Total Views: 1002
PAST HISTORY : Recently diagnosed with Diabetes
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
HbA1C is more than 8, ABG is 200
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Had jaundice 25 years back , left drinks 8 years back,never been a hard drinker
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
I could not have a look at your report,probably you did not attach properly.
Your raised hba1c levels indicate that you are a diabetic and needed to be started on medicines for diabetes and that can be started only after knowing about your full history and examination.
ABG 200 i don't think you wanted to right the same and report must be telling something else which you did not write properly.
25 years old jaundice has no link today unless it was due to acute hepatitis infection.
Raised ggt can be due to alcohol or inflamation of gall bladder which is very non specific and would like to check complete liver function test of your's.
I would advice you to visit an internal medicine specialist for diabetes.