Can a fistula be associated wi
  Can a fistula be associated wi

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Can a fistula be associated with braces

1 Answers

no definetly it is caused due to other problems

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I have braces and there is a tiny bit of my gum that is resting on my front tooth! I tried pulling it with twissors but it really hurts. Will it fall off? What should I do? Thanks

  Doctor's Answer

Dear Patient, Do not try to pull or remove the extended gum tissue all by yourself because an innocuous looking thing may lead to complication. The gum tissue it appears may be due to irritation of the gum with ortho wire or brace. It wont fall by itself but can easily be removed after using an anaesthetic spray by a Dentist. Please revisit you dentist and avoid future complications like laceration and in long run, aesthetics ...
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About 5 years ago I noticed a dramatic reduction of the muscle mass (Muscle atrophy) in my right calf muscle, like 75% to 80% reduction compared to my Left calf Muscle (possible the gastrocnemius), I also noticed that my Achilles is also very loose, when in a relaxed state, compared to the left leg. What could be the possible problems? There is no pain (other than uneasiness like restless leg syndrome) associated with this problem. I do have a lower back problem (damage) that was done 30 years ago to the L4/L5 herniated disk. Now I have noticed that other muscles are starting to harden and reduce like the one did 5 years ago. I went on a 15 mile hike in the mountains this past summer and I am very active during the day. However I do not regularly exercise as I should. Thoughts?

  Doctor's Answer

Hello Sir, You are suffering from myopathy for which a thorough examination needs to be done. Blood tests like Creatine kinase and Electrodiagnostic tests like Electromyography [ E.M.G.] should be done. Nerve conduction studies for the affected limb should be done. Many endocrine disorders can also cause myopathy such as thyroid , parathyroid , adrenal disorders , Diabetes , Vitamin - D deficiency etc. You need to go to your nearest doctor for clinical assessment . Moreover other blood ...
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I want to got for braces. Doctor advised to go for braces with tooth extraction and the duration is 18 months. Cant I go for 1 year braces

  Doctor's Answer

Braces treatment should be done with minimal forces on teeth so that there won't be any problems like bone loss or root resorption or mobile teeth or fenestration so please opt for longer duration braces treatment . ...
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is Laser treatment is possible for Fistula in ano ?

  Doctor's Answer

Yes it is - depending on the type and level of the fistula. Detailed examination by a Surgeon specialized in Colo-rectal surgery and competent in use of lasers can manage the problem. ...
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Until 2007 when I first began taking medication to treat headaches caused from a brain tumor, did I have any major tooth problems. But in 2009 when I started having seizures and had to begin anti-convulsant medication, did I have problems with my teeth. Although, My dental care began at age 6 when my gums reseeded and braces were required, never pulled a tooth due to undisolved roots, various oral surgeries to pull teeth to there appriate places.

  Doctor's Answer

Medication used for seizures can cause gum overgrowth (gingival hyperplasia), but now a days with advent of Lasers, the treatment modality as improved saving time and is an absolutely painless procedure. ...
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About 5 years ago I noticed a dramatic reduction of the muscle mass (Muscle atrophy) in my right calf muscle, like 75% to 80% reduction compared to my Left calf Muscle (possible the gastrocnemius), I also noticed that my Achilles is also very loose, when in a relaxed state, compared to the left leg. What could be the possible problems? There is no pain (other than uneasiness like restless leg syndrome) associated with this problem. I do have a lower back problem (damage) that was done 30 years ago to the L4/L5 herniated disk. Now I have noticed that other muscles are starting to harden and reduce like the one did 5 years ago. I went on a 15 mile hike in the mountains this past summer and I am very active during the day. However I do not regularly exercise as I should. Thoughts?
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