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Dear Experts, My two children are having low vision problem.I already Approached Aravind eye hospital Madurai.The doctors told me this problem cannot curable by any English medicine or surgery.Pls suggest me if there is any Ayurveda medicine to cure the problem. and also pls let me know ayur care centre in India. preferably at Hyderabad

4 Answers

If u r in Hyderabad, u can visit LV prasad Eye hospital and get an opinion.

If Doctors at Aravind has opined so, perhaps you should believe them. We have no idea of Ayurvedic medicine.

Don't get confused and go for glass whatever is prescribed by the eye specialist and wear glass all the time except only during sleep and bath as there is no treatment with medicines for spectacles removal in any system of medicine. Only way to remove spectacles is LASIK LASER after 18 years of age.

Respected Sir , Let mi send the details of the problem of your Childrens Problem !!! or simply mail mi report the Arvind Eye Hospital on my mail id *********@*****.com i will get back to you I m at Pune For you Reaching mi one time is not big stuff For Best of your kids vision M practicing Last 16 yrs with same. Definately you can do lot of things !!!! Can communicate mi on ********** will discusss

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Sir i am suffering from knee sweeling in my rt knee for 6 month,two times i hv removed water(aspiration) from it bt never found relief.some time it decrease and some time increase.all tests x rays,crp,esr are normal not yet i found any relief.4 years ago same problem were in my lft knee and dr. Removed 2 pieces(tissue) from lft knee which were found normal(non specific),till one month after surgery i couldn't bent knee even a little bit,i took physiotherapy by wax and till 9 months i could bent it onle 80% after 1.5 or 2 year i could bent it properly 100 bt with pain,still there is pain when i bent it proper,and also swelling in rt knee.Dr.'s Of hospital in which i get surgery 4 yrs ago said that same surgery will pass in rt knee,bt i am afraid because still there is pain in my lft knee,if i pass again surgery in rt knee i will face same problem of pain in my rt knee,please advice me sir if there another way to get treated without surgery like med. Or i should get treated by surgery,i am just 23 yr old boy,still there is whole life for me to live please help me.

  Doctor's Answer

Try with some good physio therapist ,with CPM and manual therapy skills. ...
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Hello, I have had a nail fungus for a good ten years or so. When I first noticed it, I went to my doctor and he game me lamasil which I stopped taking after a few days since it had negative affects on me. Thereafter, I stopped taking care of it and just let it go for a good 7 or 8 years. I eventually grew up and started getting very self conscious of how it looked and wanted to wear sandals and flip flops and not have people think nasty things about me. A few years ago I went to my doctor again and he gave me a topical oil which I used for over a year and did not see any results. About two years ago, I noticed that a vertical brown line was starting to grow from the bottom up. I went to a dermatologist who took a sample of my nail but did not take a sample of the nail bed or from the cuticle. Biopsy came back as of course it being a fungus. He in turn gave me pills to take which I also had to stop taking since it was having a bad affect on my liver. After that, my dermatologist said that he would give me laser treatments which I did two of. They did not clear it but it looks a little bit better then what it was before. Still thick, yellow, crumbling below the nail, nail bed where new nail is growing is darker then the others and the brown line is still there. It is a thick brown line. How did I get this brown line? Did I get it because of the prolonged damage of the nail bed due to the years of having the nail fungus?

  Doctor's Answer

You're most welcome. Nail Melanoma does not affect multiple nails together while Longitudunal Melanonychia (LM) often does. The fact that an additional nail is showing changes is nearly conclusive that this is LM, which as I said is harmless. However it would be best to see your doctor to get this confirmed since I cannot see the affected area. I would recommend getting the entire nail removed if its the only one affected by fungus, but this will be solely to treat the fungus not because I thin ...
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Recently punched in the right eye went to the optomologist and had eye checked out and eye is ok with a subconjective hemorrage and much bruising around eye. Now when I blink I hear a pop in my eye and feel pain in my front right tooth? What is going on? Do I need to see a doctor again or dentist?

  Doctor's Answer

the punch (trauma) u had might have injured your tooth too, plz visit a nearby dentist, . Have a good day Visit a nearby dentist. Have a good day ...
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yesterdaydoctor extracted my upper wisdom tooth after thatdoctor told its ankylosed.OAF++.closure done with surgicel and 3-0 vicryl.still its paining and swelling also told take care nicely if the surgicel and suture will remove you have to undergone another flap surgery. y this tooth ankylosed?why they sutured with surgicel?

  Doctor's Answer

Dear Patient,Normally if proper approximation is achieved during primary closure and the wound closure has taken place ie after 40 days then there is no further need for for a flap surgery or Z-Plasty if the whole tooth has been removed. That will take care of the Oro-Antral Fistula.The pain and swelling is associated with the surgical part and shall dissappear within a week. Use cold fomentation along with the medicines prescribed to you by your dentist and wait. ...
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Have done thorough eye checkup for my mother aged about 57 in Dr.Agarwal hospital and they suggested to go for cataract surgery using IOL techniques. Just want to check if we can get list of IOL lenses and their prices in market, so that i can cross verify with the prices Dr.Agarwal hospital is charge for me. If any one could provide prices for all kinds of IOL lenses, it would be great (or at least for 'Aberration free iOL' and 'Microincision IOL').

  Doctor's Answer

Ranging Between 35,000, to 2.5 Lakhs also Depends upon Quality of IOL , Brand ????? ...
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Sir i am suffering from knee sweeling in my rt knee for 6 month,two times i hv removed water(aspiration) from it bt never found relief.some time it decrease and some time increase.all tests x rays,crp,esr are normal not yet i found any relief.4 years ago same problem were in my lft knee and dr. Removed 2 pieces(tissue) from lft knee which were found normal(non specific),till one month after surgery i couldn't bent knee even a little bit,i took physiotherapy by wax and till 9 months i could bent it onle 80% after 1.5 or 2 year i could bent it properly 100 bt with pain,still there is pain when i bent it proper,and also swelling in rt knee.Dr.'s Of hospital in which i get surgery 4 yrs ago said that same surgery will pass in rt knee,bt i am afraid because still there is pain in my lft knee,if i pass again surgery in rt knee i will face same problem of pain in my rt knee,please advice me sir if there another way to get treated without surgery like med. Or i should get treated by surgery,i am just 23 yr old boy,still there is whole life for me to live please help me.
1 Answer
Hello, I have had a nail fungus for a good ten years or so. When I first noticed it, I went to my doctor and he game me lamasil which I stopped taking after a few days since it had negative affects on me. Thereafter, I stopped taking care of it and just let it go for a good 7 or 8 years. I eventually grew up and started getting very self conscious of how it looked and wanted to wear sandals and flip flops and not have people think nasty things about me. A few years ago I went to my doctor again and he gave me a topical oil which I used for over a year and did not see any results. About two years ago, I noticed that a vertical brown line was starting to grow from the bottom up. I went to a dermatologist who took a sample of my nail but did not take a sample of the nail bed or from the cuticle. Biopsy came back as of course it being a fungus. He in turn gave me pills to take which I also had to stop taking since it was having a bad affect on my liver. After that, my dermatologist said that he would give me laser treatments which I did two of. They did not clear it but it looks a little bit better then what it was before. Still thick, yellow, crumbling below the nail, nail bed where new nail is growing is darker then the others and the brown line is still there. It is a thick brown line. How did I get this brown line? Did I get it because of the prolonged damage of the nail bed due to the years of having the nail fungus?
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1 Answer
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