Sir, My mother is 65 .She is,d
  Sir, My mother is 65 .She is,d

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Sir, My mother is 65 .She is,diabetic and on insulin.She has got some swelling/mass type of thing above ankel.She thinks it's because of diabetic.She also feels numbness in left leg or stiffness in hands.Is it because of sugar? Should she use medicines for it?

PAST HISTORY : Diabetic.Mild MR.Kidney Dilated cyst. Common Allergies.(dust,cold and fumes) Have gone through gynea repairments and surgeries.Haemoride surgery many years ago.Given birth to 6 children.Health is in good condition just occasional problems.Allergy is contineous. Daily nedicibes: omeperozol,domeprodine,Nimixa/Rifaxa200mg,Lipton 50,Arbi 150,Humolin 70/30 insuline twice .

1 Answers

SHE must do regular kidney function tests. numbness and stiffness can be due to diabetes. control her sugars and bp adequately

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Sir i am suffering from knee sweeling in my rt knee for 6 month,two times i hv removed water(aspiration) from it bt never found relief.some time it decrease and some time increase.all tests x rays,crp,esr are normal not yet i found any relief.4 years ago same problem were in my lft knee and dr. Removed 2 pieces(tissue) from lft knee which were found normal(non specific),till one month after surgery i couldn't bent knee even a little bit,i took physiotherapy by wax and till 9 months i could bent it onle 80% after 1.5 or 2 year i could bent it properly 100 bt with pain,still there is pain when i bent it proper,and also swelling in rt knee.Dr.'s Of hospital in which i get surgery 4 yrs ago said that same surgery will pass in rt knee,bt i am afraid because still there is pain in my lft knee,if i pass again surgery in rt knee i will face same problem of pain in my rt knee,please advice me sir if there another way to get treated without surgery like med. Or i should get treated by surgery,i am just 23 yr old boy,still there is whole life for me to live please help me.

  Doctor's Answer

Try with some good physio therapist ,with CPM and manual therapy skills. ...
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About 5 years ago I noticed a dramatic reduction of the muscle mass (Muscle atrophy) in my right calf muscle, like 75% to 80% reduction compared to my Left calf Muscle (possible the gastrocnemius), I also noticed that my Achilles is also very loose, when in a relaxed state, compared to the left leg. What could be the possible problems? There is no pain (other than uneasiness like restless leg syndrome) associated with this problem. I do have a lower back problem (damage) that was done 30 years ago to the L4/L5 herniated disk. Now I have noticed that other muscles are starting to harden and reduce like the one did 5 years ago. I went on a 15 mile hike in the mountains this past summer and I am very active during the day. However I do not regularly exercise as I should. Thoughts?

  Doctor's Answer

Hello Sir, You are suffering from myopathy for which a thorough examination needs to be done. Blood tests like Creatine kinase and Electrodiagnostic tests like Electromyography [ E.M.G.] should be done. Nerve conduction studies for the affected limb should be done. Many endocrine disorders can also cause myopathy such as thyroid , parathyroid , adrenal disorders , Diabetes , Vitamin - D deficiency etc. You need to go to your nearest doctor for clinical assessment . Moreover other blood ...
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Hi I had a surgery done to remove a raptured sebaceous cyst on my left buttock which has been left open - there are a lot pus remaining n the nurse said that i might be gettin it again n can you suggest me ways/remedies how to get the pus out completely n how to avoid getting that cyst again [ got the cyst at the same place as last year's]

  Doctor's Answer

It might be Pilonidal Sinus or Abscess ...
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hi my dad (68 years) has undergone a Turp sugery on 23rd Dec.He has been fitted with a cathether..He has been prescribed the following medicines (Pan 40 mg, levomac,augmentin 625 mg, chymoral fote)..He is taking it regularly...But the problem is he feels sleepy always and in a day sleeps for atleast 16 hrs (altough not so tight sleep) not sure of the reason why he feels so drowsy..can it be because of the tablets..also for info he was given spinal anaesthasia for the sugery..please advise..

