Dr. Yogesh Rao
  Dr. Yogesh Rao

Dr. Yogesh Rao

Dentist  (Dentistry - Prosthodontics)
  Dwarka, India

 (Practicing for 13 Years )
  • 100 Doc Points
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Area Of Expertise
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About Dr. Yogesh Rao

Dr. Yogesh Rao is a Dentist from Dwarka, India. He is licenced from Delhi, India and has been practicing for 13 Years.
As far as education concerns, He has done MDS from pacific dental college and hospital, class of 2011. He has worked as DENTIST at Private practise from 2012 to till date. He is affiliated with Indian prosthodontic association He has done certification in Laminates and veneers by Dr. Rajiv Verma, Esthetic cosmetic dentistry and Non surgical wisdom teeth extractions.

Dr. Yogesh Rao is KNOWN FOR

Dr. Yogesh Rao has not provided medical topics/area of expertise yet.

Dr. Yogesh Rao's EDUCATION

  Dr. Yogesh Rao completed MDS from pacific dental college and hospital , Class Of 2011

Dr. Yogesh Rao's Experience

  DENTIST at Private practise from 2012 to till date.

Dr. Yogesh Rao's LOCATION

Dr. Yogesh Rao's AFFILIATION

  Indian prosthodontic association


  Laminates and veneers by Dr. Rajiv Verma
  Esthetic cosmetic dentistry
  Non surgical wisdom teeth extractions

Dr. Yogesh Rao's AWARDS

Dr. Yogesh Rao has not provided awards information yet.