Hi, Why does my ear eardrum tw
  Hi, Why does my ear eardrum tw

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Hi, Why does my ear eardrum twitches when my testicles itch?

1 Answers


It might be that you might be having some separate problem in ear except for itch in testicle and you notice the two problems togetother

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I am a 46 year old man and over the last few years have been seeing the appearance of numerous red spots on my body. The spots are small and slightly raised and do not itch or hurt. What could these be? Is there any way I can treat them?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, These spots sound like Cherry Angiomas. Cherry angiomas (also called Campbell De Morgan spots) are an age related change, often first appearing in a person’s forties or fifties. They are caused due to localized dilation of blood vessels in the skin. They are completely harmless and you may get a few more with age. They can be removed for cosmetic reasons if so desired, and for this I would recommend the CO2 laser. Just one sitting is required and this is done by dermatologists. Ano ...
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I had a fall 6 months ago . Broke some cartage in my knee. My knee does a fast give out when I am walking. dont know what it is. Now I got told i have tendonitis of the ankle. It is so pain full. What is causing this and what can be done to help me. The doctor said I will some day need knee surgery and foot surgery to fuse all my bone toes together. He does not know why my knee on the out side gives a fast snap and gives out. Hop you can help me. Thank you Candie

  Doctor's Answer

The Changes seen in your musculoskeletal system are age related symptoms, Cartilage are Outer lining of the bones which in your case as you say, its broken, please understand, Cartilage cannot be regrown naturally as other tissue in the body. The knee give out fast, because your whole body weight is been carried by the weak knees while you walk, this in turn could lead to impaired gait cycle which ultimately result in pain in ankle causing tendonitis. if you take proper medication / physical a ...
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Hi there I have been to the doctors on Xmas eve and he said I have sinusitis as all my nasal passage was blocked I had a lot of pressure and tooth ache and head ache , he told me to take ibuprofen and sudafed and steam inhalation to which I did , that night went to bed and woke with terrible ear ache in my right ear after 4 hours it started cracking and eventually released fluid which then released the pain of ear ache , Christmas Day night it started in my left ear but this time the pain was so bad that nothing touched it and I was almost delirious ! Eventually it to cracked and popped and released fluid ! Both ears are still a little achy but bearable but they are still leaking and I am now a little death and I have ringing in my right ear constantly , I am taking antibiotics now started them on Christmas Day amoxicillin what do you think is going on in there I'm very concerned

  Doctor's Answer

it seems you have a predominantly ear based infection. visit and ENT ASAP on an emergency basis. ...
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Hi, I am really stressed and don't want to self diagnos and go crazy, but I have had this (pimple, ulcer, follicule infection or chancre on the side of the shaft of my penis. I don't know which one it is. I don't have medical but I am signing up on Tuesday for state medical..... The story is it appear maybe a week after a day and a half masterbation marathon I am embarrassed to say I had. It started as just a burning sensation on the side like I ripped the skin which I have done before. So I just didnt touch it. That was on a Sunday then Monday Xmas I tried to have sex with my lady and I couldn't cause of the pain and burning sensation on the skin. We started and stopped. 3 days after that in the same burning area 1 pimple formed with maybe 2 smaller ones. Very small ones... I I tried to masterbate again and it seemed as if it irritated the area and another one grew. They got to an ok size and where kind of painful. Then they grew and seemed to bust and started to go down. They look some like a chancre or a lesion when it was going down. They itch a little bit I guess that's from healing but I am freaked out. I had unprotected sex with another woman maybe a month before the night I began the marathon. I have pics please help.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, You might either be having STD or you might have ripped of your skin ,which might have also caused an ulcer. 1. Are you having any pain during micturition ? 2. Are you having any burning sensation during micturition ? 3. Are the ulceration rigid ? 4. Are there any glands on penile area ? 5. Any kind of secretion from ulcer or any kind of discharge ? If it is an STD then it can only be diagnosed by a scraping or specimen of discharge Please kindly describe the kind of ulcer(whether it is ...
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My 13 year old son had testicule torsion about a year ago, he was in the hospital and had surgery to remove one of his testicles. Now almost a year later he suddenly developed a red rash on his ball sac where the surgical incision is and its not smooth but rather rough , peeling a little but not hot to touch however feels like a slight pinching feeling. What may be the cause and should I just seek medical attention or do you have alternative suggestions?

  Doctor's Answer

probably keloid,take n opinion ...
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Hi there I have been to the doctors on Xmas eve and he said I have sinusitis as all my nasal passage was blocked I had a lot of pressure and tooth ache and head ache , he told me to take ibuprofen and sudafed and steam inhalation to which I did , that night went to bed and woke with terrible ear ache in my right ear after 4 hours it started cracking and eventually released fluid which then released the pain of ear ache , Christmas Day night it started in my left ear but this time the pain was so bad that nothing touched it and I was almost delirious ! Eventually it to cracked and popped and released fluid ! Both ears are still a little achy but bearable but they are still leaking and I am now a little death and I have ringing in my right ear constantly , I am taking antibiotics now started them on Christmas Day amoxicillin what do you think is going on in there I'm very concerned
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