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, I would recommend you to get a serum electrolyte done of your dad. If sodium levels comes out to be low then you have the cause and you will have to add a bit of salt in his diet and he will improve. You can consult a urologist since all these problems you had were after the surgery. Feel free to ask more question. ...
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Dear Doctor, Please help me to control my diabetes. I am a dibetic patient about 17 years and under insulin for the past 5 years.Before five years I underwent CABG surgery. My need for consultation is for Diabetes. Now i take Metformin 500 SR/Diapride 2mg and 30/70 fast acting Insulin 18 in the morning and night time I take diapride 2mg and Insulin 8 points only. My HbA1c is 7.9 and always PP is above 200 to 240 Today fasting is 121 and PP is 234.Please advice.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Since you are a known diabetic,few changes which have to be brought in are lifestyle modifications. If you have already not changed them or if you are not serious about them because they are the only steps which would help you the most. Drugs just bring down sugar for a few hours and then would raise back again and your body can become slowly resistant to the same drug dose so first you will have to bring lifestyle modification(changes) in yourself. 1)Eat a low-cholesterol, low-fat diet, ...
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About 5 years ago I noticed a dramatic reduction of the muscle mass (Muscle atrophy) in my right calf muscle, like 75% to 80% reduction compared to my Left calf Muscle (possible the gastrocnemius), I also noticed that my Achilles is also very loose, when in a relaxed state, compared to the left leg. What could be the possible problems? There is no pain (other than uneasiness like restless leg syndrome) associated with this problem. I do have a lower back problem (damage) that was done 30 years ago to the L4/L5 herniated disk. Now I have noticed that other muscles are starting to harden and reduce like the one did 5 years ago. I went on a 15 mile hike in the mountains this past summer and I am very active during the day. However I do not regularly exercise as I should. Thoughts?
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hi my dad (68 years) has undergone a Turp sugery on 23rd Dec.He has been fitted with a cathether..He has been prescribed the following medicines (Pan 40 mg, levomac,augmentin 625 mg, chymoral fote)..He is taking it regularly...But the problem is he feels sleepy always and in a day sleeps for atleast 16 hrs (altough not so tight sleep) not sure of the reason why he feels so drowsy..can it be because of the tablets..also for info he was given spinal anaesthasia for the sugery..please advise..
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Dear Doctor, Please help me to control my diabetes. I am a dibetic patient about 17 years and under insulin for the past 5 years.Before five years I underwent CABG surgery. My need for consultation is for Diabetes. Now i take Metformin 500 SR/Diapride 2mg and 30/70 fast acting Insulin 18 in the morning and night time I take diapride 2mg and Insulin 8 points only. My HbA1c is 7.9 and always PP is above 200 to 240 Today fasting is 121 and PP is 234.Please advice.
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Respected Dr. The following are the brief details of my case for your kind consideration:- 1. History of High Myopia since the age of 12 years. 2. Suffered Retina Detachment in the right eye at the age of 25 years and was operated upon at Shankar Netralaya, Chennai but with little gain of vision. 3. Continued with the help of contact lens in the left eye and almost stable number for the next 11 years. 4. Sudden appearance of rainbow like colours in the Left eye and the case was diagnosed as Advanced Optic Nerve Atrophy & Retinal Degeneration at PGI, Chandigarh & I was told that the condition is irreversible with no cure or medication. 5. I was put on eye drop medication with Dorzox, Combigan , Alphagen & am continuing with the same. 6. I was advised IOL transplant in the left eye and underwent surgery for the same at Grewal Eye Institute, Chandigarh. 7. During the last 4 ½ years i.e. since the problem was diagnosed, I have underwent regular treatment under Acupuncture, Acupressure, Ayurvedic & Homeopathy medicines but with no relief and the deterioration in the field of vision and also its aquity has continued. 8. The latest checkup has shown that even the remaining macular vision in the Left Eye also shows signs of further degeneration. Kindly suggest some remedy for my sister's ailment. Pravin Misra
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