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Dr. Salome Zhvania answered : 7 years ago
Hello. First of all valve replacement is quit effective surgical procedure. 1. At the begining the patient needs to get ready for surgery, it depends on the hospital but as usually takes several days, full examination of patient is done during this time. The number of days the patient needs to stay at the hospital after surgery is variable, depends on the patient's general condition, surgical results, but as usually, if everything is ok, after a day patient can sit up, after two days he/she can be discharged from intensive care unit and generally in 7-10 days from the hospital. Then he/she will have some restrictions for some time, (for example for 6 weeks driving a car is not allowed, hard physical activity is restricted...) but patient can return to regular condition or even better. 2. Prices are different in different countries, also it depends on the type of valve used for procedure. Better to call in a hospital where your brother is going to have a surgery for detailed information.