Topics Facial accidents and injury
  Topics Facial accidents and injury

Facial accidents and injury

Find latest answers to Facial accidents and injury questions, Facial accidents and injury articles, Facial accidents and injury news and clinic/doctors who deal with Facial accidents and injury.

I turned 18 a few months back. I have gone through puberty. All facial hair and pubic hair. I am really ashamed by my penis though. It has not grown at all. It is 3 inches when not errect. Oh and it hurts. What can i do?

Hi, The average normal length is between 7-10 cm so do not worry about it . You are probably getting concious about length of your penis,. Length of penis depends upon the genetic status also of an individual. Do you know that female has feeling sensation for penis for a few cm (around 5-6cm probably) so there is no need to worry. Feel free to ask more questions. ...

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i have SCI (spinal cord injury...injury level is D10,D11,D12) and i am totally on bed from last 4 years. Can i walk on my own?

Physical therapy training will help you. You can walk on your own Based on the nature of injury and recovery of injury. ...

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does scyatica nerve injury affects the testicles

Sciatic nerve pain is usually starts in your spine. However, the nerves traveling from the penis to your spine usually come from levels s2-s4 which start in your tailbone area. It may or may not affects the testicles based upon the injury. ...

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is chewing of pan masala (rajnigandha) injury to health

yes it is injurious to health . Gutkha contains betel nuts,tobacco,lime,catechu and permitted spices and flavours. The first four sustances damage the sensitive mucosa, causing constant irritation and mi- crotrauma to the mucosa. Chemicals present act as a toxin. The phenol in the betel nut, with its caustic burning effect,destroys the mucosa ,causing oral ulcers. The betel nut also contains tannins, which act as astringents, precipitating protein and damaging the mucosa. ...

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Does the burn injury be healed by dressing with Tenovate cream?

The cream can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, allergies, rash and psoriasis. ( GENERIC NAME : Clobetasol Propionate). It has very high potency and typically should not be used with occlusive dressings, or for extended continuous use (beyond two weeks). Tenovate cream is not indicated for burn injury ...

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acl injury can treated without surgery and how long it takes to recover

It depends upon the nature and level of injury. You MRI report will give the details. There are grades in ligament injury based upon that we have to deside surgical treatment in necessary or not. ...

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Hi, My face has a two-three darker tone than rest of the body. Even i go for facial every two weeks ..use sunscreens everything. I dont go out in sun also. Please help me what can i do to make my neck and face same colour tone.

Hi again, Oxybleach is a skin bleach like may others available in the market. I do not recommend any of these for skin lightening purposes since they cause more harm than good in the long run. Regards ...

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Dear doctors, I am a research scholar and working on signal transduction studies and regularly use several irritants and ion channel blockers. I am suffering from excess keratosis on palms and soles and some times deep painful fissures from almost two years. It was started as a small thickening patch an left arm and recovered after treatment with moisturizing creams. After that I went to Japan as part of my research programme and one nurse given me creams with anti-fungal compounds and urea but the problem was enhanced and started the deep fisures on my soles. I came back to India and used homeopathy medicine for one weak and after that i visited a doctor. He suggested me to apply lemon juice trice daily and use vitamin C along with high doses of antifungal tablets and creams. I used this medicine for 6 months which further worsen my situation and my skin became very thick and appeared like toe nails and spread-ed to all areas of palms and soles. I changed the doctor and he given me the isotretinol for 2 months and given vitamin A and D combination for 4 months which improved my condition alot. Now I am taking a dosage of 6000 IU Vit A and 1000 IU Vit D once for every 3days. Whether I will completely relieve from my problem with these medicines or is there any permanent recovery in ayurvedic?

U had allergic dermatitis problem this might be psychosomatic disease. . Cause are both external allergies chemicals etc internal weakened immunity changed blood composition nutritional deficiency etc. U Need proper ayurvedic treatment diet suppliment and even counselling. We have very good medicines and suppliments for ur problem. For more information call or what's app me on this site : nine five three five four two zero seven seven zero. thank u ...

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Dr. Ramesh Madan

  • Internal Medicine
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  526 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Vivek Nair

  • Dermatologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  845 Doc Points

Dr. Alok Kalyani

  • Rheumatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  455 Doc Points


  • Orthopedist
  •  Jalna, India
  •  202 Doc Points

Dr. jayalakshmi rajesh

  • Pediatrician
  •  Chennai, India
  •  117 Doc Points


  • Dermatologist
  •  Ghaziabad, India
  •  109 Doc Points

Dr. Niraj Mahajan

  • Obstetrician and Gynecologist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  148 Doc Points


  • Dentist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  104 Doc Points

Dr. rajasekaran stephen

  • Dentist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  100 Doc Points