain in my cheek teeth and throat and a load of discharge started to pour out of my ear like never before!! what i am scared about is the doctors say if i dont get the operation done my left side of face could drop like a stroke victim and stay like this permanently is this true?

  Doctor's Answer

Kindly consult a dentist & an ENT in person for further suggestion. We need more investigations (Full mouth x-ray) & clinical examination to decide upon treatment. ...
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yesterdaydoctor extracted my upper wisdom tooth after thatdoctor told its ankylosed.OAF++.closure done with surgicel and 3-0 vicryl.still its paining and swelling also present.doctor told take care nicely if the surgicel and suture will remove you have to undergone another flap surgery. y this tooth ankylosed?why they sutured with surgicel?

  Doctor's Answer

Dear Patient,Normally if proper approximation is achieved during primary closure and the wound closure has taken place ie after 40 days then there is no further need for for a flap surgery or Z-Plasty if the whole tooth has been removed. That will take care of the Oro-Antral Fistula.The pain and swelling is associated with the surgical part and shall dissappear within a week. Use cold fomentation along with the medicines prescribed to you by your dentist and wait. ...
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after i-lasik surgery , got seen black floaters, i talked to my surgeon, he said there is neither retina tear nor PVD. they will go away. but still i did not det rid off them, i do nt know wht to do , before i lasik, i never seen these floaters , my eyes are perfectly fine. please tell can they go on their own. i strat seeing them after 15 day of my i lasik surgery.

  Doctor's Answer

This is not the side effect of i lasik .This floaters are due to myopic degenerative changes in retina . If this persists without any defect in retina then nothing to worry but regular retinal check up for any type of detachment is necessary. ...
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Sir i am suffering from knee sweeling in my rt knee for 6 month,two times i hv removed water(aspiration) from it bt never found relief.some time it decrease and some time increase.all tests x rays,crp,esr are normal not yet i found any relief.4 years ago same problem were in my lft knee and dr. Removed 2 pieces(tissue) from lft knee which were found normal(non specific),till one month after surgery i couldn't bent knee even a little bit,i took physiotherapy by wax and till 9 months i could bent it onle 80% after 1.5 or 2 year i could bent it properly 100 bt with pain,still there is pain when i bent it proper,and also swelling in rt knee.Dr.'s Of hospital in which i get surgery 4 yrs ago said that same surgery will pass in rt knee,bt i am afraid because still there is pain in my lft knee,if i pass again surgery in rt knee i will face same problem of pain in my rt knee,please advice me sir if there another way to get treated without surgery like med. Or i should get treated by surgery,i am just 23 yr old boy,still there is whole life for me to live please help me.
1 Answer
Hi, I am really stressed and don't want to self diagnos and go crazy, but I have had this (pimple, ulcer, follicule infection or chancre on the side of the shaft of my penis. I don't know which one it is. I don't have medical but I am signing up on Tuesday for state medical..... The story is it appear maybe a week after a day and a half masterbation marathon I am embarrassed to say I had. It started as just a burning sensation on the side like I ripped the skin which I have done before. So I just didnt touch it. That was on a Sunday then Monday Xmas I tried to have sex with my lady and I couldn't cause of the pain and burning sensation on the skin. We started and stopped. 3 days after that in the same burning area 1 pimple formed with maybe 2 smaller ones. Very small ones... I I tried to masterbate again and it seemed as if it irritated the area and another one grew. They got to an ok size and where kind of painful. Then they grew and seemed to bust and started to go down. They look some like a chancre or a lesion when it was going down. They itch a little bit I guess that's from healing but I am freaked out. I had unprotected sex with another woman maybe a month before the night I began the marathon. I have pics please help.
1 Answer
yesterdaydoctor extracted my upper wisdom tooth after thatdoctor told its ankylosed.OAF++.closure done with surgicel and 3-0 vicryl.still its paining and swelling also present.doctor told take care nicely if the surgicel and suture will remove you have to undergone another flap surgery. y this tooth ankylosed?why they sutured with surgicel?
1 Answer
Doctor told that its a liver cancer and its has to remove by surgery and after surgery the patient has to take chemotherapy. my question is that without surgery it can be treated or if surgery is must means what is the total cost for this treatment.
1 Answer
I am 29 Years old man who had a ligament tear in my right knee 14 months back. Though i can walk properly and can run slowly but cannot run hard because if i do so my right knee buckle and i fall down. I have not had a surgery till now though i had some physio therapist treatment but it dint heal well enough.Can i go for the surgery now? How long should i be in rest,i mean after the surgery as i am working?What would be the total cost of the treatment and surgery?
2 Answers