Total Views: 994
PAST HISTORY : No serious medical problem
Doctor answered : 11 years ago
Did you ingest it?
If not, then just rinse your mouth thoroughly with normal water.
Drink lot of water and milk to reduce absorption.
Did you had any vomiting or abdominal pain during that incident?
If yes, then do consult a nearby hospital.
teeth will not be affected if the cream was removed all of a sudden, only thing could be irritation of gums.
Please be alert in future and don't let it happen again.
Dr. Opinder Singh Thind answered : 11 years ago
Hello lau, thanks for asking but as per you, if you immediately washed it with water, then chances for its absorption in your system would be bare minimum. Try to be careful in the future as small children in the house may think of these insect repellent creams as any other cream. Take care & god bless.
Doctor answered : 11 years ago
just rinse your mouth thoroughly with normal water.
Drink lot of water and milk to reduce absorption.
If you had any vomiting or abdominal pain during that incident, then do consult a nearby hospital.