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Doctor my mother aged 63yrs have DVT. When scanned the report says following; 1- grey scale imaging shows enlarge diameter of Common Femoral Vein (CFV) & Superficial Fomoral Vein (SFV). 2- Color Doppler reveals non-fillilng of external lilac vein on the left side. Partial filling of colour is seen in the left CFV & SFV. The Popliteal vein does not show any colour filling. The Peroneal and Posterior Tibial veins are filling with the colour. Anterior tibial vein could not be identified on colour Doppler. 3- Doppler imaging shows mid respiratory plasticity in CFV. There is very poor Response to distal augmentation in the CFV. 4- Great Saphenous vein is Patent. IMPRESSION- Deep vein thrombosis in lower limb involving External lliac vein, CFV,SFV & Popliteal vein, and possibly Anterior Tibial Veins. There is partial recanalisation of CFV & SFV. Posterior Tibial and Peroneal veins are patent. Suggested clinical correlation. Scan copy added to the medical record in the profole. that the above is the report of the radiologist now what medicine you prescribe ,how to take and when to review the report? .whether the same will be cure or the patient should be in medicine for life long,what are the immediate risk?

Hi, The Doppler examination shows a thrombus in the deep veins with partial recanalization. This suggests that the thrombus is of a chronic nature. The Doppler can be repeated after one month of treatment to see residual thrombus. We do not provide any prescription. For this you have to visit an internal medicine specialist. Feel free to ask more questions. ...

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can treat esophagitis by using turmaric or any herbs ? when i look in the mirror i see many veins in my throat along esophogus, and gobble in some area

Hi, I have not heard about turmeric having good effect on throat,but there are more herbs which have good effect on throat. Usually esophagitis is due to gastric reflux Following herbs are useful 1)ginger tea is useful 2)garlic tablets are good 3)aloe vera juice is useful Following advices might also be useful 1)have one glass of cold milk 2)have yoghurt 3)plenty of water 4)avoid spicy food 5)avoid smoking 6)avoid alcohol 7)avoid late night dinner 8)avoid stress 9)do regular yoga 10)do regula ...

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Query about mastubration. I have started mastubrating from the age of 15 ,I still do. I can see veins on my penis are more n more coming outside(towards skin). What should be the normal penis size while it is size is 6" but the grith is less near about 1" Please suggest.

Hi, The size of penis when erect can can vary from 10-14 cm so that suggests that you have a normal length of penis. Veins under the skin are normal,unless you have any symptoms like ulceration,itching or any disfigurement over your penis. The age is fine when you started masturbating most people start it around the same age and continue with it till they are married and many people do it even after marriage to. ...

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I've noticed a lot of dark purple veins on the inside of my cheek (inside my mouth) up the top, is this normal?

better support with a pic of it, unless any irritation,burning sensation, or numbness, ITS NORMAL. ...

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I have burning and itching in the veins of my neck, mostly on left side, and some slightly enlatged lymph nodes. the burning sensation travels across my head and under my arms, i have been having anxiety attacks. 45 years old, female. under severe stress.

though anxiety can produce the symptoms you have experienced,local skin allergy can produce itching.Regarding lymph nodes--if painless and not enlarging,could be result of local allergic skin reaction.If painful, it could be from some infection.You may have to suitable antibiotics. Try anti anxiety medications also because it can produce all of your symptoms. ...

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I have an unusual pain in my shoulder and upper arm that passes in waves down into my hand. I used to get this only the day after I had drank alcohol however I don't drink at all and haven't for 3 years. The best way I can explain this pain is to say it feels like my blood is struggling to pass through my veins or someone is blowing air into my vein through a straw.

Dear Suzanne ihave noticed this pain in many patients especially ladies they have this pain before their menstrual cycles this is due to excess fluid retention in the body causing temperory lymphatic obstruction in the upper part of body . avoid sugar in your diet if your obese reduce your weight do simple exercises to improve blood flow check your blood sugar as a precaution take tab to improve circulation on advice of doctor ...

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Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1094 Doc Points

Dr. N H

  • Health & Wellness Expert
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  467 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1438 Doc Points

Dr. Gladson Uchil

  • ENT
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  242 Doc Points

Dr. Rangeeth Nammalwar

  • Dentist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  238 Doc Points

Dr. Tannu Taneja

  • Dentist
  •  Mohali, India
  •  111 Doc Points


  • Dentist
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  108 Doc Points

Dr. shyam sundar reddy Dornala

  • Dentist
  •  Sircilla, India
  •  214 Doc Points

Dr. Mohammed Ali

  • Dentist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  413 Doc Points

Dr. Sultan Ali

  • Dentist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  207 Doc Points