i m having acne n was prescrib
  i m having acne n was prescrib

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i m having acne n was prescribed to use persol forte now aftr 3 days me skin is peeling like sunburn n its vry dried now wat to do plz hlp fr glowing fair skin

1 Answers

stop persol forte for now
use emoderm cream twice a day just after washing face
after 15 days start persol again, apply sparingly for a short period and wash off. Most acne medictions cause irritant reaction. no cause to worry just be patient. gradual increase of duration of medicine' congtact with skin with resolve the matter
still a problem, see your dermatologist

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i am a 30 year old male before 01 month my skin was spotless, glowing and acne free but now there are pimples on my forehead, and pigmentation my deramtologist has suggested me to be on Isotroin-10 mg daily one tablet, nilac A GEL for pimples,Brevoxyly creamy face wash and Melacare HC during night time, Kojimed cream during day time & Shadowz 50 sunscreen will it help me and one i have a doubt whther Melacare HC can be used with Brevoxyl creamy wash as it contains Benzoyl peroxide, will be highly obliged if you reply as it has lost my confidence

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, As far as I know the two can be used together (melacare hc and brevoxyly cream face wash). It is just that you should not have any kind of allergy to brevoxyly cream face wash. First use only brevoxyly cream and if you have breathing difficulty,swelling of lips,face and throat,skin redness,burning,or dryness,then don't use it further but otherwise there should not be any worry. However it depends from person to person so it cannot be confirmed. Melacare cream should not be used for too lon ...
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sir/mam, i am having accute vit d deficiency.it was not known to me earlier so i started taking skin treatment which includes isotretinoin 20 mg n antibiotics.i had yellow peel twice n wen i moved out in sun for longer durations,my skin has got burnt n lost its glow.m feeling like an aged person.please let me know if there s a better alternative the peels.i am having active acne on my jaw line n forehead, blackheads and acne scars.

  Doctor's Answer

vit d is not related to skin disorders. ...
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when my baby is born she is so fair and pink ..after two day her face and body look radish ,after 4/5 days she look darker . lots of people said don’t worry baby color will change after some month .i don’t know but her complexion looks dull now .my husband have fair complexion and myself fair. That’s why we worry how she look like dark . any remedy to improve the color of the baby

  Doctor's Answer

Thanks for your query All babies when they are born are fair and pink because they have no environmental exposure before birh.FIrst few days after birth they develop some red rashes in response to heat and cold.Baby's skin is very soft and sensitve so it reacts to clothes and linen baby wears.Thus baby's clothes should be soft and according to weather,for example they should be made of soft cotton during summers and humid climates.The dark colour your baby has acquired is her skin's response to ...
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My 3 year old has bad hives. I believe they are hives like urticaria but he was diagnosed with eczema since he was 1 year old. Now hes over 3 1/2 and it has exploded covering 80% of his body like rashes, bumps, very dry skin. His skin on legs looks like a bad sunburn and regular baths are a nightmare as the water irritates him as well as ANY kind of moisturizer. He look away Lanoline from AMD and spent over $1k in lotions and stuff alone. Food allegies were done and low on corn, wheat, oranges, soy, and few other items. Just keeping him 100% in home with air conditioner set at 68 degrees with air purifier going, new blanket, strict diet IT DOES ZERO. Im so frustrated. He went from little manageable eczema to a full blown mess. Been to doctors so many times as well as dermatologist and allergist to no aval. Also had soft yellow stools for a long time. Any kind of pressure to face turns it to a red mess and with hot skin.

  Doctor's Answer

Hello, Thank you for your question. I'm sorry to hear about your son's problem. Unfortunately it is not possible to give on opinion on management without seeing the rash and the extent of the problem. For that I would need photographs and this would require asking a premium question on the site. I'll do my best if you choose to do so. Regards. ...
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Aoa,i had fair complexion 3 years ago bt aftr getting married i devlopd freckles on my uperlips n cheeks.it loks very bad n i feel very bad also.plz give me suggestion.

  Doctor's Answer

Do a good exercise & take Cal.Phos 3x - Homeopathic Medicine ...
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when my baby is born she is so fair and pink ..after two day her face and body look radish ,after 4/5 days she look darker . lots of people said don’t worry baby color will change after some month .i don’t know but her complexion looks dull now .my husband have fair complexion and myself fair. That’s why we worry how she look like dark . any remedy to improve the color of the baby
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My 3 year old has bad hives. I believe they are hives like urticaria but he was diagnosed with eczema since he was 1 year old. Now hes over 3 1/2 and it has exploded covering 80% of his body like rashes, bumps, very dry skin. His skin on legs looks like a bad sunburn and regular baths are a nightmare as the water irritates him as well as ANY kind of moisturizer. He look away Lanoline from AMD and spent over $1k in lotions and stuff alone. Food allegies were done and low on corn, wheat, oranges, soy, and few other items. Just keeping him 100% in home with air conditioner set at 68 degrees with air purifier going, new blanket, strict diet IT DOES ZERO. Im so frustrated. He went from little manageable eczema to a full blown mess. Been to doctors so many times as well as dermatologist and allergist to no aval. Also had soft yellow stools for a long time. Any kind of pressure to face turns it to a red mess and with hot skin.
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i have normal skin(T zone oily) I am suffering from severe whiteheads and acne on my face . i have consulted few dermatologists but it barely gave me any good results. as per as the doctors prescription i have been using 1.azithromtcin azifem 500- tablets 2.adalene nano gel 3.D derclean hydro gel cleanser but it gave me no results at all. i want to have a clear and glowing skin alike yours. earlier it was nice but on the usage of kaya skin regime i ended up paying so badly for my skin. on sun explosion my skin gets worse. i expect your help to get rid of of my problems. also suggest a sun screen.
3 Answers
Sir.. About 7 years back I had lots of dandruff in my scalp. The dandruff wld be seen as huge flakes. At tht time I used many anti dandruff shampoos and some how it subsided aftr 6 months. Then hair loss started occuring aftr 2 years. As hairloss became evident I started using Gaine hair 2%. But on using this dandruff startd appearing. So I discontinued this. About a week back again the dandruff started coming as huge flakes. N for the last 5 years I have tinea versicolor lesions on my arms and back. I used clotrimazole for a long time n the lesions slowly subsided but now they r starting to appear again. Facial hair growth is normal n body hair is a little excess I guess. What should I do sir?
1 Answer