Dr. priya singh
  Dr. priya singh

Dr. priya singh

Dentist  (Dentistry)
  Mumbai, India

 (Practicing for 17 Years )
  • 100 Doc Points
  • 0 Answers
  • 0 Doctors Agree
Area Of Expertise
root canal treatment
smile designing
dental implants
gum diseaes and periodontal therapy
teeth bleaching
Complete and partial dentures
Teeth extractions

About Dr. priya singh

Dr. priya singh is a Dentist from Mumbai, India. He is licenced from Maharashtra, India and has been practicing for 17 Years.
As far as education concerns, He has done BDS from Muhs, class of 2008. He has done certification in Bds and Esthetic cosmetic dentistry.

Dr. priya singh's EDUCATION

  Dr. priya singh completed BDS from Muhs , Class Of 2008

Dr. priya singh's LOCATION

Dr. priya singh's AFFILIATION

Dr. priya singh has not provided affiliation information yet.

Dr. priya singh's CERTIFICATIONS

  Esthetic cosmetic dentistry

Dr. priya singh's AWARDS

Dr. priya singh has not provided awards information yet.