About Dr. Usharani Ganesan
Dr. Usharani Ganesan is a Physiotherapist from Pudukkottai, India. She is licenced from Tamil Nadu, India and has been practicing for 26 Years.
As far as education concerns, She has done BPT from Dr. MGR. Medical university, chennai, class of 1995. She has worked as Physiotherapist at Jeyaraj hospital from 1999 to 2014. She has worked as Physiotherapist at Bose Physiotherapy Clinic from 2015 to 2015.
She is affiliated with Indian Association For Physiotherapy
She has done certification in Bachelor of Physiotherapy.
Dr. Usharani Ganesan is KNOWN FOR
Dr. Usharani Ganesan's EDUCATION
Dr. Usharani Ganesan completed BPT
from Dr. MGR. Medical university, chennai
, Class Of 1995
Dr. Usharani Ganesan's Experience
Physiotherapist at Jeyaraj hospital from 1999 to 2014.
Physiotherapist at Bose Physiotherapy Clinic from 2015 to 2015.
Dr. Usharani Ganesan's LOCATION
Dr. Usharani Ganesan's AFFILIATION

Indian Association For Physiotherapy
Dr. Usharani Ganesan's CERTIFICATIONS
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Dr. Usharani Ganesan's AWARDS
Dr. Usharani Ganesan has not provided awards information yet.