About Dr. Sukhtej Sahni
Dr. Sukhtej Sahni is a Psychiatrist from Mohali, India. He is licenced from Punjab, India and has been practicing for 5 Years. As far as education concerns, He has done MD from Government Medical College Chandigarh, class of 2009.
Dr. Sukhtej Sahni is a Psychiatrist from Mohali, India. He is licenced from Punjab, India and has been practicing for 15 Years.
As far as education concerns, He has done MD from Government Medical College Chandigarh, class of 2009. He has worked as Psychiatry at Government medical college chandigarh from 2009 to 2010.
He has been awarded with various awards like 2012 at North Zone, GC Boral Award and IPS Cinference For papaer presentation.