
Best Pediatrician in Mohali

Dr. Yash Pal Singla

    • Pediatrician
    •  46 Years Experience
    •  Pediatrics - Community Child Health|Pediatrics - General Paediatrics
    •  Yps Hospital
    •   Tricity, Mohali
    •   INR 500
    • Mon-Wed:- 10:00am-12:00pm, 12:00pm-1:00pm
      Thu-Fri:- 10:00am-12:00pm, 12:00pm-1:00pm, 6:00pm-8:00pm
      Sat:- 10:00am-12:00pm, 12:00pm-1:00pm
      Sun:- OFF

    About Pediatrician

    Book Appointment with top Pediatrician in Mohali at . You can find best Pediatrician in Mohali who specialize in providing treatment and services like general pediatrics, Consultation at .

    Pediatrician in Mohali is an specialist who deals in treatment of Asthma , Breastfeeding , Fractures and Sprains and their Treatment Options , Asperger's Syndrome , Asthma , Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders , Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder , Autism , Baby Baths , Baby Health Checkup , Bedwetting , Biotinidase Deficiency , Breast Milk Storage , Bronchiolitis , Broviac Central Line Care , Cerebral Palsy , Childhood Immunizations , Circumcision , Clubfoot Overview , Common Infant and Newborn Problems , Concussions , Cystic Fibrosis , Down Syndrome , Dust Mite Allergy , Epstein , Exercise for Children , Fetal Alcohol Syndrome , Foley Care for Pediatrics , Fractures and Sprains & Their Treatment Options Pediatrics , Galactosemia , GERD Pediatrics , H1N1 Influenza , Head Lice , Hearing Problems in Children , Impetigo , In and Out Catheterization Pediatrics , Infant and Newborn Care , Infant and Newborn Development , Infant and Newborn Nutrition , Inguinal Hernia Repair , Kawasaki Disease , MCAD , Measles , Mumps , Muscular Dystrophy , Nasogastric Tube Placement and Feeding , Neonatal Jaundice , Neuroblastoma , Newborn Screening , Obesity in Children , Oral Rehydration Therapy , Otitis Media , PCA Pump , Pediatric Chest Tube , Pediatric Meningitis , Pediatric Post , Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy , Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter , Phenylketonuria or PKU , Pneumonia , Pregnancy and Substance Abuse , Premature Infant Care , Preparing Your Child for Surgery , Preventing Lead Poisoning , Preventing Traumatic Brain Injury , Puberty , Release of Tethered Cord , Respiratory Distress Syndrome , Respiratory Syncytial Virus , Rett Syndrome , Rickets , Scabies , SCAD , Seizures and Epilepsy , Speech and Language Disorders , Stuttering , Subcutaneous Injection for Pediatrics , Sudden Infant Death Syndrome , Toddler Development , Toddler Nutrition , Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy , Tracheostomy , Tracheostomy Care , Treating Clubfoot with the Ponseti Method , Tuberculosis , Tympanoplasty , Umbilical Hernia Repair , Baby Problems , sick child , sick daughter , sick son.

    Pediatrician in Mohali

    Top Pediatrician in Mohali specialize in providing treatment and services like general pediatrics, Consultation.
    You can book appointment with best Pediatrician in Mohali at instantly.