Topics Duplex scanning
  Topics Duplex scanning

Duplex scanning

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i am just 25 years old.My height is 169 cm&weight-72 kgslast 10 days back i checked my bp,it is 150/ lipid profile reports are normal,in ultrasound scanning liver was minute enlarged,i am taking stamlo beta for my hypertension,now can i use ayurveda medicines for hyprtension & liver enlargement.

Hi, Looking at your detail that you gave me, you seem to have a normal BMI (body mass index),and normal cholesterol levels which is a good thing. There can be many people who might have a slight or mildly enlarged liver that only means that you should have a little less on your cholesterol or oil in eating and may be alcohol if you ingest it. You can use ayurvedic drugs for your liver,but I wont say them for hypertension. Now a days many doctors prescribe diuretics as a first line of treatmen ...

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Hi, I am 28years old and married 4years ago. I am trying to concieve. I am having PCOS and lil high prolactin. I have done the follicle study 3times and all the 3times egg was released but no success in getting preg. This time too my doctr gave me initial 5days siphine 100mg tablets and did scanning till 14th day however i was having multiple small follicles. Doctor told me this time chances for releasing egg is less however i will get my period on time. Now it is 40th day and i have done home preg test but negative. Usually whenever i have taken 5days siphine 100mg tablets i used to get my periods on 28 to 30days. What is the reason for delay in getting my period this time? Will there be chances for preg ?

Hi!! If your pregnancy test is negative( home kit),then you should still get a blood test to rule out pregnancy.This is called a serum beta hcg test and can be done in any routien laboratory any time of the day.This test if value less tahne 5 will confirm that there is no pregnancy. Your period can also be delayed due to PCOD, like you said that the doctor said that the eggs were not ruptured in this cycle.If the pregnancy beta hcg test is negative ,take withdrawal medication of meprate and star ...

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Hi doctor I am 26 weeks pregnant and my previous scanning shows Doppler screen positive and I ihave high BP.. My doctor said baby growth said it can affect baby's growth. Is there anything to worry.. ?

Hi there. Please coordinate with your OB closely. It is important that you maintain your blood pressure as normal as possible. Doppler velocimetry must also be done often. If reversed flow is observed, pregnancy might be terminated sooner. Good luck. ...

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Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1091 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Nakkiran.PT k

  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  •  Chennai, India
  •  253 Doc Points

Dr. Christine Marie Rubio

  • Obstetrician and Gynecologist
  •  Parañaque, Philippines
  •  577 Doc Points