Topics Colon Hydrotherapy
  Topics Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon Hydrotherapy

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I have been diagnosed with IBS a little over 10 years ago by a gasterenterologist. They did the colonoscopy and determined that it was IBS (diarrhea only for me), but I have not been back since due to financial hardship. I have been experiencing some pain, bloating, gas, unusual bowel movements for me - constipation, and unusual looking feces. It has at times looked to be long and thin which is quite abnormal. I have been a vegetarian for 18 years but for the last 8 months have been vegan. These symptoms have not come on until about 2 months ago, however. If anything, I am eating a lot more fruits, vegetables and fiber, which should make me more regular and NOT constipated (I do not eat any dairy or eggs - nothing from animals at all). I used to have to take 3-4 Immodim a day before going to work just to function at my job, but recently, I have not been taking any of it and still have trouble going to the bathroom. I am concerned that this may be something serious. I have read everything I can about these symptoms and have seen that it could be a sign of colon or rectal cancer. I am not an alarmist, but am interested to know if I should be seeking medical attention immediately. Thoughts? Thank you. Rebecca

dear rebecca, pleased to know how keen you are with your health (many people are sooooo careless). As for your IBS, it is a wise idea to undergo a colonoscopy once every year. Cancer or colon or rectum is very rare and there are early signs of it like a polyp which can be easily diagnosed and removed by colonoscopy. so if you really need to be cautious, you have to underdo a colonoscopy once every year. Take care. www. pilesfreedom. com ...

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My appendix ruptured 4 days before I went into the hospital for any treatment. Obviously at the time I was very unaware of what it was until after being diagnosed through a very rapid volly of tests and scans, which within hours resulted into surgery. I thought I pulled a muscle or broke/chipped a rib. After I woke from survey the doctor explained my appendix did rupture but luckily, and she quoted to "luckily" in the "chances of winning the lottery" way. she went on to explain that it looked like it ruptured days ago.(I went 4 days of same intense pain levels). She said where it ruptured was "luckily" so close to my colon that the poisonous puss acualy fused my ruptured appendix to the side of my colon which resulted in a, and again I quote, "a miracle bandage", that somewhat sealed most of the deadly toxins that surely would of.."should of" killed me within hours, a few days at best, without immediate care and heavy antibiotics. It was so bad she had to remove part of my colon and needed to make 2 separate incisions. I lay here now after a 2 day after care stay, at my home, with a long drain tube still attached and sucking poison out, a bottle of pain meds which I won't take and refused before surgery also, and a huge bottle of strongest antibiotics prescribable that I must take for at minimum 14 days. I'm a single full time father of 3 girls, twins(almost 14) and a 10yr old. We have no other family, they are what I live for, my strength, my joy, my pride and I litteraly thank god every night for allowing me to care, provide, and have another day together. I never thought I could be more grateful for each day given my past I didn't deserve it. my question is simply this, and thank you for reading, Was I really that close to death? Or is my doctor trumping it up so I'm more conscious about seeing my doc more than once every 5-7 years if that? I will start regular check ups and won't tuff things out to much as a result..BUT COULD I HAVE DIED THAT FAST? THAT EASILY?? please be straight need to be drawn out.. Thank you for your time! God Bless, The GrateFull DaD

Ruptured appendix still continues to be a grave problem and can even prove disastrous if surgery is delayed too long ...

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My husband has stage 4 cancer of the colon and metastasized to liver and very slightly to lungs. Because of the many colonoscopies and eventual colostomy he has not lost a lot of weight and is too week to have chemo. The oncologist has given him Betanoid. What is this for?

Metastatic colon cancer requires chemotherapy with targeted therapy, preferably iv. If found unfit by the treating Oncologist, then oral chemotherapy is the other option. Betanoid is only an oral supplementation with vitamins and antioxidants. ...

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Dr. Pravin Gore

  • Colon and Rectal Surgeon
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  474 Doc Points

Dr. Fazl Q Parray

  • Surgeon
  •  Srinagar, India
  •  511 Doc Points

Dr. charudatta jog

  • Surgeon
  •  Daman and Diu, India
  •  305 Doc Points


  • Gastroenterologist
  •  Jaipur, India
  •  115 Doc Points

Dr. Bipin Vibhute

  • Gastroenterologist
  •  Pune, India
  •  509 Doc Points

Dr. Fahad Afzal

  • Oncologist
  •  , India
  •  310 Doc Points

Dr. Surendra Kumar BNYS

  • Yoga Expert
  •  Sehore, India
  •  100 Doc Points

Dr. Ashmita Boopathy Moturi

  • Naturopathy Expert
  •  Chennai, India
  •  400 Doc Points

NineO2 Detox and Wellness Zone

144 Lattice Bridge Road, Tiruvanmyur Chennai 600041 , Opposite to IMCOPS Hospital
   Chennai, India

Salubrity Integrative Wellness Clinic

F-135, Sapphire Mall
   Gurgaon, India